The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 277 Evening Evening

Chapter 277 Evening Evening (3)
Although Yu Mo couldn't hear the sound, she could still feel the movement of the people around her. She looked up and saw him, along with the professor who came to class.

She took off the earphones and put them back in her schoolbag. There was no barrier, and the noise kept pouring into her ears. In front of a handsome guy, how many girls can be indifferent and not crazy, but they are a little restrained, a little reserved, a little naked, The way it manifests is different.

She can empathize with this, because she has also been infatuated with nympho, but it is not a real person, but a Two-dimensional character, such as... Inuyasha!

Although she could understand it, she still felt that enough was enough, otherwise she would not have to attend class if she continued to make such a noise.

She glared at Inu Miluo on the podium, and snorted, "A beauty is a disaster!"

As a transfer student, it is the first time for Quan Meiluo to meet a classmate, and he must introduce himself. The son of a famous family has a refined temperament all over his body. No matter how he speaks or how he behaves, he is different from ordinary college students. He has his own BGM. , comes with flashing special effects, and the aura is overwhelming, almost catching up with the president's speech.

The girlish hearts of the girls popped out of their foreheads like nitrogen balloons, filling the classroom with pink hearts.

At this time, no one would care about how a dignified aristocrat would transfer to this university to take classes. Since he is a British aristocrat, it would be fine if he went to the Royal Veterinary College in England. He would only care about his appearance and figure. How nice, and that extravagant background.

There are also boys in the classroom. At this time, there are mixed feelings, envy, jealousy, and hatred. I sigh that reincarnation is a technical job.

Yumo was spinning the pen boringly, listening to his introduction, she was almost falling asleep, she just hoped that today's class can be attended quickly, and she can leave quickly after class.

"Okay, Classmate Quan has finished introducing you. We will all be classmates from now on, and we need to take care of each other."

Finally it was the professor's turn to speak, and after some words of mutual help, the class began.

But before class, the female students who have nothing to do with this class have to leave. When they leave, their eyes are full of regret, jealousy, sadness and unwillingness... The female students who can stay in class are particularly proud, as if they were picked up on the road. It's like a VIP seat ticket for your own idol concert, how can it be described as a cool word.

The people who were supposed to leave had already left, so the classroom was naturally a little bit empty. Originally, there were not many people in their class, so it was more than enough for one person to occupy a seat.

Yu Mo couldn't help taking a deep breath, the air was too dirty just now, it's much better now.

The professor said, "Student Dog, sit anywhere."

He nodded and looked up at the desk.

This glance made the girls extremely excited, but they didn't dare to be too direct. They could only hint, those who brushed their hair, those who smiled, those who blinked, those who bit their lips sexy, and those who hooked their fingers to say hello. These tricks go through in turn.

Only Yu Mo supported his chin with one hand, and was flexibly turning the dog-head pen with his fingers with the other hand.

The footsteps approached from far away, and they stopped right next to her table. The light was blocked, and she subconsciously raised her head. He was so close that she was stunned.

What does this mean! ?

While everyone was watching, he quietly sat down beside her, and opened the book calmly.

Ruan Xin and Zhang Yumeng both had confused faces, but they were not as dumb as Yu Mo showed.

She doesn't seem to know him that well. There are so many vacancies, why did he choose this place alone?

Ruan Xin wished she could fly back, because she was already sitting on the other side of Yu Mo, if she had known this, she would not have squeezed in front.

(End of this chapter)

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