The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 327: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl

Chapter 327: Come From the Gluttonous Bowl (4)
"Trash, hold on to me!"

Jiu Xian really wanted to hold on, but Lie Tiansi's monster power was a hundred times stronger than him. Although he became his summoned beast, if he exerted his strength, it would connect to his monster energy. Such a surge would take his monster energy together Absorbed.

"There's no need to deal with him..." He vomited another mouthful of blood.

The demon power had already begun to be sucked away, and he collapsed to the ground, twisting his body in pain.

"Who made you so overwhelmed?"

Lie Tiansi kicked him away disdainfully, if it hadn't become his summoned beast, it wouldn't have fought with Taotie for so long and still couldn't kill it.

The little wolf's chaotic eyes began to revive, and after seeing Li Tianxie, his emotions became agitated again, and painful memories flew back and forth.

His mother died, his father also died, and silently...

Silence is also dead!
The heartstrings broke again...

He wants revenge, he wants to kill them.

The hatred vibrated violently in his chest, transformed into a powerful killing intent, and launched an attack on Lie Tiansi.

"Don't fight anymore, stop!"

In the dark, Yu Mo looked helplessly at Tian Xie and Xiao Lang who were wrestling together. It was clearly a one-sided situation.

The little wolf's injury was more serious than expected. Although he was as fierce as a god of war, Tian Xie was an ancient beast, and he couldn't beat it if he wanted to. He had to pay attention to tactics, but the little wolf was crazy, let alone thinking. No, he doesn't even have sense.

Playing indiscriminately will only give Lie Tianxi a chance.

"Little wolf...Little wolf wake up, don't fight anymore!"

He's going to die, he's really going to die.

"Shudu, Awu, Dada, where are you, hurry up and save him, save him!"

The fear of losing the wolf cub spread slowly, spreading all over her body, with a strong tingling sensation, she screamed hoarsely, she hated her powerlessness so much, how much she wanted to take all the pain and injury on his body If it is transferred to my body, even if it is ten times worse, or a hundred times more painful, I will not complain.

little wolf...

She was trembling almost crazily, but she couldn't help screaming from her throat.

God, please, save him.

I beg you, I beg you!
I beg you aloud, but it seems a kind of despair, enough to suffocate.

"You really want to save him?"

In the darkness, a voice sounded coldly, causing an echo and breaking the silence here.

Yu Mo turned around in a panic...

A black wood floating in the air, squatting.

"Hei... Hei Chai..."

She thought she had read it wrong, wasn't it the dog in the dream?

It widened its eyes, as if a little disbelieving, "You see that this gentleman looks like Heichai?"

She didn't know how to answer, so she just nodded.

"Hahahahaha... I see... I see..." It covered its forehead, laughing wildly.

She wasn't sure if her current situation was normal, but she was sure that it was the black wood she had seen. As for why it could speak human language, it was no longer something she could think about.

"You're a glutton, right?"

It stopped laughing and replied coldly, "Yes!"

"Why are you here?"

"Because I saved you!"

"saved me?"

"Otherwise, if I hadn't made a move, you would have died long ago, stupid girl!" It scratched its ears impatiently, "You are in my body now!"

When Jiuxian killed her, it sensed it. Before she died, it protected her heart veins and led her three souls and seven souls into its own body. It didn't know what demon it was at that time. He obviously had a fierce fight with Lie Tianxie, but he even managed to save her with some of his monster power.

Now that it has been saved, there is nothing to regret.

Yumo was startled and took a breath.

Body, this is its body, but it clearly...

No, it's not her concern, she turned her head and continued to look at that vision.

The fierce battle inside continued, and Lie Tiansi's palm sent the little wolf flying.

She was so anxious that regardless of her weakness, she let out a cry.

Taotie exasperatedly said, "What are you yelling at, he's not dead yet!"

But it's almost there.

The power of ferocious beasts cannot be dealt with by demons.

Yu Mo thought he didn't hear what he said, and was still focusing on the battle outside.

Taotie felt that he was being ignored, this girl's way of thinking was something he didn't understand the most, but it didn't matter...

"Do you want to save him?"

Hearing that, Yu Mo turned his head, "Can you save him?"

"Yes!" There was a playful smile on the corner of its mouth.

"How to help?"

"Give me your body!"

Yu Mo was stunned, "Body..."

What do you mean?
"That's right, it's the body. It's something you can't ask for. If it wasn't for you..."

"it is good!"

Yu Mo didn't have time to think about the meaning of it, and replied: "Are you going to eat me? It doesn't matter if you eat it well, as long as you can save the little wolf."

Her expression was extremely determined, even though she didn't think this Heichai could save the wolf cub, as long as there was a chance, she would not let it go, maybe... at the price of her life, it could really save him.

She closed her eyes resolutely, "You eat me!"

Taotie stared at her, who is going to eat her, it hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Hehe, old glutton, let me just say that this girl is interesting, but you still refuse to admit it."

A familiar voice came to mind.

But it snorted, "What's interesting, I think she is stupid, you were hit on the head by Tianxie, right, so you can only talk nonsense."

"I was injured, but I didn't hurt my head, and I was injured because of you, I think you just obey, this is your destined master!"


It doesn't need a master, but it needs someone to break the seal, only in this way can it beat the stinky rhinoceros like Li Tiansi.


Yu Mo still closed his eyes, "Come on, hurry up! You don't need to chew too thinly, it will be faster to swallow directly."

Taotie: "..."

Nothing to talk to idiots.

That's it!

"It's cheap for you, remember, my name is Taotie, the fifth son of the dragon!"

When the words fell, there was no more sound.

Thousands of rays of light condensed, illuminating this dark place...

Yumo didn't wait for the pain of being swallowed, but felt her whole body began to feel hot, especially her chest, which was as hot as if her chest had been melted away. Her thoughts became chaotic, and only two words floated out of the blank space.

She seemed to be guided by something, and opened her mouth.


A word falls...

She opened her eyes, dark green eyes, shining with thousands of brilliance.


(End of this chapter)

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