The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 291 Money Is Floating Clouds

Chapter 291 Money Is Floating Clouds (3)
"We also received a VIP physical examination card for the elderly, signed by Grandma Ma..."

"There are so many good people!"

Yumo squatted on the ground, already bursting out laughing.

"I really can't believe it. If I didn't see my donation and I answered the phone, I really can't believe it's real. I would have thought it was a dream."

"Don't you know if you are dreaming if you hit yourself once?"


Xiao Qiong really did it, and pinched her face hard, "Oh, it hurts so much."

"Hehe, isn't that a dream?"

"Oh my God, I'm really going to cry!"

"What are you crying for?"

"I'm so... so happy..." After finishing the words, weeping came from the receiver.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, there are still many things to do, hurry up and buy that abandoned factory in Jinshan, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

"Yes, you are right, I will send Meng Ge to find the seller immediately!"


After hanging up the phone, Yu Mo collapsed on the ground and let out the laughter that he had held back for a long time.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After laughing, she climbed back to the computer desk, still with those webpages, but registered a different net name.

Those colorful webpages all have the words stray animal shelter, and with the sound of the confirmation button, she can't stop chanting.

"I've been to this shelter. It's really difficult. I want to donate a little. This is also... this is also..."

There was nothing else in her eyes, and all the reflections were the numbers of the donation account.

Along with the confirmation of the donation, the bank's payment reminder text rang, ding ding ding, but she didn't even look at it.

After a while, she muttered again: "Bye bye, my Apple computer, bye bye, my iPhone 7 phone, bye bye, travel, bye bye, Canon camera, don't worry, I can honor it even when I become a veterinarian Well, the idol of Ruan Ruan's family should still be popular for a long time, anyway, it's goodbye..."

This sound of talking to himself, accompanied by laughter, was like the sound of splashing water, flowing in this exquisite bedroom.

Greed is indeed something that everyone will have.

It's just that some people prefer to give...

With a bang, another dialog box popped up on the system interface - your balance is insufficient, please choose another payment method.

"Xiami! Is the balance low? It's so fast! I still have two places to donate!"

She picked up her phone and read the text message of the expense reminder.

It clearly states that the current balance is 98000 yuan.

She was about to donate [-] yuan to a small welfare center just now.

"It's disgusting!" She complained and yelled, her little face darkened, she sniffed, and changed the donation to 50000.

"A little less, but it should be enough."

Then decisively changed the other two donation pages.

"This one is 28000, this one is 30000!"

The confirmation button clicked again, and the system displayed that the donation was successful, thank you for your love.

The reminder of mobile phone spending text messages also came in seconds.

Your current balance is 0 yuan.

Looking at the clear words, Yu Mo sighed: "Money is really just floating clouds!"

Immediately, she threw herself back on the bed, laughing loudly.

"It's cool, the feeling of spending money like this is really extraordinary..."

After a while, she thought of something, and took out the text message on her mobile phone to have a look.

The huge 0 made her eyes suddenly turn red.

"Too bad, I also used the money I spent on buying the exam papers and exercises for the sixth grade!"

She urgently donated money, forgetting that Cary had left a sum of money to buy exercises, and... next month's school food expenses, she sat on the bed blankly, and began to enter endless sadness...

I don't know if my mother will advance her pocket money for next month.


There seems to be no precedent for this since childhood.

Rich woman and poor man... This qualitative change is too shocking.

She bent her legs and wrapped them tightly, and her whole body was gloomy.

Five minutes later, she raised her head, her small face was shining brightly, and her dark eyes turned around, "Yes, go buy another welfare lottery ticket, maybe you can win! I'm so smart!"

She quickly got out of bed, picked up her wallet, and ran out quickly.

But the result was disastrous.

There was only 1 yuan and 5 cents left in her wallet, and the lottery ticket cost 2 yuan.

Yu Mo: "..."

Pauper no doubt!

The frenzied laughter on Mount Sumeru reappeared, accompanied by the undulating and swaying dragon scale tail, which was extraordinarily ear-piercing.

The laughter didn't stop for a long time, and there was a voice in the laughter again, which was even more rampant, "You lost, you lost!"

The green demon pupils shrank, and the breath fluttered: "Shut up!"

"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

"I haven't lost yet!"

"Why didn't she lose, she wasn't greedy at all!"

"That...that is...she..."

Dragonscale flicked its tail, "What?"

After holding back for a long time, the demon eyes opened angrily, "She is stupid!"

The dark green dragon scale tail froze.


"I don't believe she's not greedy. As you can see, she still wants to buy that stupid lottery ticket."

"You just won't admit defeat."

"I said it, I didn't lose!"

Dragon Scale Tail was so angry that he composed a song, "You are so stubborn!"

"You don't need to take care of my affairs."

"What else do you want!?"

Taotie was silent, and his demon pupils closed.

"why do not you talk!"

Just as he was about to continue questioning, there was a sudden bang and the mountain shook.

When it stops...

Taotie... disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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