Chapter 287 Winning 500 (3)
After her deeds were reported, donations from well-meaning people came, and volunteers also took the initiative to find her.

It’s just that as more and more animals are taken in, there are still difficulties in operation, especially medical expenses. I can't afford better equipment, so I can only turn to pet clinics, and the cost will follow. Although there are familiar pet clinics that can provide free treatment, but they open clinics for a living, and the number of times is too high. Grandma Ma I also feel embarrassed.

Later, when Uncle Wu came, the situation improved a bit. He is a kind-hearted and responsible veterinarian, but his skills...weaker.

Zhang Chaoyang also often comes to help, but even though doctors are free, medical supplies are not. They always need to be bought, and donations and donations have never been able to make ends meet. This has become a heart problem for Grandma Ma in recent years.

When Yu Mo arrived, she saw Grandma Ma sitting at the door of the infirmary with a sad face. For these animals, she had exhausted her efforts. People in their 80s were haggard like [-] or [-] years old, even their backs were bent.

"Grandma Ma!"

"Come silently."

Seeing her coming, Grandma Ma got up quickly, "Hurry up, come here and drink water first, it's a very hot day."

"I came here by car, it's not hot."

When Xiao Qiong heard her voice, she poked her head out of the infirmary immediately, "Yumo, here."


When she entered the infirmary, she saw the big black back lying on the treatment table at a glance. It was skinny and skinny. When it was breathing, its ribs were clearly visible. Already blackened.

Uncle Wu said: "Yumo, this child was found in an abandoned construction site yesterday. He must have been there for a long time. He was chained all the time, his legs were broken, and he still has many wounds on his body." Less burn wounds from cigarette butts."

Hearing this, Yu Mo felt astringent in his heart.

There are such abused animals almost every day, but some are lucky enough to be found, while others may be tortured to death by unscrupulous people.

"Let me see!"

Yumo put the schoolbag on the ground, and as soon as he walked over, the big black back screamed, which shows that it is quite scary.

Xiao Qiong said: "You approach it slowly. When we brought it back yesterday, it did the same thing. No matter who approached it, it screamed like this. It's terrible."

"I see."

Yu Mo approached it slowly, then stretched out his hand, and clicked with his mouth, "Hey, don't be afraid."

The big black back still screamed again and again, until Yumo stroked its head, lowered his head and murmured a few words in its ear, then it calmed down, and finally it took a mouthful of Yumo's hand timidly.

Xiao Qiong clapped her hands and said, "It's Yumo's way to calm it down in a while. Unlike us, Meng Ge and I squatted all night before it stopped barking."

Meng Ge is also a volunteer and Xiao Qiong's boyfriend.

Yumo checked its leg carefully. It was indeed seriously injured. The bones were already broken. Because there was no treatment for a long time, the bones had proliferated and the muscles were partially necrotic. In this case, any pet clinic and veterinarian would think that amputation is the best solution. good way.

But she doesn't.

"I'm here to operate on it and try to preserve its legs as much as possible."

Uncle Wu said, "Can it be saved like this?"

"Yes, but a second surgery is required. The first is to remove the rotting muscle to reduce the risk of infection, and the second is to correct the bone."

(End of this chapter)

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