The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 266 The Adventure of the Greenhouse

Chapter 266 The Adventure of the Greenhouse (2)
The same is true for boys. There was a data in the United States before, saying that men who are veterinarians are more favored by women, because the link of love is definitely a sharp weapon to increase favorability.

So the bowl of rice for veterinarians is still quite popular at present.

"Ruan Ruan, silently, here, here!"

In the classroom, Zhang Yumeng waved her hands desperately, the gate was already full of girls, and some of them were not from the college, but came from other colleges. Ruan Xin and Yu Mo could only squeeze in desperately. It's harder than squeezing the subway during rush hour.

As he squeezed in, he had to be stared at by everyone. After finally squeezing in, Yumo found that his shoes had been trampled off.

"Ruan Ruan, let go!"


"The shoe fell off!"

The two went back to pick up the shoes, and when they found them, they couldn't wear them, so they had to hop in and out.

By the time Zhang Yumeng took the seat, both of them were already sweating profusely.

Ruan Xin wiped off her sweat and said, "Who spread the news? Look at the group of people from the psychiatric college next door."

"It was announced on the school forum. As you know, Songjiang is a university town. Many universities share resources and borrow playgrounds and classrooms from each other. When others see it, they will naturally come."

Yu Mo stood aside, only feeling hungry. She ran too fast when she came here, and dropped the bread she was holding. Now she just wants to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

After Ruan Xin and Zhang Yumeng got together, they started chatting gossip, like groupies, their faces glowing brightly.

Yu Mo asked, "How long will it take?"

"It is said that someone has come and reported it in the principal's office."

"Are you sure he will come here? So many people?"

Yumo felt that ordinary nobles would not like such a lively place too much, and they should be very particular about privacy.

"I'm sure. The dean asked the people from class three to clean the place before, saying that he wanted to make a good impression on foreign friends."

Ruan Xin rubbed her elbow, "Mengmeng, have you got the handsome guy's information?"

Zhang Yumeng has the nickname of "Gossip Editor-in-Chief". She is very good at picking up news, better than Yuji. Many people say that it is too wasteful for her to study veterinary medicine. She should go to the Department of Journalism, but she said that gossip is just a hobby. It can't be a job to support a family. Veterinarians and paparazzi are put together. She definitely chooses the former. Besides, there is no law that veterinarians cannot gossip. Maybe she will become a veterinarian in the future, and she will have to rely on gossip to get close to pet owners.

Therefore, her news has an 80.00% accuracy rate, and she has a high integrity, and she will never make up random things.

She patted her chest and said, "Of course, with the first-hand information, no one can deceive you!"

"Speak, speak, I want to hear!"

"The handsome guy who came to our school to study this time is called Archibald. Meera. Doug, because he came to China to study, so he transliterated his name. Inu Meiluo is Meera. Doug's reversed name is also his. The two surnames, as for the Archibald at the front, I guess it may be related to the nobility, and ordinary people are not qualified to call it, and I found out that he is not an ordinary nobleman, but has a title."

"It's so explosive!" Ruan Xin's girlish heart was already boiling with pink bubbles, "Could it be that he is a member of the royal family!"

Noble royal family = domineering president, the love of girls.

Zhang Yumeng pushed the eyes on the bridge of her nose, with a profound look, "Speaking of titles, I'm going to give you some popular science. The titles are in the UK. It doesn't directly matter whether you are a member of the royal family, but they can be roughly divided into hereditary titles. There are two types of nobles and lifelong nobles. There is nothing to say about lifelong nobles. They are the so-called generation of nobles. The title of nobles cannot be inherited by their children. !"

(End of this chapter)

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