The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 267 The Adventure of the Greenhouse

Chapter 267 The Adventure of the Greenhouse (3)
"What's the difference?"

"Hereditary nobility is the kind of title passed down from generation to generation. Once granted, unless the monarch deprives it, it can continue until the dynasty changes or the family cuts off their children and grandchildren. , but now, the British royal family has rarely granted hereditary titles to members outside the royal family. The last time was in 1984 when the former Prime Minister Macmillan was named Viscount. Even for members of the royal family, the most recent canonization was at the wedding of Prince William was made the Duke of Cambridge at the time, so this Inumiro's family was a noble title until at least 1984."

Hearing this, Ruan Xin's eyes jumped out of her heart, "Wow! Awesome!"

Aristocrats are more and more popular as they get older. Hundreds of years and decades are a watershed. The gap between billionaires and millionaires is completely incomparable.

If it is true what Zhang Yumeng said, then this handsome guy is indeed very "noble".

Ruan Xin tugged at Zhang Yumeng's sleeve and said, "Do you have any photos?"


"Why not!? You have found so many!"

"He is an aristocrat, so you can't give me photos casually. I also managed to dig up the news from the Academic Affairs Office. You can be content, anyway, I will see you later. It is better not to know, this is mysterious!"

Yu Mo sat on the side, she didn't have the energy to inquire about other people's privacy like the two of them, she just felt hungry, she is a vegetarian, vegetables are not resistant to hunger, so she gets hungry easily.

"I'm so hungry!" She touched her belly, not knowing how long it would take.

Ruan Xin said: "Be patient. After watching the handsome guy, I will grab your mobile phone number or WeChat ID. I will take you to eat delicious food right away."

I heard that Yumo stared at the ceiling silently, and had to grab the mobile phone number. The classroom is full of people, how she plans to grab it, and whether they are willing to give it is still a question.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, no one came. The excitement in the classroom began to subside, and the complaints changed from one sentence to two, and then intensified.

Ruan anxiously said: "Mengmeng, what's going on, where's the person?"

Zhang Yumeng was also puzzled, "It doesn't make sense, my news can't be wrong."

"Hurry up and find someone to ask if the handsome guy has gone to another place."

"You wait, I'll call and ask."

Yu Mo's stomach was rumbling violently. If this continues, she will definitely have a stomachache. While Ruan Xin and Zhang Yumeng were confirming the authenticity of the news, she turned sideways secretly, and slowly squeezed past people. When you can't see them anymore, run away.

She's not interested in handsome noblemen at all, the most important thing is to have a full stomach.

When she got outside, the feeling of being crowded was gone, and the air was much fresher. She stretched her waist. There were so many people crowded in the classroom to watch the handsome guy. There must be no one in the cafeteria right now, so there was no need to grab food.

Without Ruan Xin's tossing, she walked happily to the big dining hall.

Because the School of Veterinary Medicine imitates the layout of the Royal Veterinary Hospital in the UK, except for the building is a British retro model, the shape of the garden is also the same.

Judging from the overall image and general atmosphere of the garden, Chinese classical gardens usually appear deep and secluded. The so-called "how deep the courtyard is" and "the winding path leads to seclusion" are generally the gates of the garden, facing a rockery or a clump of trees. Xiuzhu plays the role of blocking the line of sight, giving people a sense of expectation and mystery, followed by winding paths, winding corridors, and winding bridges, which make people feel strongly introverted, as if passing by from the outside world. After many obstacles, he came to a paradise that only belonged to him.

(End of this chapter)

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