The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 249 Bloody Shura Realm

Chapter 249 Bloody Shura Realm (4)
"What do you think?"

"See if my Haotian Tower has a sense?"

This is the so-called resonance between artifacts, but the Haotian Tower didn't move at all, just like a small decoration, it didn't respond at all when it stood in the palm of your hand.

"It's so close, it's impossible not to respond?"

You can still talk about it when you are far away, but this is so close, how can there be no sense of induction at all.

Duoji didn't know anything about the artifact, so he tilted his head, glanced at the Haotian Tower and ignored it, and happily ran to Yumo's side with fruits and vegetables in his hands.

"Sister, late..."

The little wolf hissed, "She fell asleep."

Yu Mo had already fallen into sleep, probably because she was too tired, so she occasionally grunted a few times.

The little wolf tucked the quilt up for her, it was good to be able to sleep well, and the spirit would recover quickly after a full sleep.

Duoji wrapped the fruits and vegetables with leaves and placed them next to Yumo's pillow, thinking that she could eat them as soon as she woke up and saw them.

Ning Yi and Ning Bao were serving their master, but King Li's thoughts and eyes drifted towards Yu Mo from time to time. Seeing that she was asleep, he twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and turned to Ning Yi and said, "You will be the last one?" Crush a fire magic fruit into powder, and find a way to sprinkle it on the girl's food."

He would ask Ning Yi to do this because he knew that Yu Mo would not accept his favor, as if he owed him a penny and wanted to pay back a thousand cents, no matter how close he was, she would not accept it.

He has never met such a strong and principled woman in his life, and every time he shows affection, the result makes him dumbfounded.

When Ning Bao heard it, he immediately wanted to stop it, but was frightened back by Li Wang's cold stare, so he could only whisper: "Your Highness, it's the last one, you should think about yourself."

"Do you think I will need it?" He is not sick or in pain now, and he doesn't need it at all.

"Even if you don't need it, it's good to keep it."

The fire magic fruit is the holy medicine of the fox clan, it is extremely rare, last time I gave three of them, it was already a bloodletting, this time I brought two out, one has already been eaten by that girl, only this last one is left One, Ning Bao really felt distressed.

"Bringing it out is for use, what are you so reluctant to do?"

"Of course I won't be reluctant to give it to you, but I can't give it to her. As you can see, she doesn't appreciate it."

"It's not that she doesn't appreciate it, it's that you always look at her with blank eyes, as if she owes you a big debt."

After the previous Fire Demon Fruit was eaten by Yu Mo, Ning Bao didn't take a good look at her, as if she ate it secretly. It's normal for him to have such negative emotions. Only the children of the royal family can use the things that are used by the royal family. As a Xuanyuan person, being able to eat one is a blessing that has been cultivated for thousands of years. As far as the fire magic fruit is concerned, the only way is the gift of the master, and it is all exchanged with achievements and credits, but she did nothing and got four of them alone, which he cannot accept psychologically.

Ning Yi knocked on his forehead, "Your Highness will give you what you want, why are you talking so much nonsense."

"Waste! I haven't even eaten four. Just 30 years ago, my brother-in-law was rewarded and brought back one. You and he still share it."

At that time, he shared a small piece from Ning Yi to taste it.

"This time is different from the past, so don't mess around, bring it here, and don't miss your Highness's business."

"Sister, I don't understand. Aren't you upset to see her?"

"It's true to be unhappy, but I admire that girl's temper. In my opinion, she has endured more hardships than you."

(End of this chapter)

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