The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 308: The Heavenly Cracker Appears

Chapter 308: The Heavenly Cracker Appears (3)
"You might win it?"

Lie Tianxi breathed out hot breath rebelliously, and gave him a cold look, "You won't know until you beat him!"

It is aggressive by nature, and likes to wreak havoc the most. If so, it would not come to Mount Sumeru, let alone be Jiu Siam's summoned beast.

After being trapped for thousands of years, he was finally unsealed by a stupid monster. He thought that he was free and could kill all directions. When he ran into the mountains and rivers with blood, he happened to meet Hengfeng, an old ghost, and together with all the monsters, he subdued him. It, with its Yuandan, melted into Hengfeng's summoned beast contract spell, forcing it to become Hengfeng's summoned beast.

Once the curse of the contract of the summoned beast is established, the summoned beast will live and die with the summoner. Unless the summoner is willing to lift the contract curse before dying, or pass the summoned beast to his apprentice, the summoned beast will die. It will evaporate.

Hengfeng made it his summoned beast because he knew that they could not kill it with a group of monsters, so he could only change the form and trap it in the universe bag, because without the call of the summoner, the summoned beast could not come from The cosmic bag comes out, which is equivalent to a powerful seal that can continue to trap it.

I thought that I would be trapped in the Qiankun bag until Hengfeng died, and turned into dust with him, but I didn't want Hengfeng to take in a disciple who was also fond of fighting and fighting.

Before killing Hengfeng, Jiu Xian snatched his Qiankun bag, and used the forbidden technique Ten Thousand Demons Bloodthirsty, set a new contract spell, and took down the summoned beasts in the Qiankun bag, which made the I became its new owner.

Summoners and summoned beasts have an indestructible contract curse. No matter how powerful it is, this contract curse cannot be broken. Although they don't like to be subdued, as long as it can let it wantonly kill and destroy, it doesn't matter what form it is .

What about summoned beasts?

Does Jiu Siam, the titular master, dare to disrespect it?
It will not really be willing to be a summoned beast like this. Although the curse of the contract cannot be broken, Jiu Xian used the forbidden technique to forcibly change the owner of the summoned beast. Maybe there are other forbidden techniques that can break the curse of the contract. Canceled, the current subjugation is just a stopgap measure, when it finds a forbidden technique that can be broken, it will rule the world again, just around the corner.

As soon as the words fell, its jet-black eyes overflowed with a brutal and bloodthirsty nature, and it flew away, straight through the clouds.

"It's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones. It's just time to have a good fight with you, a rat who hides in the clouds and never wants to reveal his real body."

It rushed into the cloud, causing a commotion.

The instant collision caused the clouds to change, it was as dark as ink, and the wind was surging.

When the gust of wind blew, the clouds were blown into a huge vortex... It was like a sign before a tornado came.

Braving the storm, Jiu Siam clung to a stone pillar not far away.

On the other side, Yu Mo, who was taking a walk, was startled by a thunderbolt that suddenly flashed across the sky.

Looking at the sky that suddenly changed color, the lightning flickered strangely, suddenly, the clouds in the sky seemed to be cut by something, and countless dust and scum fell down.

They fell crackling, like hailstones, hitting everywhere.

Yu Mo hurriedly hugged her head, "What's the matter, is there a sandstorm?"

Taotie stared at the sky, the color in his eyes darkened and thickened, as if a layer of ice had formed.

"Gaotie, let's go back quickly!"

Yumo not only covered his head, but also stretched out his hand to cover it from the falling flying soil and stone foam.

The servant of the dog's house ran over with an umbrella, and with the umbrella's cover, unnecessary damage was reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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