The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 333 Part 092 named Xiaopingan

Chapter 333 Part 092 Named Xiaopingan

"It's so badly injured, it must be unable to fly, it fell from the sky, what a pity!" Yu Mo frowned slightly, stroking the parrot in his arms with his small hand, "But it's okay, I can cure you..."

Just as she was about to turn around to give the injured parrot an emergency bandage, Mei Luo, who was behind her, rushed forward, grabbed her white catkin tightly, snatched the parrot, and threw the parrot to A Wu.

Yu Mo was surprised: "What are you doing!?"

She tried to grab it back, but he blocked the way.

"Momo, let me see your hand first!"

A wounded bird is nothing, but Bai Yu is also a bird.

"My hand? What happened to my hand!?"

Seeing that her hands were safe and there was no sign of poisoning, Mei Luo was relieved.

"That bird, you are not allowed to touch it!"

"Hey, why can't you touch it? It's about to die. Tell Awu to return it to me. You see, he has rough hands and feet. If he doesn't die, he will kill him."

Awu carefully checked the parrot to see if it was tricky, but it was already fainted and did not respond, nor could it sense any demonic power on its body.

"Wang..." He paced to Mei Luo's side.


"There is no doubt!"

The little wolf frowned, still wary of the half-dead parrot.

At Mount Sumeru, Jiu Xian would appear, he must have been instructed by Bai Yu, but now that things have failed, all the beast artifacts belong to Yu Mo, and he didn't get any benefit, so it's impossible not to move back.

He picked up the bird and checked it again worriedly. The parrot was dangling its two thin legs unconsciously in his hand, with its head crooked, no different from a dead bird.

Yu Mo jumped up anxiously, "What the hell are you looking at, return it to me quickly, its wings must be dealt with immediately, or it may never be able to fly again."

If a bird loses its wings, it will be a waste bird if it is saved.

He shouted: "Momo, don't be impatient!"

It would be too coincidental to say that it was a coincidence to meet an injured bird just after leaving Mount Sumeru.

"Yi'er, you go and have a look too!"

Li Wang, like him, also thinks there is a problem with this bird.


"What's wrong with you guys!? It's just a bird, did you commit any taboo?"

Yu Mo really couldn't understand their thoughts, and only worried that if the bird was tossed around again, it would be impossible to recover.

"Momo, you can't just look at everything with your eyes."

"If you have something to say, just say it, don't play charades!"

Mei Luo didn't want to tell her too clearly, Xu Mishan's party, her vitality was seriously injured, and the most taboo thing was to worry too much, Bai Yu's incident might make her unable to sleep.

He held her hand, "Be obedient!"

Yumo pouted and said, "It's so mysterious, I don't know what you guys are going to do? But it's agreed, if there is no problem, return it to me."

Ning Yi took the parrot from Awu's hand, and after a lot of tossing, he shook his head at King Li, "It's definitely a beast, and there is no poison on it."

Li Wang caressed his chin, and squinted at the parrot lying on her palm like a corpse. Most of his life was gone, and it was unknown whether he could survive. This injury was also real... He looked at Mei Luo and asked: "What does the dog demon king think?"

Shu Du rushed to talk: "What else can I do, just unscrew my head, and it will be over once and for all."

It's really the safest way, but one veterinarian blew up when he heard that.

"Are you human..."

No, it's not a human, it's a demon. Yumo stuck out her tongue and said in another way: "Do you know that all beings are equal? ​​Do you know about rare animals? It's almost extinct in my house. This one might be them." My ancestor, I don't want to be a sinner through the ages, so hurry up and get it!"

Seeing that she insisted on doing this, the three men also had a headache, so they simply made the point clear.

"Momo, this may be a spy sent by Bai Yu..."

Who is Bai Yu, Yu Mo knows, a bad guy, a big bad guy, but what does it have to do with this bird?
They are falcons, they are parrots, although they are both birds, they are of completely different species, but seeing how worried they are, she can't ignore them.

"Didn't you say that Bai Yu is very bad and very vicious?" During the time she was recuperating on Mount Sumeru, she heard a lot about Bai Yu, especially knowing that this bad bird is very good at poison. There will be some action, so a series of preparations have been made before going down the mountain.

Both of them and Shu are big monsters. Although they cannot be completely invulnerable to all poisons, they have enough self-protection ability. She is a big monster of the dog family, but she is also very strong. Only she and Duoji are weak chickens, so they are most likely to be attacked by Bai Yu.

