The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 275 Evening Evening

Chapter 275 Evening Evening (1)
Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart can't describe Yu Mo's mood at the moment.

All the characters in the dream appeared on the stage, although they were not completely copied, but they were almost the same. She clutched her forehead, her eyes were dark, the overlapping of reality and dreams made her heart extremely confused, and she even began to suspect that she was You shouldn't see a psychiatrist.

In the chaos, she also found out the doubts.

"He... Isn't he British? Why does he have a Chinese face, and there is no sign of mixed race at all."

Ruan Xindao: "Their family was originally Chinese. They migrated to England in ancient times, and then they lived and prospered there. And whether they marry or marry, they always look for Chinese people, so their appearance is not so distorted to foreigners."

This is what Zhang Yumeng told her, so it shouldn't be wrong.

"However, you also saw that he has silver-white hair..." She moved closer to Yumo's ear and whispered: "Mengmeng said that it is natural white hair, not dyed, it shows that there are still some genetic mutations. "

Yu Mo didn't care about these things, she only knew that everything around her seemed so weird since she woke up, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Ruan Xin noticed that her face turned pale, and asked with concern: "Momo, what's wrong with you, your face is so ugly?"

"No... nothing?"

Yu Mo couldn't express what she felt in her heart, because she didn't even know how to describe it herself, so she looked flustered and returned the phone to Ruan Xin.

"I am a little uncomfortable!"

She decided to go to the infirmary to lie down for a while, to calm herself down.

"It's okay! Are you suffering from heat stroke?"

The autumn tiger in S City is extremely perverted, the heat is more terrifying than midsummer, and in this kind of all-glass greenhouse, even if there is an air conditioner to adjust the temperature, the sunlight can't cover it, Ruan Xin worried that she was overexposed, so she touched her Forehead, "I bought mineral water, would you like some?"

"No, you help me take care of Xiao Hei."


Yu Mo left the greenhouse in a panic, walked slowly at first, then faster and faster, running all the way, and soon disappeared.

In the flower room, Ruan Xin hugged Xiao Hei, looking at this man named Quan Meiluo like a nympho.

The more you look, the more handsome you are, especially the silver-white hair, no matter how you look at it, it really responds to a sentence, the so-called good looks, you can't just look at the facial features, but also to see if you can control all kinds of weird hair. color.

Look at this guy's face value, I'm afraid that even with pink and purple hair on top of his forehead, he would be heaven-shatteringly handsome, and he would definitely not become a non-mainstream.

Ruan Xin gathered up her courage and raised her hand to say hello, "Hi, handsome guy, my name is Ruan Xin, you can call me Sherry."

Sherry is her English name. Anyone who doesn't have an English name these days, if they don't, they can't keep up with the trend.

Unfortunately, the handsome guy responded with a paralyzed face.

"That...afternoon class, we are in the same classroom."

The other party was still silent, as if she was a transparent person, the atmosphere suddenly froze, Ruan Xin suddenly had a brain hole, and slapped her head hard, she is really stupid, he is a British nobleman, he must not understand Chinese, he should English is right.

When it comes to speaking English, she is still good, absolutely fluent in speaking.

"Hello, I..."

As soon as he uttered two words in fluent English, the handsome guy suddenly spoke.

"who is she?"

The words are correct and the accent is round, the standard Mandarin style, and there is no foreigner's tone at all.

(End of this chapter)

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