The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 309: The Heavenly Cracker Appears

Chapter 309: The Heavenly Cracker Appears (4)
The flying dust fell from the sky with a clatter, and a piece of gray dust was raised. The dust particles were inhaled into the nasal cavity with the breath, causing Yumo to cough.

"Ahem, cough, this day has become too outrageous, is this the end of the world?"

In just a short while, she was already ashamed, and she spit out dirt.

Taotie flicked the fur off his body, his expression was solemn, and he already had doubts in his heart.

I'm afraid something happened to Mount Sumeru!
It walked slowly back into the iron cage, and lay down with its head inward.

Seeing it back in the cage, Yu Mo was surprised and walked over.It has been thinking about getting out of the cage all day long, but now it took the initiative to go in, which is really strange.


She pushed it, but it didn't respond at all, as if it was asleep.

"Are you tired after walking so far?"

It seemed to be sleeping soundly, unshakeable.

Yumo stopped arguing with it, and was going to go back home after the mud and hailstorm passed.

On the top of Mount Sumeru, Taotie's real body returned, frowning and looking at the swirling clouds in the distance.

Suddenly, without any warning, the cloud layer shone with a bloody light, quickly dyeing the jet-black cloud layer red.

The gluttonous green eyes shot out murderous aura, and flew towards the blood cloud, what appeared in front of him was a huge pool of blood, inside which was boiling sticky and bloody pus, other than that, he could not see anything else. of.


still is……

With a clicking sound, a white sharp horn stabbed at the back, ruthlessly and violently.

Taotie sensed it, and the golden claws immediately blocked it.

The sharp horns and giant claws flashed orange sparks due to the collision, and after a pause, they exchanged hundreds of strokes back and forth.

The clouds were too thick to see each other, but it did not hinder the fight between the two masters.

They are all terrifying ancient beasts.

If the sound is silent, the mountain will collapse, and if it is loud, the situation will change...

Yu Mo in the illusion didn't know what happened, only that the mud and hailstones in the sky were falling endlessly, and they were getting bigger and bigger. Looking at the situation, it didn't seem like a change in the weather, but more like a catastrophe .

She quickly took out her mobile phone and called her family to report that she was safe, so as not to worry them.

Papa Lan looked at the starry sky outside his window. The moon was like a golden moon cake, which was exceptionally clear. There was no mud and hail. It was clearly a beautiful day with bright moon and few stars.

"Momo, are you confused again?"

"What are you confused about?"

"Didn't there be any mud and hail on Dad's side?"


She was dumbfounded, staring at the wind and dust outside.

Could it be that this mud and hail is like a shower, falling on one side and stopping on the other?

"Momo, where are you now?"


"Tell me the address, Dad will pick you up!"

"it is good!"

She can't go back by herself now, and the people in the dog's house are too embarrassed to bother her. It would be best if her father could come to pick her up. She asked the servant to give an address, then hung up the phone and waited in the dog's house.

When the servant asked her politely if she wanted some snacks, she was about to reply when the ground under her feet twisted suddenly, followed by a tremor.

Her first reaction was that there was an earthquake, and she yelled for people to go out to take refuge, but the walls of the house began to crack and collapse in an instant. After getting rid of Taotie, he turned back again.

Taotie was still sleeping in the big iron cage, she used all her strength to pull it out.

"Gaotie, wake up!"

It was unresponsive, eyes still closed.

If it wasn't for the snorting and weak breathing, she really thought it had died suddenly.

"Miss, come out!"

The servant at the door shouted and waved to her.

"Bobo, what about Qiuqiu and Xiaohei...?"

She saved Taotie, but she didn't forget these three.

The servant seemed to want to answer, but with a bang, half of the house collapsed, and the roof rolled down in black.


The screams burst like thunder in the air.

After the roof was smashed, the light was covered, and the darkness hit the head, and it became instantly invisible.

Yumo wanted to keep calm, but she couldn't see anything. Darkness can always raise the level of fear invisibly...

"anyone there?"

She fumbled wildly. The dust raised in the air made her cough continuously, and no one responded after shouting for a long time. The surroundings became quiet at some point, and she began to wonder if she was crushed under the rubble.

But if she was under the rubble, she didn't feel oppressed, she could move freely, and she didn't suffer any injuries. The air was a bit dirty, but there was no lack of oxygen.

Because she couldn't see it, she couldn't judge, so she could only casually touch the surrounding things, touching the warm fur.

It was Taotie, and Taotie was by her side.

She is not alone.

This fact made her fear less.


The big dog beside her was still unresponsive, but she was sure it was still alive, otherwise its fur wouldn't be so warm.

The earthquake came too suddenly, it seems to have stopped now, who knows if there will be aftershocks, if it happens again, she may really be crushed under the rubble.

She had to find a way out quickly.

But, dragging such a big sleeping dog, how would she go?

(End of this chapter)

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