The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 257 1 Everything Is A Dream

Chapter 257: Everything Is A Dream (2)
Arriving here out of nowhere is already enough to make him angry, but this kid insists on adding to the chaos.

Dorje didn't dare to cry anymore, and wiped his red eyes from crying, "I won't cry, I won't cry."

"Listen, the most important thing now is to kill all these corpses. I will deal with them at the front, and you will cover them at the back."

Dorji pulled himself together, "Yeah!"

The little wolf's eyes were already red-eyed, and the remains of corpses and souls were all around him.

Li Wang's side is the same, but there are a few more fresh corpses. They are dressed in white clothes, walk silently, stand on tiptoes, bow their heads, have no chins, have white eyes, small eyeballs, and face With weird smiles on their faces, they rushed over in groups.

"Eyes, give me eyes!"

"Give me the liver, I want your liver!"

Their outstretched hands were stained with black blood, desperately trying to poach Li Wang's eyes.

Ning Yi and Ning Bao chopped down several of them and piled them up into a mountain, but they didn't see them retreat, they still came towards this side without fear of death.

"Sister, what can I do, it's endless." Ning Bao raised his leg and swept towards a corpse in front of him, and punched the corpse on the left with both hands and feet. The speed of removal was very fast, but no matter how fast It couldn't compare to the speed at which the corpse crawled out of the Yinyang River.

There are so many of them, it seems to be endless, as soon as they crawl out, there are only a few born in the river. Although the attack is very weak, the number does not decrease but increases.

Awu and Dada are in charge of the corpses on the left and right, trying not to let them gather together.

The little wolf was startled to realize that going on like this would only consume all his energy, so he shouted at Shudu, "Shudu, use the Haotian Tower!"

The Haotian Tower has the ability to collect demon power. These corpses are so rotten that it is impossible to have life. Someone must be controlling them to be able to move. That is to say, control must use demon power, even the scene in front of you The illusion created by the demon power, otherwise how could they come to Hades alive.

"it is good!"

Shu Du tore off the Haotian Tower, threw it into the air, and drank, the Haotian Tower instantly shot out golden light, which changed from small to large, and spun in the air.

With a bang, the Haotian Tower turned sideways. The statues of Buddhas and gods carved on the tower suddenly opened their eyes, and the guns in their hands turned one by one. When all the guns turned, a huge giant appeared above the tower. Array disk.

The core of the magic circle is a clearly outlined Buddha and God head, surrounded by three rings, the outermost layer rotates clockwise, the middle layer rotates counterclockwise, and the innermost layer is the core of the spell that cannot be moved.

The formation plate began to enlarge infinitely, covering the place where the corpses gathered. When the strong light fell, it was like a lightning strike, absorbing the demon power from their bodies. The absorbed corpses seemed to be completely scorched, forming a mass pile of dirt.

However, a lot of corpses died, and there are still many corpses crawling out of the river. Even with the help of the Haotian Tower, the number cannot be prevented from continuing to increase.

Worried about Yu Mo's safety, the little wolf didn't want to fight at all. When he was agitated, he turned into a giant white dog and began to bite these corpses frantically.

It is a big monster, it is not difficult to deal with these corpses, the difficulty is how to break out of the encirclement.

With such dense numbers, no matter how many of them are crushed, there will still be corpses rushing towards them one after another, and it is impossible to know where this place is.

A group of people can only come to kill one by one, or two to kill one pair when faced with endless corpses and souls.

If this continues, physical exertion is inevitable.

Xiao Lang felt deeply that the situation was worrisome, and he was even more worried about Yu Mo's safety, so he became a little anxious, but he knew that anxiety was useless, the most important thing was how to get out of here.

(End of this chapter)

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