The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 274 Feeling Messed Up

Chapter 274 Feeling Messed Up (5)
Yumo felt that there was nothing to talk about on this topic, and listening to it would only upset her.

"You go to the cafeteria to eat first, I'm going to see Xiao Hei."

"Didn't you say you went together?"

"No, I happen to have another question to ask the professor, and it may take a long time."

After speaking, she left first, leaving Zhang Yumeng and Ruan Xin looking at each other.

"You see Momo really loves dogs like crazy."

Zhang Yumeng smiled and said, "It's not like you just found out."

"It's different. Although I knew it before, I didn't know that she was so fascinated. Let me tell you that this girl also had a dream about a dog turning into a human."


"Hey, let's go to eat, I'll tell you slowly."

Three days later, Xiao Hei's injuries were fine, and he was able to walk on the ground, but his appetite was still a bit poor, which may be related to being bitten, and he became much more timid, always clinging to Yu Mo and refusing to let go.

Yumo brought it back to the greenhouse. When Bobo and Qiuqiu saw that Xiaohei was back, they were as excited as old friends who hadn’t seen each other for many years. Bobo and Qiuqiu took a bath and checked their bodies by the way.

She was sitting under the sun, with three dogs surrounding her feet basking in the sun. Although it was summer, the greenhouse had central air conditioning, so it wasn't too hot, at most it was a little warmer.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed in, alarming the sensitive Bobo.

Bobo barked at the shadow, and Yumo took a closer look, and it was that Doberman again.

It snorted at Bobo, frightened Bobo hurriedly hid behind Yumo's heels, seeing that Bobo was scared, Dubin was very proud, and wanted to bully Qiuqiu and Xiaohei again.

Yu Mo picked up the broom and hit the ground hard.

"Small, come on, don't you think that no one can cure you, don't you, if you dare to come over and try again, see if I don't punish you."

Du Bin was taken aback by the sudden drop of the broom, and when the fright passed, he bared his teeth at Yu Mo.

Yu Mo said with her hands on her hips, "If you have the guts, come here, come here!"

She wasn't provocative, she was already prepared for defense, and she happened to be carrying a tranquilizer on her body, which was left over from Xiao Hei's operation. She didn't mind giving this ill-educated Doberman an injection, at worst, she would be bitten , It's not like she hasn't been bitten before.

People who love dogs will never be afraid of being bitten by a dog. It is a very good breed of dog. It must have been vaccinated against rabies, so there is no need to be afraid, but if it is really bitten, she will still go for an injection.

Not to mention dogs, even tigers will be wary of such aggressive people. This is the instinct of animals.

Dubin took a step back, not daring to act rashly.

Yumo babbled at it for a while: "Look at your decent face, you actually bully the weak, do you still have a dog personality, just like your master, a dog looks down on people, what you say is You should fall into my hands with your dog eyes, shut you up for a few days, starve you for a few meals, and see if you can still be rampant?"

When she talked to the dog, she had a particularly rich expression, as if she was scolding her.

The Doberman Pinscher backed away after being scolded by her, without any viciousness.

Yu Mo was still chattering, the Doberman took a step back, and she took a step forward, and in the end, she didn't know whether the Doberman couldn't take it anymore, or was frightened, turned his head and ran away.

"Hey, let's go now, I haven't finished criticizing yet?"

She wanted to catch up and continue training, but she gave up when she thought of that man, lest she get angry again.

Suddenly, a laugh came from the flowers not far away, first a muffled laugh, and then a loud laugh.


She looked at the flowers, and she didn't know there was anyone there after coming for so long.

The roses among the flowers swayed for a while, and a foot wearing leather shoes stepped out. The shoes were polished so brightly that they reflected the sunlight, which made Yumo dazzle a little. When the light disappeared, she opened her eyes, and what caught her eyes was A familiar face.

She pointed at his nose and yelled, "Why are you again!?"

"Is this your private place?" As before, his voice was still cold.

"No, but you are not welcome here!"

Before the account was settled last time, he came again with the cheek.

"Since it's not your place, you have no right to ask, let alone unwelcome."

The escaped Doberman pinscher ran back at this time and sat up beside him, probably because the owner was there. It held its head high, and there was disdain for her in its eyes.

In Yu Mo's eyes, this dog's appearance is just like him.

There is a saying that is really true, what kind of dog has what kind of owner.

Xiao Hei was bitten by a Doberman pinscher, and when he woke up, he suddenly saw it and barked in fright.

Yu Mo quickly hugged it in his arms and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xiao Hei became quiet, nestled in her arms and stopped screaming.

"You see, it's afraid of your dog, and you take your dog away.

He heard it, but had no intention of leaving.

"You're not going, are you? I'm going!"

She really didn't want to be in the same space with this person.

At this time, Ruan Xin ran into the flower room and yelled, "Momo, Mengmeng said that the nobleman came to class today, let's rush to grab a seat."

"What position to grab? I want to go to you!"

Yumo has already walked up to her.

"Let me tell you, Mengmeng got his photo. He is so handsome. Let me show you. I have saved it in my phone."

When Ruan Xin was about to look through the phone's photo library, she suddenly saw him standing not far away.

With a snap, her phone fell to the ground.



Yu Mo looked back at him, thinking that her ears had heard wrong.

Ruan Xin probably didn't believe her big eyes, she wiped them again and again, but the person was still there, and there was the dog, which happened to be in the photo as well.

What is the dog's name...

She yelled again, "Lin Lang!"

Yumo spit out a mouthful of saliva.

"What's the dog's name?"

"Linlang, Linlang is full of beautiful things. I heard that he chose a new name specially for coming to China. Mengmeng said that he brought several famous dogs with him this time, and they all gave them Chinese names, such as Bujie, Cangwu... Mengmeng gave me a photo."

Yu Mo picked up her mobile phone from the ground, the screen was still on, no need to enter the password.

Immediately she saw pictures of several dogs.

Bujie... Chow Chow.

Cangwu...Afghan dog.

Lin Lang...

Yumo looked at the Doberman pinscher at her feet.


This world is messed up.

(End of this chapter)

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