The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 260 1 Everything Is A Dream

Chapter 260: Everything Is A Dream (5)
The little wolf at the bottom of the river is still fighting, and the resistance of the water flow is getting bigger and bigger, rejecting his invasion, and so on, which makes him more convinced that there are articles in the bottom of the water.

He condensed the monster power in his palms, clapped them down, punched the water out of a hole, and jumped in.

On the top of the mountain, Thunderbolt Bubbles wandered and floated, and the situation of Xiaolang and the others was clearly reflected on it.

"It's smart to find out so quickly!"

The golden claw tapped the ground, looking a little excited.

"Well, I'm brave enough! But my illusion is not so easy to break... Whatever the heart is, the state will be..."

With a sweep of the golden claw, the lightning balls in the front row flew away, and after a while, several other lightning balls jumped over. It was no longer Xiaolang and the others, but Yu Mo.

She was squatting under a tree in a daze...

Compared to the thrilling situation on the little wolf's side, she is calm.

"This girl is really boring..."

Suddenly, a strange light flashed in the pupils...

"I have to use another method for you..."

In the bright spring, Yumo looked at the cloudless sky and continued to be in a daze. She didn't do it on purpose, but she had exhausted her means and couldn't get out of here. No matter where she went, she would return to this tree. Under the tree, fortunately, nothing happened along the way, as if on an outing, except for the scenery, there is nothing else.

She actually wanted to cry, she didn't know where this place was, and she didn't know where the little wolf was.

The whole donkey is so poor...

She yelled loudly and lay down on the grass, her eyes were filled with white clouds in different shapes, she felt sleepy just looking at them, even though she knew she couldn't close her eyes, she just couldn't control it.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he fell asleep.

Suddenly there was a barking sound, and after two sounds, it was a human voice.

"Wow woof, wake up, woof woof, wake up!"

The sound gradually became louder, until it was deafening in the end.

"I'm sick!"

She yelled and opened her eyes again, but was horrified.

What catches the eye is no longer the beautiful forest and grassland, but...

Isn't this place with a very modern decoration feature her room?
She was completely stunned.

"Momo, are you awake? It's time for you to go to school."

The door opened, and Mother Lan walked in.

Yu Mo was shocked and said, "Mom, why are you here?"

"Silly girl, I'm sleepy. I've been at home all the time. Get up, don't be lazy on the bed, and be careful to be late on the first day of school."

"go to school……"

"Yeah, your summer vacation is over, today is the new semester, get up, have a good breakfast, your dad just saw you off."

Lan's mother opened the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the sun was shining, and the scenery outside the window was also printed in Yu Mo's eyes.

The skyscrapers not far away are so distinct, and there is that big signboard that says development is the last word...

This is the human world! ?
3 minutes of silence...

She got out of bed in a start, and crawled downstairs.

In the restaurant downstairs, Papa Lan, Grandma Lan, and Grandpa Lan were all there, talking and laughing while eating breakfast.

Grandpa Lan had sharp eyes and was the first to see her. He greeted her, "Good morning, girl, are you awake?"

"Grandpa!" She began to get a little excited.

Papa Lan took a piece of fermented bean curd for himself, and said, "Look at your messy hair, hurry up and comb it."

"Daddy!" Her eyes also started to turn red.

Grandma Lan smiled and pointed to the tofu nao on the dining table, "Your grandfather bought it for you, it's still hot, hurry up and eat it."

"Grandma!" Hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Oh, what's the matter, I cried so early in the morning!" Grandma Lan was taken aback, and hurried over to hug her, "Did you have a nightmare? You had nightmares like this when you were a child, and you would act like a baby when you woke up. "

Dream! ?

Yu Mo blinked her eyes. If it was a dream, it would be too real, but the smell of traditional Chinese medicine and the warmth on grandma's body are so real, it doesn't seem like something in a dream at all.

"Momo, talk, how can you be so stupid, this kid hasn't recovered from the high fever last time, right?"

Lan's father hurried over and covered her forehead, "It's not hot."

Grandpa Lan raised his hand and gave her pulse, "The pulse is stable, nothing is wrong, it should just be sleepy."

Yu Mo looked at the family in front of him, the temperature on their bodies was so real and familiar.

Can dreams be so real?
She couldn't help being confused.


"Huh? What's the matter, dear girl?" Papa Lan stroked the hair on top of her head.

"When did I come back from the Mountain Sea Realm?"

Papa Lan replied in a daze: "What mountain and sea world?"

She was startled, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

"That's where the little wolf lives!"

Papa Lan frowned and said, "Who is Little Wolf?"

(End of this chapter)

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