The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 283: Secret Room Murder

Chapter 283: Secret Room Murder (4)
"Dog... Dog classmate..."

Her tone changed, an absolutely respectful tone.

"Call me Mei Luo..." he said suddenly.

At this time, he was struggling with what to call him, but she changed her words, "Student Mei Luo..."

"Don't add the word classmate!"

"Mei...Mei...Luo..." This name is really not easy to pronounce.

"You stutter?"

Yu Mo was so anxious in his heart that he had already pulled the hair on his forehead three hundred times in his heart.

"Mei Luo!" This time, the words were absolutely correct.

"Very good! Let's talk..." He put the book on his lap and looked directly at her.

"This... this... is like this, our family is all doctors... since our ancestors have been doctors, they are all good people, saving lives and healing the wounded, and have never been cheated or kidnapped. Committed to the development of medicine, my grandma is a master of gynecology, even the first lady has come to seek medical advice, my grandfather is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who is receiving a national first-level subsidy, and sometimes ****'s personal doctor will come to seek advice, My father is an authority in cardiac surgery, and saved a US Senate a few years ago. My mother is an authority in brain surgery. Her academic papers have been adopted by many European countries, second uncle has developed many The medicine with excellent reputation, for him, as long as he knows the ingredients, he can prescribe the right medicine. He is like a god in the medical world. My uncle is a genius doctor who has received several doctorates. You have made a lot of achievements in the field, maybe your queen will be sick one day, and you will have to use her... My third aunt is an authority in orthopedics, and my fourth aunt..."

There are a lot of lesbians, with no central idea, but such a family history sounds scary.

Yu Mo was talking fiercely, and was hoping to let the Lan family save lives and heal the wounded, but he did not respond after listening to it, and asked curiously, "Why are you a veterinarian?"

She was very upset because she was suddenly interrupted, and she lost her temper again, shouting, "Why do you care about me being a veterinarian!"

He squeezed his eyebrows and took a breath, "Huh?"

Yu Mo immediately noticed that the tone was wrong just now, and hurriedly said, "No, no, I mean this is a historical issue, so I don't need to go into it in detail. In addition to treating people, our family also has veterinarians, and I'm not the only one."

Just bragging, there is none at all, she is the only one, besides Lan Yuqi.

"By the way, let me tell you, my cousin is a forensic doctor. She has an IQ of 180, and she helped the police solve major cases before she graduated."

This means he understands it.

The Lan family also has people in the forensic field, as long as killing people will leave a loophole, and the Skynet is not leaking, he cannot escape.

I don't know if it was intentional, but he suddenly picked up the book on his lap - "Rules of Murder in a Perfect Locked Room".

Yu Mo said anxiously: "I also have this book, and the authors edited it."

"Oh, is that right, there is the author's resume on the side of the cover, do you want to take a look... very brilliant resume, no worse than yours..."

"Tch, you don't understand this, right? People nowadays like to gain fame and reputation, and resumes can also be forged."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and hummed lightly, "Really? So it can be faked..."

Fake head!
Yu Mo slapped herself, the author's resume can be forged, so of course the Lan family's resume, and she cursed herself three hundred times inwardly.

No, it's useless to understand the truth.

She simply lowered her face, knelt down on the chair, stretched out her upper hand, and made a gesture of worship, "His Royal Highness..."

(End of this chapter)

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