The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 276 Evening Evening

Chapter 276 Evening Evening (2)
Ruan Xin's mind was stuck, and she stared at him stupidly.

Seeing that she didn't answer, he also lost interest, called Lin Lang, and left the greenhouse one by one.

Ruan Xin continued to stand stupidly on the same spot, and didn't react when the person left. When she reacted, the nympho mode was turned on again, without the slightest discomfort of being ignored, and she yelled: "Cool, the standard cool crazy !Ha ha ha ha……"

Sure enough, handsome guys have to do this.

Yumo lay in the infirmary until the afternoon, her head was full of thoughts, she even called her aunt who specializes in psychiatry, trying to ask if she had a mental problem, but she came to the conclusion that Yes she's normal, maybe just stressed out.

Is she stressed?
I don't think so!

She has always been a top student in reading since she was a child, she passed all exams with ease, and she did many things that should be played and messed up. The only thing that gave her a headache was the fact that her whole family opposed her application for the veterinary school. matter, but she won it in the end.

After entering university, the schoolwork was indeed very heavy. After all, veterinarians are also a kind of doctor. There are many things to learn. It is not uncommon to stay up all night to review, but she feels very fulfilled. She has never had a negative attitude. Very energetic.

So, she doesn't feel stressed at all.

If there is no mental and psychological problem, maybe there is something growing in the brain that oppresses the nerves. She knows that she should not curse herself like this, but most of the hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, and fantasies come from the oppression of the brain nerves.

She pursed her lips and thought about it, why don't she take some time to do a brain CT, it's best if she doesn't have a disease, and if she has a disease, she can find it as soon as possible.

After calming down, she left the infirmary and went to the classroom. She thought she was the first to arrive, but she never thought that the classroom was already full of people.

She looked at her watch, there was still an hour before the class time, and it was already full. She looked at the crowd of people in the classroom in surprise. It was the same as the scene in the big class classroom a few days ago. There were people she knew There were female students, and there were also female students she didn't know. He squeezed in desperately to find his seat.

"Silence!" Ruan Xin waved to her.

"Why did you sit at the front?"

"Look at the handsome guy!"

Yu Mo: "..."

Lying in the infirmary for a long time, she almost forgot about that bastard coming back to class.

"Will he come?"

"Well, today is his official class."

Yu Mo's forehead twitched, and a group of female college students were so crazy before they came. How can this person come to class.

"Momo, do you want to come over?"

Since the farewell to Huafang, Ruan Xin's infatuation with Quan Meiluo has sublimated to another level, and Yu Mo will never understand this kind of sublimation in his life.

"No, I'll just sit here."

Although the head is a little behind, at least it is facing the big screen.

After a while, the commotion in the room changed from chirping to piercing screams, especially in the corridor outside, the footsteps sounded like elephants crossing the border.

Yumo sat on the seat, looked at the notes, and wore headphones to isolate the noise, so she didn't know what happened.

The appearance of Quanmeiluo is like a popular movie star walking on the red carpet. He is surrounded by stars, and the sound of snapping pictures on his mobile phone can be heard endlessly. It was difficult for him to move forward because of the siege. Only a few teachers came forward to drive people away, and the surrounding area was quiet For a little while.

When they entered the classroom, all the girls naturally screamed when they saw such a handsome guy. Some of them had little mental endurance, and they covered their foreheads and chests, looking like they were about to faint.

(End of this chapter)

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