The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 307: The Heavenly Cracker Appears

Chapter 307: The Heavenly Cracker Appears (2)
Although it was reluctant, it still took a step.

One person and one dog are walking in the manor of the dog house.

The manor at night has a special taste, the sound of frogs.

The fragrance surrounding the manor in the night is still there. Under the street lamps, the moon-shaped celestial silkworm moth with wings as celadon-like and the scarabs as iridescent as gemstones are flying back and forth. When you look up, you will see the moon that you can look at freely. The wind doesn't feel hot anymore.

"Jiu Siam, this is an illusion!"

Under the same moonlight, there are completely different styles.

The withered flowers, dry leaves and rotten branches are all swallowed by the moon shadow, leaving behind the perfect illusion rendered by the silver starlight and golden moonlight. Turned into an illusory shadow.

It's hard to tell if it's true or false!

Jiu Xian cautiously stepped onto the ladder created by Lie Tiansi with demon power, avoiding the danger of falling into an illusion.

"Is this what Taotie did?"

"No, Taotie doesn't have this ability."

"Then how can there be such an indisputable illusion?"

Lie Tianxi observed the surrounding situation, and replied after a while: "This is probably the power of the divine weapon."

"Do you know what kind of artifact it is?"

"Can create such a huge illusory realm, I am afraid that only..."

Before he finished speaking, a dragon-scale tail fell from the sky.

"Who dares to break into this place, and leave quickly!"

Jiu Xian and Lie Tiansi cleverly avoided the sudden attack and looked towards the sky.

The clouds were thick, as if covered with dense cotton balls, covering the entire sky so that the starry sky could not be seen. The reason why there was moonlight and starlight was just an illusion created by the illusion.

The real body of the dragon-scale tail is hidden in the thick clouds, and nothing other than the tail can be seen at all.

"Who is making noise in the air?"

Jiu Siam is guarded by Li Tiansi, and he is not afraid of the crisis hidden in the sky.

Lie Tianxi raised her head, her black eyes were surging, and she was also spying.

Like Taotie, it is an ancient ferocious beast. It has a rhinoceros head and its whole body is covered with scales. Because the scales are very hard, it looks like a mechanical beast made of copper and iron. Its whole body is black except for one horn on the top of its head. .

It is said that it is a female rhinoceros, but in fact, the beast has no gender at all, it is just a legend.

At this moment, it was only as big as a horse, and its limbs were also covered with black scales. Under the illusory light of the stars and the moon, there was a faint cold light.

This is not its complete form, but its appearance when the demon power is released at its minimum.

As a summoned beast, you must be cautious in releasing the demon power, otherwise you will implicate your master.

The tail of the dragon scale fell again, hitting the cliff wall on Mount Sumeru hard, and when the rumbling sound came, the cliff also broke.

"Say it again, leave quickly!"

Under such a heavy blow, the raised dust blinded Jiu Siam. He waved his hand to disperse the dust that covered his eyes. He came here to find Taotie and tame it as his summoned beast. How can you leave so easily before the goal is achieved.

"Li Tian, ​​is this tail owned by Taotie?"

"Not like!"

Jiu Xian said in surprise: "If not, who is responsible for such power?"

There is Taotie sealed on Mount Sumeru, it is recorded in ancient books, there is no mistake, if the owner of the tail of the dragon scale is not Taotie, then what is it?
He was worried that there would be a change in the plan, which would affect the overall situation.

(End of this chapter)

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