The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 331 Part 090 The Cold Conspiracy

Chapter 331 Part 090 The Cold Conspiracy

The little wolf fell down suddenly, and the whole weight was on Yu Mo. She was weak and couldn't bear it at all, so she fell to the ground together.

Awu and Dada ran over crying with joy.


Changing back to human form meant that he had regained his sanity, and the two of them were so happy that they didn't even think about dressing the little wolf.

"Sister, let me help you!"

Duoji is more concerned about Yumo, and is trying to move the little wolf, but he is weak, and it is useless to move.

Yumo was so crushed that her eyes were filled with stares, and she almost couldn't catch her breath, but the little wolf recovered, and she was happier than anyone else. When she was happy, she hugged him tightly and refused to let go. After a while, she felt that something was wrong , found that he was naked, and his pale face immediately flushed.

This problem of not wearing clothes after changing back to human form is really a bug of the monsters.

Taotie stretched out his paws, and directly picked up the little wolf.

The weight on Yu Mo's body is gone, but the scenery is infinitely good, everything is gone.

She was so anxious that her ears and neck turned red, "Gao Tie, let... put him down!"

The full HD picture of the naked man has no mosaic at all, it must be eye-catching, but even if it is too eye-catching, the air becomes thinner, and she suddenly finds it difficult to breathe.

Taotie is a ferocious beast, and ferocious beasts usually don't know what shame is, and find this request very strange, "Should you let him down and suppress you?"

This girl is now so weak that even a piece of paper can be crushed, she has reached her limit.

"No... no... no!" She was so anxious that her mouth cramped up, and she didn't know what to say, she tore at A Wu's clothes in a hurry, and shouted anxiously: "Clothes, clothes!"

Awu understood immediately, and hurriedly took off his coat and put it on for the little wolf.

The naked man with high-definition uncensored was covered by clothes, so Yu Mo didn't feel the air was thin anymore, and breathed in the fresh air greedily.

Taotie carried the little wolf to a room and threw him directly onto the bed.

Yu Mo, who was following behind, saw her, her heart ached to death, and she shouted, "Can't you take it easy? His injury hasn't healed yet."

"He's not made of cotton, he won't die if he falls!"

Yumo wanted to kick Taotie very much, but she didn't have the strength now, so she could only stare at it, and then told Duoji to help her over.

For a short distance, she walked extremely hard, and she had to pant every step.

This invigorating side effect really made her suffer a lot.

When he got to the bedside, Yu Mozai gave the little wolf a physical examination carefully.

Taotie said: "Don't worry, he is a big monster no matter what, his skin injuries have healed early, and he doesn't look like he has any internal injuries. When he wakes up, he will be alive and well, but you are more serious. Hurry up and return to the time hut for me." go."

Yumo didn't want to leave Little Wolf at this time, and replied: "I'm much better now, look..."

She forced herself to shake her legs and feet, but even with such a harmless movement, the pain was so painful that she came back dead and fell directly to the ground.

Taotie rolled his eyes indecently, without saying anything, walked over and carried her on his shoulders.

"This is my lord's territory, you have to listen to my lord."

She retorted: "Am I not your master?"

Taotie snorted coldly: "Then you have to listen to me! I am the boss!"

Yu Mo: "..."

What an arrogant beast!

After Taotie stuffed Yumo back into the time hut, knowing how stubborn her temper was, he decided to personally guard the door to prevent her from sneaking away.

Shu Du and Li Wang both wanted to see her, but they were all stopped by Taotie.

Yumo had no choice but to stay in the hut to recuperate. Although she didn't know what the hut was for at this time, it was indeed much better to stay inside than outside.

From time to time, Duoji would come over and break through the door to bring her something to eat.

She didn't have much appetite, and after barely eating some, she refused to move her mouth anymore. After a while, she couldn't support herself anymore, so she climbed into bed and fell asleep.

This sleep will last another seven days.

When he woke up again, his body improved drastically, and he felt much more relaxed.

She slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was still a white space, and it was still quiet. She suddenly felt a little thirsty, and when she turned her head, she found someone beside the bed.


She thought it was Dorji, but what she saw was Xiaolang, who was lying on the bedside and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

The light jumped on his bronzed face, forming two colors of one light and one dark. He seemed to be in a deep sleep, and his breathing was even and discernible, but his sword eyebrows were furrowed and did not stretch out in his sleep.

He was sleeping soundly next to her so peacefully, which made her heart suddenly tense.

When he was awake, he was decisive and resolute, with the unique radiance of a wise man, but when he was asleep, he was so quiet and gentle, like a well-behaved child.

She stretched out her hand to brush away the hair from his forehead, her chest was not only tight because of this small movement, but also a little hot.

