The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 330 Part 089 The Crazy Little Wolf

Chapter 330 Part 089 The Crazy Little Wolf

Demon refining pot, time hut.

In the silence, the door was gently pushed open, and a ray of light slowly came in, scratching Yu Mo's pale face like a funny cat's tail.

She opened her eyes instinctively, and took a breath, but it was extremely difficult. When she exhaled, her chest was as painful as if it had been bombed by a shell.


"elder sister!"

Dorje heard her slight noise and ran over.

Yu Mo's unfocused eyes fell on him, and it took a while before he gradually focused, "Duoji?"

"Well, well, it's me!" Duoji wiped his red eyes from crying, but couldn't stop the tears in his eyes.

"I... where am I?"

"Time Cabin!"

"Time... small...! Cough! Cough!" She couldn't complete the sentence, the pain in her chest and the burning sensation in her lungs made her cough violently.

Dorje was startled, and patted her back in a panic, "Sister, don't talk, lie down, it will be better if you lie down."


Her chest was so hot that she needed a bowl of cold water to drink.

Dorje quickly came over with a bowl of water, and she took a sip eagerly. She drank too fast, and she coughed again, but the coldness of the water effectively relieved the pain in her chest, and she couldn't stop drinking water.

"Sister, slow down, slow down!"

"Cough cough cough... still... more!"

After drinking a bowl of water, she asked for another bowl. After drinking two bowls of water, she felt much more comfortable from her throat to her chest.

She turned her stiff neck, the bones seemed to be rusted, slow and dull.

The eyes are a vast expanse of white color, the sky and the earth are white, there is nothing, and it is empty without seeing the edge. The world is isolated.

Such an environment made her feel like she was floating in the universe. Her body shook uncontrollably. After a slight shake, her whole body had a chain reaction, and there was a burst of pain from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, as if her body It was full of embroidery needles, and the tip of each needle was tossing her in the flesh.

When she just woke up, her strength was low, her whole body was in pain, and her mind seemed to be stuffed with paste, and her pain sometimes swelled. Her reaction became very slow, and she couldn't even remember what happened.

Duoji gently helped her to lie down, "Sister, you can't get up yet, Taotie said that your muscles, bones and flesh have been severely injured, and you must recuperate in this time hut."

"Gaotie..." Her chapped lips pursed, but she couldn't concentrate.

"Yes, it was Taotie who brought you to the time hut, saying that this is a holy place for wound healing!" Seeing that she was lying down, Duoji covered her with a thin quilt, and continued, "Sister, you don't know that Brother Awu and Da Tie Brother Da almost got into a fight with Taotie, but luckily Brother Zhulong made a quick move, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to see us."

After covering the quilt, he tucked the corner of the quilt again. After making sure that she would not catch a cold, he knelt down on the ground and looked at her with both hands lying on the edge of the bed. Thinking that she almost died, his eyes turned red again.

She said weakly, "Why are you crying again?"

He wiped the corners of his eyes, "I didn't cry!"

"Where did those tears come from..." She wanted to raise her hand to caress him, but she couldn't move her hand.

He stubbornly stayed away, wiped it hard, turned around and said, "It's gone now!"

"Silly boy!" She smiled and said in her usual mischievous tone, "Aren't I fine? Don't worry, just sleep a little longer, and I'll be alive and well."

"Where is it? You have been in a coma for seven days."

"Seven days!?"

She froze for a moment, has it been so long?

"Yeah, I wait at the door every day, so I remember it very clearly." He counted the days with his fingers every day, hoping that she would wake up early.

"No wonder I have no strength at all."

She had been in a coma for seven days, hadn't had a drop of water, and was exhausted from hunger, but the strange thing was that she didn't feel hungry at all.

After lying down for a while, she regained some energy, and the memory in her mind slowly recovered, remembering Mount Sumeru, Taotie, Candle Dragon... and...

little wolf!

The image of him drenched in blood flashed into her mind, and she sat up from the bed in shock, her face, which was already bloodless, became a little paler.

"Duoji, where is the little wolf, where is the little wolf?"

She was in a coma for seven days, what about him, is he well?
Dorje shrank his neck and lowered his head.

Her heart suddenly turned cold, and her lips trembled, "Why don't you speak?"

"Sister, lie down first..."

"I've been lying in bed for seven days, why are you still lying down? Tell me, how is Little Wolf!?" She held his hand tightly, her tone mixed with persecution.

