The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 256 1 Everything Is A Dream

Chapter 256: Everything Is A Dream (1)
Little wolf was so angry that he almost killed Ning Yi because Yu Mo disappeared.

Ning Yi also blamed herself for this, and even wondered why she disappeared after only a while, and the strangest thing was that the stone tablet she saw earlier also disappeared.

A group of people searched around in the mist, went wherever they could go, and went back to search for the way they came, but there was no trace of Yu Mo, and when they returned to the place where they rested just now, the fog thickly surrounded them. Standing there, no one could see clearly, and then the ground under their feet sank suddenly, and they hurriedly jumped away.

When it flew up, it clearly felt a suction force pulling people. The suction force was so strong that it was impossible to get rid of it. It could only be pulled in one direction, and it was even darker in front of it.

After the suction disappeared, due to inertia, they fell into a huge pothole. They were so dizzy that they couldn't tell the north from the south. When they landed, what they saw was the scene of the underworld in front of them.

The blood here avoids the sun, and the breath of death is everywhere.

A "Yin-Yang River" is running like a furious horse trying to find a way to leap over. The waves overlap one after another like an avalanche, rolling up a huge vortex, and rushing against the embankment furiously, making a rushing sound.

Its river bed is very wide, the color of the water is divided in the middle, half black, half red, side by side without confusion, where the wind passes by, the river roars, and the smell is pungent. Countless corpses struggle in the black water, twisting their bodies, stretching their hands, desperately Climbing to the shore, the red water is full of white corpses, rushing the waves to bloom, and retreating wildly, violently splashing into waves, bravely moving forward.

There is a long arched bridge on the river, the "Broken Soul Bridge". The color of the bridge is also divided into black and red, separating the two realms of Yin and Yang, and ghosts and souls wander on it like walking corpses.

In such a situation, there is no doubt about the realm of the underworld.

But only the dead go to Hades, they are alive.

After the corpses in the river climbed ashore, they attacked them. Their faces were dark, with pus and blood all over their bodies, their skin was festered, and the rotten muscles inside could be clearly seen. Their eyes seemed to have been gouged out, leaving only The two blood-colored hollows, because they are human bodies, can walk, but they are a little slow, and the degrees of decay of the bodies are also different. They pounce on the little wolf and others with long teeth and claws, and they want to bite when they open their bloody mouths, as if zombies.

The little wolf was lucky enough to knock down the four or five corpses approaching him, but to no avail, they were still able to get up after being knocked down.

After Shu Du knocked down the corpses around him, he said angrily, "What's going on here?"

After Lin Lang's teaching, Duoji was able to deal with two moves, but he was timid and was about to cry from fright, and with Yu Mo gone, he was terrified in his heart, and cried out with a wow.

"Stinky boy, why are you crying?"

As soon as Shu Du finished speaking, the ghost on the ground crawled over and grabbed his feet, howling like a wild animal. He condensed his breath into a sword, and slashed at it with a sword, chopping off its head. He rolled to the side, blood flowed from his head, his mouth, eyes, and ears were covered with thick bright red liquid, but he was still alive, opening his mouth to bite something.

These corpses didn't have the slightest sense of fear, and rushed over one by one.

"I want my sister! I want my sister!" He cried with snot and tears, and when he reached out to wipe it off, a ghost behind him wanted to sneak up.

Shu Du used Flying Blade Claws, knocked it down, and then reached out and grabbed him behind a rock.

"You stay here for me, don't move!"

"Brother wolf, sister..."

He shouted ferociously: "Shut up, I will go find them after I kill all these corpses! You are a man, why cry, crying is useless."

(End of this chapter)

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