It was a strange feeling, but it finally caught her attention.

After being together for so long, this is the first time she treats him as a man.

Sure enough, sometimes, some things can only be seen more thoroughly after going through some difficulties.

The little wolf is a man, and he is no longer the pet dog she thought he was.

If she hadn't met Little Wolf, she probably would have waited a long time to know the taste of love. In fact, she didn't know if it was the so-called love, but after experiencing difficulties, she used to think that it was not worth living. mention the joke.

Seeing him sleeping so peacefully, she subconsciously leaned her face towards him.

It is said that some men will only sleep next to the woman they love, lying next to a woman unsuspectingly, without arrogance, harshness, or coldness, let go of all the thorns on their bodies, and regard her as the most trusted person in the world people like that.

That means, this man loves this woman very much, even if this woman may kill him while he is asleep, it doesn't matter, because for such a man, dying at the hands of the woman he loves is also happiness.

She stroked his face lightly.

Is Xiaolang also such a man?

She sighed and leaned over to press a kiss on his forehead.

Maybe the movement was a little big, and he woke up.

She was so shocked that she immediately turned her head away, as if nothing had happened.

See, if he was still a dog in her heart, then what did she do like this?

thought... a joke...

What a joke!

Therefore, the answer was obvious, and she was also moved.


Hearing his voice, she only felt nervous, so she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Because she really doesn't know how to talk about love, and the object is still a dog demon.

This topic is really difficult for those who are new to love.

The little wolf didn't realize that she was pretending to sleep, thought it was an illusion, and felt a little disappointed, but his golden eyes were full of joy.

His silence is still alive, and she will wake up when her injury is healed. As long as he thinks of this, he can't restrain the joy in his heart.He swears that from now on, he will guard her, cherish her, and protect her, and will not let her suffer any more harm.

Some rough fingers caressed her face, the delicate touch and warm heat already made him very satisfied, he told himself, don't worry, she will wake up when she recovers from her injuries, and he will be here by her side Even if she had to wait until the end of time, he would wait endlessly.

He caressed so affectionately, how could Yu Mo continue to pretend to be asleep, the numbness spread from her cheeks to her whole body, every touch was so hot that her heart almost melted.

But if she woke up like this, she would feel very embarrassed again.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't pretend to sleep!

What should I do now?

The ups and downs of her mood brought her eyebrows into a slight frown unconsciously.

This movement made the little wolf stiffen his hands and hold his breath.


is she awake?

He couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, and his hands began to tremble.

Yu Mo couldn't pretend anymore, so he opened his eyes directly.

When those bright eyes opened, the little wolf was too frightened to move at all.

Looking at each other, there was silence.

The atmosphere was really weird, it was as if the two of them were fixed by some spell and became statues.

Yumo thinks that TV dramas are really deceiving. If ordinary couples go through a catastrophe and wake up to meet each other in the hospital, they must be all kinds of lingering. If they are not lingering, they should hug each other and cry. How could it be him who would be stunned? , Not even a word of comfort.

She couldn't help but slander, it's okay if it's not, isn't it a dog monster, can it wag its tail, can it be licked twice?


Little Wolf's psychological activities are quite different from hers, because it was too sudden, he couldn't find any words, and felt that happiness came too fast. Could it be a dream? If it scared her, maybe, maybe...she It will instantly turn into smoke and go with the wind, never to be seen again.

He didn't dare to move, so he could only stand there helplessly, looking at her greedily with bright eyes.

live silently...

Be safe and silent...

He was trembling, not only was he not moving, he was almost out of breath, fearing that if he made a sound, it would frighten her.

The stares continued, still silent.

Yu Mo started to worry, and kept urging in her heart, "Brother, you should say something!"

She wouldn't mind if he was willing to bark twice.

The important thing is to speak, dear!
Because she couldn't wait for his movement, her eyes changed subtly, and she stared at him deadly.

His gaze was too hot, and finally the little wolf responded a little bit.

But a goose is a goose, don't expect a big response, at most it will tremble more.

He stared at her without daring to blink, throbbing, grateful, mixed with love like a giant wave, violently surged into his heart...

Yu Mo's eyes were wide open, his eyelids were sore, and he was still staring into death.

The psychology of a shy girl is so complicated. Before the romantic scene in the TV series, the anger in her heart intensified, and she went straight to it.

Fortunately, the little wolf's stupid goose mode has not entered the stage of death, he can no longer control the longing in his heart, trembling, and even more ecstatic, calling out the name that has tortured him in this life: "Moment!"

This cry was so emotional that it engraved all his idiots. When she heard it, she was also hit, her eyes suddenly became hot, and his reflection slowly appeared in the star-like eyes.

The appearance of being crazy because of her swept her memory.

No one can match his kindness to her.

