The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 326: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl

Chapter 326: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl (3)
Jiu Xian never thought that he would be so powerful, no, he was crazy, he had no reason in his eyes, and he seemed to be a monster who only knew how to kill.

how so! ?

He did a sneak attack before and didn't show up because he didn't want to confront him head-on, and used guerrilla warfare to consume part of his physical strength. He came to Mount Sumeru with the biggest purpose of using Li Tianxie to deal with Taotie and then capture it. The demon king was alone again. How could he let go of such a good opportunity? Everything was going well at first, but he didn't expect things to change suddenly, and he went crazy.

Could it be because of that... woman?
He didn't know who that woman was, he only knew that she didn't have any demonic power, so she shouldn't be a big shot, so he boldly adopted the method of guerrilla warfare, trying to give the dog demon king a blow.

Who would have thought...

He shuddered, because he was anxious.

A few screams pierced the air, and in the blink of an eye, the little wolf had torn the four monsters to pieces. He didn't seem to think it was enough. The head of one of the monsters fell to the ground, gasping for breath. stepped up.

The huge head burst instantly, turning into an invisible pile of rotten meat.

"Jiu Siam..."

The killing intent echoed between the blood-stained lips and teeth of the little wolf, and he uttered the name, like the announcement of the god of death.

When looking back at him, the dog's paw has also stretched out.

Jiu Xian knew that he was invincible, but he was also powerless to escape. He released four monsters, which consumed too much monster power, but he would never wait for death like this.

"Crack the sky!"

He hissed into the air.

As if the little wolf had never heard of it, its sharp claws went straight to the center of his chest.

When he was about to touch it, there was a loud noise from the sky, and the black one-horned rhino fell down, blocking his claws.

"Crack the sky, kill him, kill him quickly."

Jiu Xian hid behind Lie Tiansi, shouting frantically.

Lie Tianxi was unmoved, and cast a cold glance at him, "Trash!"

Jiu Siam knew that he was disobedient, but only it could save him at this time.

Although Lie Tianxi didn't want to obey him, his identity as a summoned beast made him have to protect him. If he died, it would die too. It frowned and looked at the little wolf.

It is also amazing to be able to force Jiu Siam into such a situation.

"Who is he?"

"Dog... Dog Demon King!"

Lie Tiansi looked at the little wolf who had lost his mind and was drenched in blood.

"Are you... Qi Luo's son?"

The word Qiluo made the little wolf's mind tremble.

"No wonder it's so powerful, hahaha! Very good, I have a scar on my body, and every time it rains, it makes me sore and unbearable. Now I have a chance to take revenge."


It looked towards the sky, and the thick clouds couldn't see what was above, but its black eyes were shining with excitement.

The fierce battle just now was evenly fought, but the opponent has been unwilling to show his true body, and is extremely unpredictable. Shenlong hid again, making it unable to deliver a fatal blow, but even if the opponent Without revealing its true identity, it also guessed who it was?

You really are trapped on Mount Sumeru.

It's a pity... The power of the seal prevents you from exerting your full strength. It's too late to fight me.

Anyway, I'm here, so I might as well have a good time.

Let's deal with this kid first.

It violently released its demonic aura, and immediately became huge. At the same time, Jiu Xian fell to his knees and spit out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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