She didn't dare to think wildly, for fear that if she thought about it, it would come true.

He is a big demon, even if he suffers such an injury, he should be fine, he won't just...

The more she thought about it, the colder her heart became, and she couldn't get Duoji's answer for a long time. The beating heart in her chest thought she was grabbed by someone's hand, which frightened her.

She suddenly rolled over and got off the bed. This movement caused severe pain all over her body. She grinned, inhaled and inhaled again...

"Sister, you can't get out of bed yet!"

"Go away, I'm going to find the little wolf!"

She faltered, and after taking a step, her legs trembled, her kneecaps softened, and she fell directly to the ground.

Dorje wanted to come over to help her, but she pushed him away.

"Go away!"

"elder sister……"

If she couldn't walk, she used to crawl, but this hand was also weak, moving an inch was painful enough for her to take a deep breath.

After Duoji was pushed away by her, his heart was also flustered, worried that she would aggravate his injury, and said in a panic: "Sister, don't do this, your injury is still not healed..."

Yu Mo turned a deaf ear and continued to crawl forward slowly.

Dorji cried: "I said, I will tell you everything!"

She stopped, but after climbing two meters, she was already as tired as a dying cow, she was exhaling more and taking in less.

"He...where is he?"

The gray light shone down and became a beam of light, illuminating the entrance of the intestines in front, which was extremely cold.

Yumo stood at the entrance of the sheep intestines, a gust of drafts blew past with biting coldness, rolled up the corners of her clothes, and there was a disturbing omen hidden in the air, which made her hold her hand involuntarily. mouse hand.

"Little there?"

Dorje nodded, "Yeah!"

Her legs trembled a little, and she walked very slowly.

"Is he healed?"

Duoji said with a look of embarrassment: "You will know after reading..."

Hearing such an answer, she was actually already prepared in her heart. When she came, Shudu and Li Wang persuaded her not to come, but she didn't say the reason after careful questioning. Although Taotie and Zhulong didn't stop her, the expressions on their faces were consistent Just like Dorje, just let her not get excited about anything.

The closer she got, the more uneasy she smelled.

She told herself firmly that no matter what happened, she would not be afraid.

I won't be afraid...

Suddenly, there was light at the end, and she anxiously took a step forward.

At the end is a cage surrounded by beams of light. She thinks it must be an enchantment, but why is there a cage?
She came closer, the short distance made her out of breath, but she refused to stop, and bravely took another step forward.

In front of the cage were Dada and Awu sitting cross-legged. When they saw her, they were both taken aback.

The two immediately got up and rushed over to bow down.

The big gift came so suddenly, she was a little panicked, and hurriedly said: "Get up, what are you doing!?"

The two still couldn't get up, knelt on the ground and continued to kowtow.

"Miss saved the king, this kindness will never be forgotten by Ah Wu."

It turned out to be this...

She smiled, "Get up, it's not a big deal."

Dada stretched out his hand to support her vigilantly, "Miss, are you feeling better?"

"Well, it's much more comfortable." After she finished speaking, she coughed.

This is not comfortable, it is clearly not good.

Dada turned around and shouted at Duoji, "Who asked you to bring Miss here?"

Dada is a cat, and Dorje is a rat. Although there is no such thing as a mouse being afraid of a cat in the world of mountains and seas, Dorji was still taken aback.


"Don't blame him, I wanted to come by myself. By the way, where is Little Wolf..."

Dada froze, moved her body, and stood in front of her, "Miss, Wang is fine, but he can't see anyone yet, and the same goes for you. It's better to go back and rest, and it won't be too late to meet again when you are in good health."

"I want to see him!" She wanted to see with her own eyes if he was okay.

"Miss..." Dada still blocked her.

She shook off his supporting hand, "Go away!"

Seeing this, Awu also came up to block her way, "Miss, your health is important."

"I know how my body is. You don't need to talk about it. Go away!"

She walked around them and looked at the cage again. The light beams on the cage were a bit dazzling, making her eyes turn white, and she could faintly notice something inside, but her strength was weak, and she was a little dizzy from the light.

"Sister, are you okay?"

She shook her head palely, "No, nothing!"

After a while, she got used to the light and looked into the cage.

Just one glance was enough to make her body tremble violently.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, she shook off Duoji's hand, and rushed over.

"Little wolf!"

In the cage, there was still the giant white dog. It was curled up, motionless, its snow-white fur was covered with blood, it had dried up, and it appeared black and purple. It looked extremely distressed, as if it had been abandoned. Abused stray dogs.

