The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 265 The Adventure of the Greenhouse

Chapter 265 The Adventure of the Greenhouse (1)
Early the next morning, Yu Mo was dragged out of bed by Ruan Xin. She studied her homework until late last night. Since there was no class in the morning, it was time to catch up on sleep, but she was disturbed by this roommate and couldn't continue to sleep.

"Ruan Ruan, please help me, I'm really sleepy." She was already staggering from sleepiness.

"You won't be sleepy when you see a handsome guy!"

Ruan Xin was determined to drag her to meet the so-called British nobles, and was kneeling on the ground to help her put on her sneakers.

Yumo has messy hair and sleepy eyes. In addition to reviewing her homework last night, that noble classmate named Inu Miluo was also one of the reasons that hindered her sleep.

It's a bit of a coincidence that it has the same name as the little wolf in the dream.

After putting on the shoes, Ruan Xin patted her, "The shoes are finished, you go brush your teeth and wash your face, I have asked Mengmeng and the others to occupy a seat."

"Still occupying a seat!?" Yumo let out a sigh, and walked into the bathroom to wash up. "Is it necessary to be so grand? It's not an idol meeting."

In this world, being a noble is like being inlaid with 999 pure gold, and no one has to find out, maybe it's a cover, a group of female college students are crazy about such a name, after all, they are too idle.

"You don't know, after this incident got out, the girls in the whole college were shocked, girls from other colleges also rushed over, don't you want to occupy a seat, don't talk nonsense, brush your teeth quickly, I'll give you 3 minutes. "

Yu Mo squeezed out the toothpaste and said, "Aristocrats just sound good. You haven't seen anyone before, so why are you so excited? Maybe he's an ugly man!"

Nobility is not synonymous with looks, but according to Ruan Xin's dictionary, how can a nobleman be an ugly guy, he must be a handsome guy.

"You are the one who talks the most!"

Ruan Xin rushed to the bathroom angrily, poured cold water with a towel, wrung it dry and wiped it on Yu Mo's face.

"Take it easy." She was rubbing off a layer of skin.

"You just lack romantic imagination. Ordinary college students like us, apart from being able to watch nobles on TV, can't see them in reality. Now that an orthodox nobleman is here, can't you be excited?"

Yumo waved her little hand as a gesture, "Oh, I'm so excited."

"Go, you don't have any acting skills at all!"

After brushing her teeth, before Yu Mo could fill her hungry stomach with a piece of bread, she was dragged out by Ruan Xin, who had no choice but to follow along with the bread in her mouth.

At this time, the largest classroom of the veterinary hospital was already full of people, all of whom were girls, and all of them were dressed in gorgeous clothes, and their faces were powdered and made up by coincidence.

Yumo looked at the crowd of people in the classroom, wondering: "Are there so many girls in our college?"

Veterinary medicine is not a science and engineering department, and there is no problem of more males than females, but there are still more males than females in proportion, because veterinary medicine is essentially physical labor, and if you are not afraid of hardship or dirty, you often have to contact with animal feces, like horse constipation I have to put my hand into the anus to get it out. This is not what girls are willing to do. Most girls will do this, either because they really love animals, or they are looking for a high salary.

It is often said that doctors make money, but not all doctors make money, because in China, hospitals are mainly public. No matter how skilled a doctor is, it is difficult to open a clinic independently. After all, he is still a wage earner, but dentists, plastic surgeons, And veterinarians are different. At least for now, there are more private clinics, and they are also doctors. The income of doctors in this part can be said to be sky-high.

Water flows to low places and people go to high places. This is not considered snobbery, it can only be said that people have the right to a better life.

(End of this chapter)

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