The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 259 1 Everything Is A Dream

Chapter 259: Everything Is A Dream (4)
"Then try it too!"

He didn't want to waste time here, and he was extremely worried about Yu Mo's situation. They encountered a corpse, what would happen to her, she was alone, and there was no one to protect her. If she also encountered a corpse...

He dared not think about it any longer.

Li Wang knew that this was the last possibility, if he didn't try, everyone might die here.

That being the case...

It's better to give it a go than fighting a trapped beast.

He walked to the vicinity of the Yinyang River and observed carefully. Although there are many corpses, they are always dense. If you want to go down the river, you have to find an area where there are not many corpses.

"Yi'er, how long can your Qiansitang hold these corpses?"

Ning Yi's Qiansi Tang can manipulate the enemy as a puppet, but the duration is based on the number, the more the more the more difficult it is to control.

"Your Highness means..."

Li Wang pointed to an area in the river where dozens of corpses gathered, "If you want to control them all, how long can you last?"

He needs Ning Yi to restrain their movements with a thousand silk coils so that the little wolf can dive down to find the array.

"A stick of incense!" This was her limit.

He frowned, probably not enough time, because he would only know how deep the river was when he dived down. If there was a formation below, there must be some cover, and he couldn't find it all at once.

Shu was not as quick-witted as the two of them, but he understood after a few sentences.

"If you're covering, I'll be there. I'll go down with Stinky Dog. He'll dive, and I'll be covering. You guys will help by the river."

He has the Haotian Tower, so he should be able to last for a long time.

Li Wang felt that this was the only way to go.

"it is good!"

But the premise is that they seem to have dealt with the corpses on the shore.

A group of people resolutely killed the enemy quickly, each released a big move, and wiped out as much as half of the corpses. After choosing the right time, Xiaolang and Shu both jumped into the river.

As soon as they entered the river, they realized that the river was not water, it was as sticky as a swamp, and the dexterity of their hands and feet was compromised.

Little Wolf is eager to find Yu Mo, no matter how difficult it is, he is fearless.

Ning Yi on the shore released Qiansi Coil to control the corpses surrounding him and Shudu.

"That's it!"

The little wolf took a deep breath and sank to the bottom of the river.

The capital of Shu released the Haotian Tower to lure the gathered corpses to other places. King Li transformed into his original form with nine tails, killing all directions.

The sight of the bottom of the river is dim and unclear, and the lower it goes, the more it looks like mud and rocks. The resistance is quite large. The little wolf dived as deep as possible, and suddenly a vortex hit him, blowing him away. He squinted his eyes and released his demonic power to stop the There was a shock, and he caught a glimpse of a spot of light from the corner of his eye, but his vision was dim, and he didn't know if it was where the array was, so he had to swim over again.

Everyone on the shore has tried their best, especially Ning Yi has put all his demon power in order to control more corpses and souls.

She is a six-tailed fox, her demon power is not weak, but it takes a lot of energy to control dozens of foxes, and her concentration is multiplied, and the demon power must be evenly distributed, otherwise the balance will be lost. It can be easier to control the mind, but these corpses have no bones, they can only restrain their mobility, and the consumption of physical energy is also very large, and they have formed a competition of endurance and mental strength with them.

She gritted her teeth, cold sweat already oozing from her forehead.

"Sister, I'll help you!"

After Ning Bao dealt with a batch of corpses, he put his palm on her back and passed his demon power over.

In order to protect them, Li Wang opened his nine tails in a fan shape, like a huge shield, blocking the densely packed corpses back.

(End of this chapter)

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