The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 279 Evening Evening

Chapter 279 Evening Evening (5)
What the hell!

In front of a man, sisterhood is gone.

She gave Ruan Xin a white look, and then turned her mind away from Quan Meiluo, if she continued to fight with him, she might be besieged by girls after class.

Sometimes I think about it, whether in fiction or in reality, it is always women who suffer, and men are always the targets of the stars.

It's not fair! It's not fair!
She sighed and continued to focus on her textbooks.

After a class ended, she packed her schoolbag and was about to leave, but she was not fast enough to seize the opportunity. As soon as the professor left, a group of girls rushed over and blocked the exit. If Yu Mo wanted to leave, she would have to You can only walk through him, but now there are so many girls blocking him, it's useless, she can only find her own way, put her foot on the chair, then step on the table, and walk in a detour.

She crossed the table, and when she was about to step on the chairs in the front row, she didn't think that the chairs were broken, the screws were loose, and the chair boards on top collapsed as soon as they were under gravity. Lost the center of gravity and rushed forward.

In the blink of an eye, she thought she was going to fall, but the expected pain didn't come, a pair of warm big hands clasped her waist, and hugged her around the waist.

She looked at the 'savior' in horror, but he was the last person she wanted to see.

"Moment, are you okay?"

Ruan Xin saw her stepping into the air just now, and was about to save her, but there were too many people in front of her, blocking her way, and she couldn't make a move. Fortunately, the handsome guy helped and rescued the urgent need.

Yu Mo hugged him horizontally, saying how embarrassing he was, his face turned red in an instant.

"'s fine!"

"Really, be careful."

How can you blame her? There are too many people, okay?

She squinted at Quan Meiluo, his face was still expressionless, but he never let go of his holding her, no matter how he saved her, a thank you is always indispensable.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Then...he should let her go.

He still didn't let go...

This is forgotten! ?

"Hey!" Yu Mo reached out and tugged at his sleeve, "Let go!"

He lowered his eyes, with an inscrutable expression on his face, and said, "You may have sprained your foot?"


Yu Mo was baffled, she didn't sprain her foot, she was just shocked.

"I'll take you to the infirmary!"

"Do not……"

She didn't even have time to speak, he had already carried her away, how could a group of girls let her go, they would definitely follow.

Yu Mo looked up at his gloomy face, and knew that he didn't really want to take her to the infirmary, but was looking for an excuse to get rid of these girls.

Being handsome is also a problem.

She thought about it, since he helped her just now, she would help him now, and it would be evened.

"Turn right ahead, there are two forks, and one of the forks has a dark slope, hide in it, and the people chasing behind will not be able to see it..."

Hearing this, he immediately quickened his pace and hid in as Yu Mo said.

Sure enough, a group of girls got lost after chasing them, and they dispersed into two groups, including Ruan Xin. At this time, Yu Mo had no choice but to feel sorry for his friend.

After everyone left, Yu Mo poked his head out, looking back and forth in the corridor to make sure that no one came out with him.

"Okay, everyone is gone, and I'll help you too, so it's even."

She has always been fond of enmity, but it doesn't mean that her impression of him has changed. She still remembers the matter of Xiao Hei, but it's just that every yard is one yard.

She remembered that her schoolbag was still left in the classroom, and she had to go back to get it quickly. Today is Friday, and she was going home for the night. This is Songjiang, and the bus has a fixed time. If you miss a bus, you have to wait for 45 minutes. Time is running out.

Taking her schoolbag, she quickly ran out of the school gate and ran straight to the station, but she still missed. She watched the bus shut the door and ran away.

This is really unlucky, drinking cold water will clog the teeth.

Had to wait for the next shift.

After 45 minutes, the next bus that was supposed to arrive didn't arrive. She thought it might be a traffic jam, or it was a late departure from the terminal, so she continued to wait, but she waited and waited, but no bus came.

She had no choice but to call to inquire, only to find out that this bus was on maintenance day today, the one that left just now was the last bus, and the last one, if you missed it, there would be no more.

Seeing that it was getting dark, I could only rely on taxis at this time, but in this place, it is very difficult to take a taxi, unless you make a reservation in advance, or Didi taxi, but Didi taxi also depends on whether there is a car nearby. She has tried it before. Basically hopeless.

With a bang, a thunder was startled in the sky.

She looked up, only thinking that the sky was going to kill her, and it started to rain.

There was no roof at the station, and she didn't bring an umbrella. She must have been drowned, and it seemed that she had to run back to school.

The rain fell without any warning, and the bean-sized rainwater fell in a crackle. Yu Mo couldn't find a place to hide in time, so he could only move forward in the rain.

At this moment, a black Bentley stopped suddenly.

The door of the rear seat was opened, and the cold and familiar voice sounded again.

"Come up!"

(End of this chapter)

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