The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 325: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl

Chapter 325: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl (2)
After the breakthrough, there is an enchantment with a purple aperture, like a flame, and Jiu Siam is inside.

Jiu Xian didn't expect him to rush over like this, because the speed was too fast, and he had no time to hide.

Because of his appearance, the red wolf's eyes became even redder, shooting out a bloodthirsty fierce light.

Jiu Xian immediately released the universe bag, muttering something silently, and three monsters of different sizes suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air.

One is a lizard in flame armor, but with turquoise eyes all over its body.

One was a black tiger with ivory, and a head on top, but only two huge eyes.

The last one was the largest, a giant monster made of rocks, humanoid, covered with branches and moss.

Three monsters stood in front of Jiu Siam, blocking the little wolf's attack.

The little wolf gritted his teeth and refused to back down. When the dog's paw hit, it emitted a huge light wave, crushing the surrounding trees and cliff rocks into powder.

The three monsters are very united and cooperate with each other tacitly, which is obviously Jiu Siam's trump card.

In the three-on-one situation, the little wolf was quickly at a disadvantage, and Yu Mo was also terrified, but soon the situation was reversed, and the little wolf's moves were fierce, completely ignoring the wounds on his body, looking like he was going to die together Fierce air.

This is clearly not life.

Jiu Xian saw that his magic beast began to retreat, and released the Qiankun bag again. After muttering silently, a three-headed python flew out across the sky, flicked out its tail, and engulfed the little wolf.

The little wolf was trapped, and after being lifted high into the air by the snake's tail, it was slammed down again.

The strength of the giant python was extremely strong, when it hit the ground, it made a hole, then lifted the little wolf up, and then hit it down again.

The little wolf was powerless to fight back, flailing his limbs and struggling.

Such a heavy blow, even the bones made of steel can't bear it.

Thick blood began to flow from the little wolf, winding along the pothole.

The sound of the giant python beating is deafening, as long as you can't escape its grip, you will be smashed to pieces.

Seeing this, Jiu Xian laughed and said, "King of Demon Dog, you are nothing more than that! Hahahahaha!"

He thought he had won, but he ignored the sharp murderous look in the little wolf's bloody eyes.


After a roar, the demon power of the little wolf began to burn around his body. Although the giant python bound him, his muscles began to contract uncontrollably. Burnt smell.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of the little wolf's mouth, and with a swing of the giant claw, the giant snake was torn in half, and its flesh and bones were shattered.


The giant python fell to the ground in pain, its body had been torn apart, broken in two, the thick snake body writhed and beat on the ground in pain, thick blue juice gushed out from the torn place, and splashed the little wolf all over. .

After the little wolf landed, he glared at Jiu Xian, wrapped in a demonic aura, he looked more like a monster than a monster.

Startled, Jiu Xian took two steps back quickly, and called three monsters to attack. These were his summoned beasts, they would only obey his orders, and attacked together.

The little wolf escaped from the giant python, his madness remained undiminished, and he also attacked.

The attack without defense is the most terrifying, because it is an instinctive counterattack, without any consideration in the brain, and the way of attacking is even more irregular. Crazy makes him not afraid of pain, and also releases all the demon power, killing him The only way to communicate with these demons.

The three-on-one situation quickly turned into a one-sided massacre.

Bite, slap claws, blood rains down.

(End of this chapter)

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