Chapter 285 Winning 500 (1)
When Yu Mo woke up, it was already dark. She stared at the ceiling for a long time, her head was blank, and her ears were ringing. When she was about to get up to drink some water, the door opened. Mother Lan saw that she was awake, and said happily: " Quiet, are you feeling better?"

She blinked, and when she stood up, she felt dizzy for a while, and fell back on the bed again, "Mom, what's wrong with me?"

"You have a fever!"


She touched her forehead, and it was really hot, "Why do you have a fever again?"

"Ask you, the bigger you are, the more worry-free you are. When you go out, you don't check the weather forecast. You must have caught the cold in the rain!" Lan's mother put the cooked porridge on the bedside table, "Go to bed and lie down."


She nestled back on the bed again, murmuring in her heart, she seldom got sick before, so how could she be so weak recently.

"Mom will take your temperature first."

Lan's mother took out the electronic thermometer at home and swiped it on her forehead.

"38 degrees, it's backed up a bit." She sat on the edge of the bed, stroked Fu Yumo's head, and said distressedly, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"


Apart from being light-headed, she didn't feel too bad.

"Drink the porridge, finish it, go to bed early."

She held the bowl, stirred the porridge in the bowl with a spoon, and slept for a long time, but she didn't feel hungry, and she didn't have any desire to eat.

"Mom, do you think I have some serious illness?"

The body is suddenly so weak, and the mind is often in a daze, unable to distinguish between reality and dreams, and always feels that something is wrong. Born into a medical family, she feels that if she is sick, she should be checked, and the focus of the disease should be found as soon as possible.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's wrong with you?"

"Then why do I always have a fever?"

"What is always, it's the last time and this time, it must be because the last time it didn't get better, it rained again, and it relapsed, don't think about it, finish your porridge and go to bed early, our Lan family is all doctors, Can't you tell if you're sick?"

Yumo is right after thinking about it. The Lan family is best at medical skills, which can be regarded as housekeeping skills. My mother is a brain surgery expert. If something really grows in her brain that shouldn't grow, she will definitely find it. It should be her. I am worrying about myself.

"You, just like your father, were struggling when you were young and didn't know how to adjust it. Let me see, don't go back to school on Sunday, take a few days off, and ask your grandpa to prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate. Go back after fully recovering, otherwise when you get to school, you will be sick and who will take care of you."

"Our school has a school doctor."

"Can the school doctor be as strong as our family?"

Lan's mother said this very confidently. The Lan family has a lot of doctors, covering all departments, and all of them are expert-level. If there are experts who don't need it, go to the school doctor. Is it reasonable? Besides, she is really worried. There are quite a lot of children of the younger generation in the family, but Yumo is her only daughter, so naturally she holds her in the palm of her hand.

"No, there is surgery class next Monday."

"With your ability, do you need to take that class?"

It's not that she is bragging, but she wants to talk about her talent. Among the younger generation of the Lan family, Yu Mo is the most talented child. Even Zhang Chaoyang said that if she goes to take the veterinary license test now, she will definitely be able to pass the test in one go.

"The ability comes down to the ability, and the foundation is also very important."

Especially in surgery, there is no shortcut, just keep practicing.

"No!" Lan's mother raised her face, "You have to listen to me about this matter, otherwise I don't worry about you going back to school. It's only two days, not a few months."

(End of this chapter)

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