Suddenly, it moved and raised its head.

The eye-catching black six-petal flower on the forehead is emitting black smoke, and the two eyes are no longer beautiful golden, but cloudy, dark and red.

It was like a caged animal, its neck and limbs were shackled.

Her approach seemed to stimulate him, he growled at her like crazy, his white fangs glowed coldly, and he was extremely excited, hissing and raising his hooves, causing the shackles to rattle, but he couldn't break free , had to howl again, and when facing her, it was also a terrifyingly fierce look.

She only felt a tightness in her chest, so tight that she couldn't breathe. She spun around in a circle, and took a staggering step back.

Dorje was afraid that she would fall, so he helped her up again.

She shouted: "Why is this happening!?"

Why locked him up, why no one healed him, why he didn't seem to recognize her anymore.

Awu and Dada's faces darkened, and they knelt down on the ground again.

"Speak!" She desperately wanted to know the reason.

It's obviously not normal, and he doesn't even take human form.

Awu raised his head, his eyes were horribly dark, and despite the pain in his heart, he decided to tell her everything, "The king has been like this since he woke up..."


"Yes, he doesn't seem to know anyone anymore. No matter what he says, he looks like a madman. Dada and I were almost killed by him..."

Yu Mo couldn't accept this fact, shook his head and said, "No, it's impossible!"

Dada said: "Really, after the king woke up, he looked like this disapproving relative, just howling and biting blindly."

"The reason?"

"I don't know!"

I don't know! ?

I don't know what it means. It is impossible for the little wolf to go crazy for no reason. There must be a reason.

Did you hurt your head?

She thinks this possibility is very high, he was beaten so badly by Tian Xie, he must have both external and internal injuries.

But that's okay, she's a veterinarian and can be cured.

"How do I open this cage?"

Hearing that, Awu and Dada stopped her in shock, "Miss, you can't help it, Wang is now in such a state, let alone healed, it's hard to get close."

"I am a doctor and a wizard. If I say it can be cured, it can be cured."



Taotie suddenly fell from the sky, raising a cloud of dust.

When Dada, Awu, and Dorji saw it, they retreated three feet immediately, looking terrified.

Yu Mo didn't know what they were afraid of. Taotie had a cute face like a Shiba Inu, did he need to avoid it so far?
But it came just in time.

"How do I open this cage?" Taotie said expressionlessly, "Girl, he can't be cured!"

"Nonsense!" She blushed angrily, "I'm a wizard, I can cure him."

Taotie raised his paw and pointed to the cage, "He is a mad dog now, medicine stones are useless, his wounds are actually skin wounds, and he can heal by himself, but he is now crazy, it is obviously a mental problem, he is not sick , it's broken!"


"Something should have stimulated him, causing him to become like this."

"No, no, little wolf is very strong!"

"Girl, strength is like a wall of sand. Just find the weak spot and stab it, and it will fall down as soon as you push it."

It is gluttony, the most exciting thing. In the past, those evil monsters who went up the mountain, no matter how strong they were, would be cornered by it in the end. In the illusion, they would be deprived of what they most desire, deprived of It's not enough, and I will watch these things being smashed and then disappear...

So, crashing, going crazy, it's all used to it.

Yumo looked at the little wolf in the cage. He was agitated and furious, tearing at the railings of the cage, but because the railings were made by demonic power, every bite would burn him, but he refused to let go, biting desperately. , even though his teeth were bleeding, he was still biting.

He is indeed crazy.

"No!" she wailed heartbrokenly.

"Girl, don't get excited, you're not in good health yet!"

She didn't want to hear it, but she wanted to approach the cage, "I don't believe that the little wolf is crazy, there must be another way."

But as soon as she gets close, the little wolf will jump and bite. With the cage in place, it can't hurt her naturally, but it can't stop the little wolf's crazy behavior.

"Why is this happening, why!"

She slumped weakly and sat on the ground. Finally, she defeated Lie Tianxie and got the demon refining pot. When her and his injuries healed, they could return to the dog realm. Why did everything change overnight? .

"This must be a dream!" She deceived herself, and then slapped herself hard.

With a snap, everyone was startled.

The burning pain spread across her face, making her realize clearly that this was not a dream, it was real.

The tears couldn't stop falling, each one was a fragment from her heart.

