The dog demon comes to tease a wife

293 Chapter 2 Going to Zhang Family with You

Chapter 293 Go home with you (2)
"I have no money."

"I have, I invite you!"

Yu Mo said seriously, "No!"


"Because we are good friends!"

Because she is a good friend, let alone stealing money, this is her principle.

It is her family's business that a friend has money, and she must not use the excuse of being rich to make her pay the bill every time. Others like it, but she is not willing.

Ruan Xin yelled: "Tough bone!"

"This is called Sanguanzheng! Let's go, go to the greenhouse to see Xiaohei, you have eaten so many ribs, walk a little more, to digest and lose weight."


Ruan walked forward angrily.

When he arrived at the flower room, Yu Mo was about to call Xiao Hei, when he opened the door, he saw the person he didn't want to see the most.

With his back to her and Ruan Xin, Quan Meiluo squatted in the middle of the greenhouse, because he was blocked by rose bushes, he couldn't see what he was doing, only his back.

After Ruan Xin saw it, she took a deep breath and said, "The handsome guy is there!"

It seems that it is right not to sing, she was about to lean over, but Yu Mo grabbed her.


"The dog at his feet is not easy to mess with. Be careful not to be bitten."

Ruan Xin glanced at Dubin named Lin Lang, who was squatting at the feet of the handsome man, looking very docile, "Would you? It looks quite educated."

"If you are educated, you won't bite Xiao Hei, you follow me..."


Yumo walked over with her head held high and her chest held high. Last time she was a waste in the car, but now it's different. This is a school, so he didn't dare to act recklessly.

"What are you doing here again?"

Hearing the voice, Inu Meiluo turned his head and looked at the person coming, his golden eyes reflected the sunlight, glowing warmly, "This seems to be my line."

"Go, what's your line? I'm asking you, did you bring your dog to bully Xiao Hei again..." She paused, and was surprised to see Xiao Hei lying on the ground, turning his stomach, not moving at all. Her eyes were tightly closed, her heart sank, and she said angrily, "What did you do to Xiao Hei?"

He didn't speak, just snapped his fingers lightly.

With a snap, Xiao Hei got up suddenly, wagging his tail and squatting in front of him, his two watery eyes were full of sparkle for reward.

"Very good, let's eat!"

He rewarded it with a dog biscuit and tossed it to it.

Xiao Hei kicked his legs, jumped to catch it, and started to eat the biscuit with a mouthful.

Yumo was dumbfounded...

This is training?
Xiao Hei quickly finished eating the biscuits and ran to him again.

The magnetic voice ordered: "Sit down!"

Xiao Hei sat down obediently.

After that……

"Get down!"

It sticks out its big tongue, and it does so.


Xiao Hei lay down and rolled over neatly.

He raised his hand in a pistol pose, and slapped it.

Xiao Hei immediately fell to the ground, as if he had been shot, and let out an exaggerated groan.

This acting deserves an Oscar.

Yu Mo opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide.

"you saw it?"

Quan Meiluo stood up and took out another dog biscuit. After snapping his fingers, Xiao Hei jumped up to receive the dog biscuit, and ate it with crumbs all over the floor.

"Are you training it?"

"Isn't it like that!"

The few actions just now are the most elementary things in the dog training course.

"Has your head been caught by the door?"

(End of this chapter)

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