The dog demon comes to tease a wife

294 Chapter 3 Going to Zhang Family with You

Chapter 294 Go home with you (3)
A few days ago, when Xiao Hei was bitten, he also said that he was lowly, and he asked his dog not to get close to it. His words were full of disgust and disdain for Xiao Hei. Why did he change today? Here comes the dog.

And... what about Qiuqiu and Bobo?
She looked around but couldn't find it, and asked, "Where are two more?"

"Go out and pick up the ball!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiuqiu and Bobo ran in from the door, both holding yellow-green tennis balls in their mouths, holding them as if asking for credit, and putting them down at his feet.

Facing this scene, Yu Mo could no longer understand.

Lin Lang squatted at his feet, raised her head proudly, and faced the three master's new love dogs, neither annoyed nor jealous, but if they got close, it would bark its teeth.

Ruan Xin praised, "Handsome guy, you are so caring!"

After hearing this, Yu Mo complained in his heart, what kind of love, abnormality must be a demon, this guy must have ulterior motives.

"Bring it!"

Suddenly she held out her hand.

Gu Meiluo looked at her little hand inexplicably, "What?"

"Xiao Hei's medical expenses!"

She didn't forget about this at all, and now she didn't know what his intentions were, so she hurriedly demanded compensation.

He shook his head, "It's not necessary."

"What do you mean it's not necessary? If your dog bites Xiao Hei, you have to be responsible. Get the money quickly and stop talking."

He chuckled, "You misunderstood, I mean, there are better ways than compensation."

"What?" She didn't believe he had a better way.

"I've adopted them."

Hearing that, Yu Mo's whole body was stiff, and his eyes widened in disbelief. After a while, the eyeballs would probably pop out and fall to the ground.

After a while, she faltered and said, " it again?"

"I have adopted them, and the school has agreed. If you don't believe me, you can read the adoption agreement!"

Yu Mo just felt that the world was spinning for a while, the day has changed too fast, or she was dreaming again.

She quickly shook her head, and tapped again by the way.

Ruan Xin frowned and said, "Momo, why are you hitting yourself on the head?"

"I'm testing to see if I'm dreaming!"

"It's in broad daylight, where did you get the dream from? You knocked your head out of your head carefully." She reached out to hold Yu Mo's hand that was beating his head vigorously, and said teasingly: "I think you are not dreaming, you are just studying your homework, you are an idiot! "

"This unscientific!"

"What's unscientific?"

"He actually adopted stray dogs!"

"He has the same love as you, can't he?"

Ruan Xin didn't think as much as she did, she just thought that this handsome aristocratic guy from England was a kind-hearted and warm man.

Yu Mo still didn't believe it, and stared at Quan Mei Luo with wide-open almond eyes.

"Honestly, is there some ulterior purpose in adopting them?"

He has a good temper, and he didn't get angry when he was so suspicious. He smiled and said, "For example...?"

"Ask you!"

"I don't think I have any ulterior motives. Instead, you asked me aggressively, as if you already had any ideas?"

"What can I think! I just think you are suspicious."

He stroked his chin, "If that's the case, then tell me a few suspicious purposes and let me refer to them."


Yu Mo stomped his feet angrily, but couldn't say a word, and finally stopped the three dogs behind him, "I don't allow you to take them home."

She was afraid that she would never see them again after taking them home.

"I am their master."

"They don't want to!"

"is it?"

"Of course!"

Yumo is still very confident in this point, she has an extraordinary relationship with Bobo, Qiuqiu, and Xiaohei.

"Well, let's try it."

He dusted himself off, walked towards the door, Lin Lang followed step by step, and when he reached the door, he called out, "Come here!"

When the three dogs heard it, they rushed over immediately.

It was too late for Yu Mo to stop him, and he shouted: "Bobo, Qiuqiu, Xiaohei, come back!"

It's a pity that no one paid attention to her, they were wagging their tails at him desperately, and they looked loyal.

At this moment, her innate physique for getting close to animals unexpectedly failed.

"you saw it?"

Looking at that handsome face, Yu Mo was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Momo, Bobo, isn't it good for them to be adopted? And they are such high-end masters."

This is simply reincarnation.

"How can he be so kind!?"

"How do you know that he has no good intentions? You can't be hostile to him because he specializes in breeding dogs of famous breeds?"

This reminded Yu Mo.

"You also know that he specializes in breeding famous breeds of dogs. What is a famous breed of dog? He pays attention to bloodlines. Bobo, Qiuqiu, and Xiao Hei are all in a row. Let alone bloodlines, famous dogs are even more difficult to match. He also How can you really adopt it?"

Ruan Xin said: "Didn't you say that people who love dogs don't care about these things."

"Are you helping me, or helping him?"

"I won't help anyone, I'm just being reasonable. Well, you see, Bobo and the others are very happy, and if you're worried..." Ruan Xin's eyeballs rolled around, and they came close to Yu Mo's. He whispered in his ear, "You can go to his house. Isn't there a visiting rule for adoption? You can do the same."

Yu Mo's eyes lit up immediately after listening.

That's right, families that adopt stray dogs must unconditionally fulfill their obligation to be visited.

She straightened her chest, walked over with vigorous steps, looked up and said, "In order to prove that you have no possibility of cruelty to small animals, I want to go home with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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