Her long mourning and weeping were like a cuckoo weeping blood, her thin and slender shoulders began to tremble violently, and the tears overflowed from her ten fingers covering her face.

"Little wolf, little wolf, little wolf..."

She called his name, expecting him to answer her.

But he is still crazy, and his relatives do not recognize him.

Her mournful cries interweaved into a desperate whine, tearing the hearts of everyone in the space.


In the cage, the crazy little wolf watched her lying on the ground crying like blood, and suddenly had some reactions.


The first one to notice was Awu, thinking he was awake, and ran over eagerly, but the little wolf opened his mouth and bit him.

Because he missed the bite, he started howling again, but when he heard Yumo's cry, he became quiet again.

He suddenly walked to the place directly opposite Yu Mo, sniffed, and sniffed again.

He seemed to be full of curiosity about Yumo, although the madman made him look scary, but she didn't feel scared at all.

"Little wolf?" she called softly.

He bared his teeth, but didn't bite, just made a whining sound, just threatening.

Seeing this, Yumo made a decision.

"Gao Tie, open the cage!"

"You are crazy!"

"I do not have!"

In her eyes, there was an unusually determined light shining.

"He will kill you!"

"No, the little wolf won't bite me, he won't!"


"Really?" She chuckled, and called out directly, "God..."

Taotie was shocked, but couldn't resist the release of power.

This is a contract, once it is set, it cannot be changed unless she is unwilling to accept it.

"Girl, you will die!"

She was stubborn and silent, calmly accepting the power he released.

"Okay, okay, I promise you!"

Taotie compromised, if it happened again, she would definitely not be able to hold on, the last time he was able to liberate himself, it was because her body had reached its limit and automatically repelled it, but now it is different, after opening the spirit, it will definitely guide the power up, this time As soon as she is guided, she is afraid that her seven orifices will bleed directly.

Yu Mo relaxed his body and read out the spell to remove the possession, "Luo Shen..."

After she finished speaking, she fell to the ground, and everyone was at a loss for what to do.

She didn't allow them to approach, "Open the cell door!"

Taotie gritted his teeth angrily, but he still opened the door of the cage, but he was ready, if there was any danger, it would rush to save people.

Her entry made the little wolf anxious and tensed up.

"Little wolf, come..."

She opened her arms to meet him.

With a howl he shook the shackles with a hideous noise.

Without flinching, she took another step forward.

"I'm not dead, I'm you see that?"

If it was said that he was so stimulated by something that his sanity collapsed, it should be this thing.

She knew it, she knew it when he kissed her.

he loves her.

Not because she is the master, but a woman.

So, she decided to try it!
"Little wolf, we're going home!"

She approached step by step, so calm and fearless, and with such a bright smile.

The crazy little wolf was excited, and opened his mouth again, his teeth were sharper than a big knife.

She is still fearless.

"If you want to bite, bite!"

Taotie followed behind, already arching his back, he was really worried that this girl would be bitten to death.

She was still approaching without any flinching.

Crazy little wolf, her reflection is in the red eyes.

Her calls and narrations sounded like small stones thrown into the water, causing ripples and waves, and they were drawn into the dark heart in circles.

In the darkness that blocked everything, he tried hard to see her clearly, but couldn't.

Only her chest was stained with blood-colored flowers in front of her eyes.

At that moment, the world collapsed before his eyes... shattered into pieces before his eyes.

she is dead...

His silent death!

His sanity was torn apart, and the fog of chaos blinded his mind. He tried desperately to stop his sobs of fear from escaping, but to no avail.

He will never see her again...

For this, he broke down.

He closed himself off and made himself a walking dead.

But the cries kept coming...

whose cry...

Who is calling his name again.

little wolf...

That is the name that only Momo would call out, because it was her name.

little wolf...

The voice kept calling him again and again.


In the darkness of the emptiness, there was a ray of warm sunlight. Under the sunlight, he saw her alive.

"Little wolf, we're going home!"

These words were like a ray of light shining into the bottomless abyss, leading him to a new light.

The eyes of the lax madman became clear at this moment.

The giant dog slowly turned into a human form and fell into her arms.

 The author reminds that a mad dog is a mad dog, don't get close if you have nothing to do, and run as far as you can.

  Because basically either he was hungry or crazy, or he had rabies.

  This is fiction...

  You are not the heroine.

  that's it!
  I saw a lot of packages asking for a second update...

  So I will work hard today, 6000 more.

  Well, about the second watch, let me take it easy...

(End of this chapter)

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