The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 284: Secret Room Murder

Chapter 284: Secret Room Murder (5)
She didn't know what title he was at all, so she just picked the biggest one first.

"I am the Marquis..."

"Master Marquis, please hold your hand high and let our family go. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can just retaliate against me. I was wrong. I shouldn't have kicked your ass, but your dog really did something wrong, no, no..." She Already incoherent, "I mean, I should kick the dog's ass..."

"It hurts!" He threw out the sentence inaudibly.

After Yumo heard it, he broke out in a cold sweat.

"I actually used [-]% of my strength... Pooh, no..." The more anxious I said, the more wrong I said, "I show my sincerity, you should kick me too."

After finishing speaking, she turned around sincerely and pointed her butt at him.

She looked down on death as if she were at home, "Please kick hard, you're welcome."

There is a lot of flesh in the buttocks, and it’s okay to get kicked, at most it’s painful and can’t sit for a while.

She closed her eyes and decided to sacrifice her ass for the family.

After a while, he still didn't kick over. Just when Yumo gave up, the car stopped.


She opened her eyes and looked out of the window. She really got home. When she turned her head to look at him, she found that he was smiling. Although the smile was faint, there was a warm sun covering her whole body.

"That is your father, he seems to have a bad temper just like you."

She didn't understand what he meant, only heard the sound of the door opening.

The driver has already opened the door outside, "Miss, please get out of the car."

"Silence!" At the door of the main house of the Lan family villa, Papa Lan rushed out with a kitchen knife in one hand and a durian in the other, with a fierce look on his face.

"Dad!" she exclaimed.

"Mo Mo, get out of the way, let Dad chop this kid..."

Yu Mo: "..."

Isn't this adding to the chaos?

She hurried out of the car to stop her father from doing stupid things.

A cold voice sounded slowly behind him, "Momo, see you next week!"

When she turned her head, the car door had been closed by the driver, and she could only see his blurred outline through the glass window.

That sound was silent and melodious, provoking her heartstrings.


That's what the little wolf called her too...

Looking at the Bentley car going away, her eyes instantly became hot, and a tear fell down.

such a strange feeling...

Why is she crying?

"Momo, why did that brat run away!"

Papa Lan stared fiercely at the passing vehicle, and violently waved the kitchen knife in his hand.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

What else could he do, as a father, he naturally had to protect his daughter from being approached by men other than himself.

"Momo, why are you crying?"

She sniffed and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. She didn't understand why she was crying, but at that moment, she realized that something important had been left in her heart.

"Did that kid bully you, didn't he!?"


She hurriedly stopped her father's nonsense, "Put down the knife first!"

This is a knife for chopping pork bones.

"There are also durians..." This is a lethal weapon, especially the one with the shell...


She suddenly looked at the durian in Lan's father's hand, and a scene flashed in her mind, she seemed to have hit someone with a durian...

Suddenly, there was a dull pain in her head, as if something was preventing her from continuing to think.

In the dream, she remembered that she picked up the little wolf, and then Shu wanted to kill him, causing her to be poisoned by the demon, but there seemed to be something wrong, and there was no segment about how to pick up the little wolf.

"it hurts!"

Her profile picture is about to explode.

"Momo, what's wrong with you?"

It hurts!
She clenched her fist and beat her forehead... Then her eyes went dark, and she passed out.

On the top of Mount Sumeru, the scenery remains the same, the color of blood is gloomy, and the green eye hidden in the shadows is shining with interesting light waves.

"This girl...can't be underestimated, she almost remembered it, this is not going to happen, I haven't played enough yet."

After a moment of silence, another voice sounded quietly, with a dissatisfied tone.

"I said, Lao Tao, she is such a cute girl, why are you bullying her? You and I have been trapped here for 3 years. It's hard to meet this person with such good morals. She should be treated well. Maybe she is The person the Emperor of Heaven said can unlock your seal."

"Go, what is a good virtue, it takes a long time to see people's hearts. People are like monsters, they are the best at pretending, it is all illusion, hypocrisy, and deception! I will never be deceived again."

"You are careful to kill her!"

"If you kill her, you will die. Don't you think she enjoys it? This is her original world. I let her go back, isn't it good?"

"It's just an illusion, how can it be better, the illusion will consume a lot of mental power for one day, she is from Xuanyuan, not like a demon, she can't survive."

"You are wrong. If she is really pure in nature, it is absolutely impossible for my illusion to hurt her."

"You are fooling around. Why can't people be a little greedy? Money, power, and affection all have to be a little bit..."

"Shut up, greed is greed, what is small greed, and what is big greed, even if it is greed, I hate it. If she has the ability, she will break out by herself... If not, then it will be her life!"


"Stop rambling on, be careful that I will strike you to death with one palm!"

"Okay, I'll go, I hope you don't regret it, I won't care, I'll go to sleep!"

The sound dissipated and came and went without a trace.

There are only countless bubbles left, floating in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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