Suddenly, her eyes were filled with tears, blurring her vision of him.

She choked out a sob, and then called softly, "Little wolf..."

Amid the rain of tears, he hugged her together.

Reunited after the catastrophe, everything is different.

No, it was different a long time ago, but she didn't notice it.

She finally understood that love is really like the book said, it is a storm, it will come at any time, and in love, it doesn't matter who the other party is, what she loves is all of him, he Whether it's his bad temper, his indifference, or his fact that he's just a dog...

In short, she could no longer take her eyes and attention away from him.


Starting today, he is no longer a little wolf.

Night winds its way through the cold mist.

The moonlight is pouring down like water, quiet and deserted, but it is covered by the coming clouds, and the darkness quietly permeates. The branches of the trees lift the sky, leaving a mournful silhouette, with sparse and mottled shadows, and the wind knocks the window lattice lightly with a chill.

Candles were flickering in the window lattice, and a figure was reflected, walking back and forth, seeming very anxious.

After a while, the door creaked open, and two more people came in.

"finally come!"

"Sorry for the waitting?"

"Stop talking nonsense, have you done what I asked you to do?"

"What you want to do is to kill people. If there is no plan, how can I do it at will!"

"What? Master Bai Yu is also afraid?"

Hearing this, Bai Yu's expression was stern. Even if he didn't make any movements, his whole body seemed to be enveloped by a sinister aura, as if he would kill someone at any moment.

However, he will not kill.

Because the other party has no value in letting him kill.

"I'm just curious how she offended you and made you want her life so recklessly."

"Nothing to do with you!"

"It's really irrelevant...but you should understand that she is a treasure in the heart of the dog monster king. As a member of the dog monster clan, you desperately want to eradicate her. Not only have you violated a taboo, but you have also lost your loyalty. , This is the crime of punishing the nine clans, have you never thought about your own clan?"

The kingship is supreme, just like human beings, demons are also guilty of sitting.

This remark caused the other party's silence.

The wind outside the window suddenly increased, tossing the branches, creating a strange and strange state, just like a ghost with teeth and claws.

After a while, there was movement again in the shabby room.

The voice was desolate, with bitter depression, and it sounded slowly...

"The pain and suffering that cannot be loved, I want that man's son to taste it too!"

"That person..." Bai Yu's eyes swayed for a while, and then slowly gathered together, becoming a glimpse of insight, "So that's how it is!"

"Don't ask so many more questions, tell me first whether you can do it or not."

"Don't worry, I've arranged for a suitable person, and you will get what you want soon..."

"How can I trust you?"

"Whether you believe me or not is up to you. If you don't believe me, the transaction can be canceled now."

It's a matter of seeking skin from a tiger. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to talk about trust?

"You...!" After gritting his teeth, his breath became flat, "I'll just trust you once more."

"No delivery!"

The door opened again with a creak, and the man disappeared into the dark night, coming and going without a trace.

In the shabby room, the candlelight dimmed a bit. Hei Yi took the scissors and picked the wax oil from the wick.

After being quiet for about a cup of tea, there was movement outside the door again.

"My lord, Jiu Siam is back!"

Bai Yu continued his tea and took a sip leisurely, "I just want to hear the result!"

"Yes!" Qingyi kowtowed, "seriously injured, and Lie Tiansi was also killed."

Bai Yu's hand cooking the tea suddenly froze for a moment, but soon returned to calmness, "Who killed it?"

"Jiu Xian's words were not expressive, and his mind seemed to be a little confused. He only heard what kind of Valkyrie...and passed out after he finished speaking."

Hei Yi stood behind Bai Yu and said, "What kind of Valkyrie, I've never heard of it, my lord, I think Jiu Xian must be talking nonsense to avoid guilt."

"It doesn't matter if you talk nonsense or you don't talk nonsense, it can't change the fact that he failed. I thought he was a capable person, but now it seems that he is no different from that trash. Ah, no, he is already trash."

Without the summoned beast, Tianxie, Jiu Xian could be said to be worse than trash.

"My lord, do you want to..." Hei Yi made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Don't worry, only he knows what happened on Mount Sumeru. Ask him after he wakes up. You must ask who killed Lie Tiansi?"


The tea on the stove was hot, with the aroma of the tea, Hei Yi respectfully refilled another cup of tea for Bai Yu.

Bai Yu asked again: "How about Zi Yi?"

"I have gone to Mount Sumeru..."

"Well, that's great! Let her be careful!"


In the shabby room late at night, the candles were extinguished, and there was a cold smell in the swaying green smoke.

 I also know that I update less, but my hand speed is really not fast... really not fast.

  No way, I'm a super inattentive kid.

  Here, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and eat big mooncakes.

(End of this chapter)

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