The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 258 1 Everything Is A Dream

Chapter 258: Everything Is A Dream (3)
If this is an illusion, there must be a way to eliminate it.

He looked around, trying to find a place that was contrary to this place, but all illusions were created by formations, paying attention to the techniques of the five elements, as long as one of them was destroyed, the illusion would be exposed.

They fell here from the top, so the formation plate is probably on the top, and they should have passed through the formation plate, that is to say, the formation plate is a door, they can enter, and they can come out naturally. If they want to go out, they must first close the door. find out.

He looked up, only to see blood-colored clouds floating thickly, without any trace of formation.

"Shudu! Cover me, I want to fly up to have a look!"

Shu Du was grabbing two corpses and smashing them to the ground until their brains were cracked. He was already angry, his fangs were exposed, and even the wolf's ears were erected.


He moved the Haotian Tower over, and erected the array for collecting demonic power, forming a huge protective net. As long as the corpse touches it, it will immediately turn into dust.

The little wolf jumped up, and the huge dog tail whipped up a strong wind to disperse the clouds and mist, but did not find any array.

how can that be! ?
He thought that his guess could not be wrong.

"How? Can I go out?"

Shu Du dutifully covered him below, seeing him standing still in the air, he couldn't help asking.

The little wolf slowly landed and shook his head at him.

"Damn it! I'll have to skin him before I know who did it."

"King of dog demon!"

After breaking out of the encirclement, Li Wang was covered by Ning Yi and Ning Bao, and slowly approached this side. He and Xiao Lang had the same idea, and they also flew into the air to search the side.

The little wolf asked, "How?"

"I don't have any sign of array here either."

Shu Du raised his knife and killed a few corpses, then turned around and said, "Could it be that this is really Hades, not an illusion?"

Without array disks, illusions cannot be created.

Li Wang frowned and replied, "This possibility is extremely slim."

"Then tell me, what the hell is going on? If it weren't for Hades, where did these corpses come from?"

Regarding this question, if Li Wang could answer it, he wouldn't be so distressed.

Seeing the crowds of corpses gathering more and more, the little wolf's face became more and more ferocious. If it drags on, the situation will get worse and worse, because of the large number, they have already been surrounded.

There is no way out from the top of the head, and there are no holes or tricks around, it seems to be a closed space...

The little wolf's eyes flashed sharply, looking at the Yinyang River.

The bottom of the river is the only place that has not been explored, and it is also the most difficult place to approach, because the corpse crawls out of it.

"Ali, Shudu, I have an idea..."

At this time, King Li didn't have time to worry about the damn title, and immediately said: "What did you think of?"

"The bottom of the river!"

River bottom! ?
King Li looked at the mixed red and black river, corpses and souls were crawling out of it continuously.

This is the source, and it is also the least accessible place.

This is indeed the best place to hide the array disk.

"What are you going to do?"

"Dive in!"

"It's too risky. There are countless corpses and spirits in the river. You will be besieged as soon as you go there. It's a rapid current. You may be washed away before you dive in, or you may be trapped by corpses and spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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