The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 250 Bloody Shura Realm

Chapter 250 Bloody Shura Realm (5)
It is an indisputable fact that Yu Mo is too weak, but it is because she is born in Xuanyuan, Ning Yi thinks it is very unfair to use this as an argument. If she is a monster, even if she is a weak monster, according to her temperament, It is not impossible to become a great demon.

Weak manpower and small strength are not the criterion for measuring a person's strength. The most important thing is her spiritual strength. Ning Yi has been observing her all the way. It is not difficult for her to guess what King Li is thinking. The throne and the identity of the queen are not important at all, and tomorrow I will go to Mount Sumeru. The situation in the mountain is unknown now, and it is difficult to determine whether it is dangerous or not. I'm afraid she won't be able to go up the mountain. If she can't go up the mountain, how can the dog demon king and the wolf demon king go up the mountain? They will definitely stay with her. Anyone with eyes can tell that these two kings regard this girl as their heart. Treasure is taking care of him, so the time to go up the mountain will be delayed again. It will be a long night and dreams. It is better to go up the mountain to find the artifact.

For the sake of the overall situation, it would not be a pity for her to eat this fire magic fruit.

"Bring it!"

Although Ning Bao was very reluctant, he still took it out and begged: "Sister, can half of it be okay?"

"Do you want to eat the remaining half?"

He is not qualified to eat it, it is only useful if he eats it.

After Ning Yi took the Fire Demon Fruit, she went out of the cave. According to King Li's intention, she did it secretly, but it was not easy to do it secretly. The girl was always surrounded by a bunch of people, so she couldn't get close, so she had to walk in the forest by herself. Circle, find a few fruits, sprinkle them on, and say that you went out to pick them yourself. Seeing that the taste is good, bring some over for the girl to taste.

The fire magic fruit is colorless and tasteless, and it can't be seen when it is sprinkled on the fruit. Duoji saw that the fruit is moist and must be delicious, so he thanked him quickly, took it and stuffed it next to Yumo's pillow.

The next day.

In the early morning, the rain finally stopped, and a beam of transparent sunlight fell from the clouds.

Under the reddish halo of the sun, the mountain looks like a big girl with blushing cheeks, with her head lowered shyly. When the sun slowly rises, Yu Mo wakes up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, looking outside the cave, The glare of the sun made her unable to open her eyes. When she woke up, she was hungry, and she touched the fruits and vegetables next to the pillow.

At this time, brushing your teeth and washing your face is not so important, filling your stomach is king.

When she was full, her spirits lifted, as if she had taken a big tonic pill, and she felt like she could go up the mountain to fight tigers.

Seeing that her spirit had improved and her pale face turned red, Xiao Lang was relieved. He was actually very worried that she would get sick. If she got sick, it would be a very bad thing right here and now.

If he was concerned, he would be confused, and completely forgot that she was a doctor. Although she was a veterinarian, she could see a doctor by herself.

Yumo stretched, walked out of the cave, and looked back at Mount Sumeru. The dazzling sun seemed to set the mountain on fire. The whole mountain turned red, but even though the sun was shining, the fog on the mountain did not dissipate. Sprinkled on the smoky mountain, the light shuttles through the mist, and the mist cooperates with the sun to pass through with the light. The small water droplets in the mist refract the light, as if covering the mountain with a golden cloak. , too beautiful to describe in words.

She couldn't help admiring: "What a beautiful mountain..."

On the top of the mountain, the fog dissipated, but the sun was covered by blood, a gloomy blood-colored Shura world, tall beasts and monsters stood majestically, stained with scarlet blood, stretched into pieces, meandering into a river, endless in the pool of blood The bones of the ground are floating, there are white dry bones everywhere, and the blood that flows out seems to be endless...

There are a few bubbles hanging in the blood pool, they are crystal clear, floating in the air, melodiously, against the reflection of blood, the scarlet is frightening, look carefully, there seems to be some images in the bubbles.

It was Little Wolf and the others.

A bubble, a person, their every move can be seen very clearly.

With a bang, a huge claw protruded from the pool of blood. The skin covering the claw seemed to be made of gold, and it was extraordinarily bright, but the tip of the claw was pitch black, and there was faint black smoke. The tip of the claw picked up one of the bubbles and poked it .

There was Yu Mo's figure.

A pupil suddenly reflected on the bubble's bright membrane wall.

The fundus of the eyes is golden brown, the pupils are black, like the eyes of a snake, when it stares at Yumo in the bubble, the pupils sometimes look like date stones, sometimes become thin lines, and finally become green light bulbs, round and shining .

"Haha... Interesting!"

Suddenly something exhaled, and the bubbles all over the sky burst like exploding plasma, turning into a puddle of blood.

After a while, the Scarlet Asura Realm disappeared, replaced by a fairyland with forests of cedars and bamboos, gurgling springs and blooming flowers.

Whether it is true or false, there is no way to tell.

(End of this chapter)

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