The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 290 Money Is Floating Clouds

Chapter 290 Money Is Floating Clouds (2)
3 years... is just a number to it...

The wind blew past, and the mist slowly shrouded the sunless mountaintop again.

Yumo's smile became an indelible mockery in its eyes at this moment.

"Laugh, let's see how long you can laugh. The happier you are now, the more pain your companion will suffer. I'll see if you can still laugh."

The cold words couldn't reach Yumo's ears...she was still rolling happily on the bed.

"I'm a little rich woman! I'm a little rich woman! Hahahaha!"

She chirped and kissed the screen of the mobile phone that displayed the balance of the passbook card, and took a screenshot by the way. The bright smile seemed to be engraved on her face, and she couldn't hold it back.

After a while, she jumped up, ran to the desk and sat down, quickly turned on the computer, shook her little head, opened the webpage in the favorites, and then registered and logged in.

Everything she did was seen in those green eyes. Every time she made a movement, the pair of monster eyes shrank a little. Where she couldn't see, there were poisonous scorpions, pythons, and crystal-colored bubbles. In Paoli, she was sitting at a computer desk, but it was actually a mass of nothingness, and everything around her was fabricated by pus-blood-like creatures called phantom worms.

The computer flashed brightly, illuminating Yumo's happy smiling face, and then a dialog box popped up—are you sure you want to buy?

Below are buttons, one to confirm and one to cancel.

She slid the mouse with a smile and clicked to confirm.

When the clicking sound of confirming the click sounded, the pair of green demon eyes of the Taotie crouching on Mount Sumeru erupted with cruel anger, as if the heat that could burn hell into ashes, and turned everything that could be seen around it into ashes. The raging flames.


The black and golden claws passed through the crystal ball with open teeth and claws, and when they were about to grab Yu Mo's throat, a dark green dragon scale tail descended from the sky, blocking this soul-robbing giant claw.

Because of the mist, the real body of the dragon scale can't be seen clearly, only this tail is huge, and each scale is like a crystal, shining like a crystal.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you were going to sleep? Why are you bothering me again?"

The tail of the dragon scales trapped Taotie's claws, making it unable to move, "You can see clearly! She didn't do anything!"

"At this time, do you still ask for mercy?"

"Why should I plead for her? You can't tell!"

"Stop talking nonsense again..." Taotie threw off the tail of the dragon scales with such force that it seemed as if he had pushed a mountain.

When Dragon Scale Tail fell to the ground, it also made a loud rumbling noise like a mountain trembling.

When Taotie's claws broke free and went straight to Yu Mo's throat, in Yu Mo's illusion, the cell phone rang suddenly.

She happily picked it up, "Hello?"

Xiao Qiong shouted happily on the phone, "Yumo, Yumo, I can't believe it, we just received a donation of 150 million!"


While speaking, Yumo's eyes were shining brightly, and she was smiling while covering her mouth.

"Do I really believe that now?"


"There is no unparalleled road in the sky, and good people have good rewards."

Xiaoqiong was so excited that she was about to cry, and said again: "Also, also, we have received a few calls just now, all from pet product companies, saying that someone bought a lot of medical supplies and equipment and asked us Where to send it, there are a lot of things, really a lot.”

"is it?"

The state of Yu Mo covering her mouth and snickering became more and more rampant, almost laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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