Chapter 288 Winning 500 (4)
This hind leg has been injured for at least half a year, and the bone has begun to heal and grow, but there is no fixed relationship, the bone must have grown crookedly, so the second operation is to break the bone again, and then straighten it.

Xiao Qiong said happily: "I knew you could."

Yu Mo patted Dahei on the back of the head, and said softly: "Don't worry, you will be able to run again."

Three hours later, Yu Mo finished the operation and everything went well. The big black back was sent back to the cage and was taken care of by Uncle Wu.

"so tired!"

Yu Mo walked outside the infirmary and stretched her waist. This operation to remove necrotic and carrion is the most test of mental strength. Now she just wants to have a bed to lie on.

"Yumo, drink water!"

Xiao Qiong came over with a water glass.

"Thanks." She gulped it down.

After drinking the water, she saw that Xiao Qiong's expression was not very good, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoqiong didn't want to say it at first, because she promised Grandma Ma to keep it a secret, but she really couldn't hide it anymore.

"Yumo, the landlord said that he will take back the land here and stop renting it."

"Take it back? Didn't you sign a 20-year agreement?"

"What's the use of signing it? Now that the housing prices are so high, the land in S City is very expensive, and there is nothing to develop in the urban area. Some real estate developers have moved their brains here. I heard that this area will be included in the next development. According to the project, demolition will be carried out around here in two months.”

Yu Mo said angrily: "Even if the house needs to be demolished, the compensation will always be paid."

"Yes, yes, but when I signed the contract, I also wrote compensation for one year's rent. You know that the rent here is low, and even if you pay for it, you don't have much money. Where can I find such a place now? The rent is so low. The place is so big, Meng Ge and I searched for it online for a long time, but we couldn't find it."

This is indeed a big problem.

The shelter of hundreds of pets is not easy to find.

"When will the landlord come to collect the house?"

"Say it's next month!"

"so fast!"

This means that it is necessary to find a place to move as soon as possible.

"Because of this, Grandma Ma is worried about getting sick. In order to save some money, she doesn't even go to see a doctor."

"How can this work? No, I have to go and talk to her."

Elderly people must not die of illness, otherwise serious accidents will happen.

"Xiao Qiong, Xiao Qiong, I found a place."

A tall and strong young man rushed towards the gate surrounded by fences, his face was flushed by the sun, and he ran over quickly.

Xiao Qiong asked, "What did you find?"

"The place is the place to move."

"Huh?" Xiao Qiong jumped up and down happily, "Really."

"You are a puppy, just wait, I will show you." He took out a blueprint, "This is an abandoned factory. Over there in Jinshan, the owner of the factory wants to sell it at a low price. I asked, here It will not be developed within five years, and even if it will be developed, the land rights are still in the hands of the seller, that is..."

"What is it?"

"It's just that you can't rent it, you have to buy it."

"Buy it!?" Xiao Qiong screamed, "How much did you buy it for?"

"I asked a million."

As soon as the price came out, Xiao Qiong's face changed color, "Where did we get 100 million?"

"To raise money, I've thought about it. We'll do more charity sales recently, and launch them on WeChat and Weibo."

Grandma Ma’s welfare center has been in operation for ten years, and the donated money and materials will always be announced to the public, and they will never keep a single cent privately. In addition, Grandma Ma is so old, she has persisted, and the degree of attention is quite high Yes, so some volunteers even created a WeChat official account and Weibo for this purpose, just to let more people know about this place.

However, suddenly raising 100 million is still an astronomical figure.

"I know the money is a bit too much, but think about it, for 100 million, you can buy this place, not rent it, and even if there is any demolition in the future, we can share the money, unlike now, without this There's nowhere to go!"

100 million can buy such a large piece of land and have the right to use it. No matter how you calculate it, it is an accounting. The most important thing is that they no longer have to worry about the landlord's eviction.

"I know it's a good deal, but the money..."

How to buy without money.

This matter was quickly put on the table, even if it was a waste of money, even if the volunteers could help out, it was still far from 100 million, and the bank would never lend money to the welfare center.

Yumo also donated all his savings, and was the one who gave the most money among the volunteers.

However, it is still a drop in the bucket.

With this thought in mind, she was walking on the street and suddenly saw the Welfare Lottery Center.

The words Welfare Lottery attracted her full attention.

Maybe... you can try your luck.

She doesn't know where the idea came from. If it was in the past, she would never touch it. Everyone can win the welfare lottery, but it is a coincidence. She bought it and chose the number randomly, because she believes that there is no unparalleled road. .

When the lottery was drawn on Thursday, she checked it online and checked her numbers.

First the red ball...

And then basketball...


He hit it!

She won 500 million!

God damn it!

Good shit luck!

On Mount Sumeru, those green eyes stared at her in the bubble...

People are greedy, no matter how kind they are, they will be greedy...

I don't believe you are not greedy.

(End of this chapter)

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