The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 278 Evening Evening

Chapter 278 Evening Evening (4)
Yumo coughed, "Hey, change seats."

He raised the pen with his slender fingers, and looked sideways at her, "Why?"

"It's bothering me."

"You can ignore me!"

Sitting so close, how can she ignore it, and even if she can ignore it, but since he sat down, the girls stared at her as if they were gouging her out with a knife. Envious, but in the end it's a lot of jealousy.

Seeing that he sat down, the professor opened the PPT and started teaching.

The more Yu Mo sat, the more uncomfortable she became, because some girls kept poking at her. She wanted to change seats, but the current seat was inside, and if she wanted to leave, she had to pass through him to get out.

She had no choice but to bear it, and when nothing happened, she focused all her attention on the PPT on the big screen.

The professor of this class is a funny person, he will mix some jokes in addition to the lectures, which is entertaining and entertaining, and is very popular with the students. When he tells jokes, he also diverts the attention of the girls.

Yumo feels that the atmosphere is better, and she is not so uncomfortable. She has previewed all the courses she took. Listening to the professor and then explaining is equivalent to reviewing. She can easily concentrate, especially when she is interested, and she is not easily distracted. But sitting next to a strange yet familiar person today still distracted her from concentrating.

She glanced at him. Some people say that the beauty of the profile is the real beauty. I have to say that he is really good-looking. Compared with the front face, the profile face undoubtedly has higher requirements for the contours, lines and edges of the appearance. .

The same is true of the little wolf in the dream, with a straight nose bridge, and just right thin lips, with thick eyelashes that can always draw a nice arc when drooping his eyes.

It really fits into one sentence. The so-called handsome men and beautiful women mean that from any angle, all the details are perfect. The unique facial contours and smooth lines are important factors for adding points to the appearance.

Seeing him like this, a complicated feeling slowly rose in her heart. It's okay to have the same name and surname, but they have to look exactly the same. What's the reason for this?
Since they are all the same, how can their personalities be so different.

This man is indifferent, smelly, inhuman, and bullies small animals. He is far worse than the little wolf in his dream.

Although her little wolf also gives people a cold image, he is a very gentle person, not only a leader who is admired and loved by others, but also a person who can give her a sense of security, let alone a dog differentiation level.

This alone is enough to make her loathe him, and even more angry at why he looks like a little wolf. If she looks like Li Wang, her heart might not be so complicated.

Her glance turned into a straight look following the mental activity, because of anger, her eyes were full of dissatisfaction with him.

He sensed it and turned to look at her.

The eyes of the two faced each other, one was cold and the other was hot, the contrast was very big, the people around all looked over because of the strange atmosphere between the two, in the eyes of others, this noble classmate had a gentle facial expression, polite manners, and clear eyes , besides being handsome, he is still handsome, but Yu Mo frowned, his face was stiff, and his eyes were flaming. It was not a good look at first sight.

Sitting next to her with such a handsome guy, she still has something to be dissatisfied with, and she even gave him a face.

Ruan Xin was the first one not to communicate, tore off a page of the notebook, squeezed it into a ball and threw it over Yu Mo's head.

Yu Mo got the trick, stretched out a piece of paper and looked at the ball of paper that fell on the table, but felt baffled, she glared at Ruan Xin, and asked her what she meant.

What Ruan Xin gestured to say basically meant to ask her not to bully other handsome guys.

(End of this chapter)

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