Bai Yu is very good at poison, so she and Duoji were forced to swallow a bunch of anti-virus pills before going down the mountain, and their stomachs are full until now.

Mei Luo said: "Since you know that he is vicious, you shouldn't have too much sympathy!"

"I'm not sympathetic, I'm just talking about the facts. I know what you are worried about, but you have seen it and checked it. It is an ordinary bird. If Bai Yu wants to harm us, what's the point of sending such a bird over? Use? Peck me, or scratch me with its paws, it is almost dead, okay? Also, this kind of macaw is very human, after training, it can do many things, and it is also very clingy. The white feather will never Because I got the beast and the artifact, so I decided to curry favor with me and give me a pet, so that I can lose my mind? Or are you afraid that we will be hungry on the way, and in order to build a good relationship, turn the fight into a treasure and send us a big bird for our meal?"

When it came to extra meals, she couldn't help trembling. Eating macaws was punishable by punishment.

After some words, she also made sense, making it impossible to find mistakes.What is the use of such a crippled and half-dead bird?

This is really not like what Bai Yu would do.

If the feathers of this bird were poisonous, it would make sense.

"Look, you actually think what I said makes sense, don't you?"

Her lip service is really invincible.

But even so, Mei Luo was not at ease, "You can save it if you want, but you are not allowed to do it yourself."

"If I don't do it, who will do it?"


Well, it's time to use up everything so quickly.

As soon as the Taotie in the demon refining pot heard someone calling its name, it immediately got out of the demon refining pot.

There is heaven and earth in the demon refining pot, which is extremely huge, but the artifact is an artifact, and it looks like a jade gourd the size of a palm.

"What's the matter calling me?"

"No one called you!" Yu Mo wished he could stuff it back.

Except for Duoji and Yumo, everyone else would involuntarily take a step back when they saw Taotie.

Because it looks really scary.

But in the eyes of Duoji and Yumo, Taotie is just a big black wood, cute and cute, not threatening at all.

Regarding this point, Yu Mo had already figured it out when he was recuperating on Mount Xumi.

The reason is the same as the principle of the beautiful scenery of the demon refining pot. It can be seen from the heart, compared with pure goodness, but this does not mean that her Mei Luo is also an evil person, but in the world of mountains and seas, it is impossible for a demon to be extremely pure, not to mention that he is The dog monster king has no malicious intentions, the dog monster clan has already finished playing.

No matter what the world is, no matter whether it is a human or a monster, it is impossible for a king to be a good person, so Li Wang and Shu are the same.

As for Ning Yi, Ning Bao, Awu, and Dada, for clan affairs, they were often stained with the blood of other monster clans, and they can no longer be regarded as pure and good people, their hearts are all black in a certain sense.

Their greed is not selfish desire, but ethnic group.

But greed is greed, it doesn't matter what you are greedy for, so they will never be able to achieve Yu Mo's mentality of equality for all beings.

Dorji is also a monster, but he is definitely a different kind, which even surprised Taotie.

According to its understanding, this girl Yumo is already stupid enough, and even the pets she keeps are so stupid, it really flocks like birds of a feather.

"No one called me, how could I hear it?"

"You just want to come out and make trouble."

To the point, Taotie really couldn't refute, without this girl bickering with it in the demon refining pot, he really finds it quite boring.

Taotie pretended not to hear Yu Mo's sarcasm, looked at the crowd, and saw the dying parrot at a glance.

"Are you just about to have lunch? How dare you..."

What a fart.

Yu Mo glared, "I don't have your meal, go back quickly, don't come out to scare people if you have nothing to do."

How could it go back obediently? Once it comes out, no one can force it to go back unless it wants to go back by itself.

"It's hot inside!"

"You can ask the demon refining pot to make snow for you..."

The demon refining pot is good at illusions, so it's no problem to make a North Pole for it.

Taotie was deflated and unhappy, turned his head to one side, and started to quarrel.

Except for Yu Mo, everyone else has some palpitations about how she gets along with Taotie, because in their eyes, Taotie can swallow her in one gulp, or blow her into the sky and then fall to her death.

Of course, Dorji is also an exception. In his eyes, Taotie is just a Shiba Inu.

Although King Li had lingering fears, this kind of Yumo attracted him even more. A woman with an artifact and two ferocious beasts as a dowry is more valuable than a princess of a country. It is a pity that he could not get it for Xumishan and his party. To her liking, the relationship between the two of them is at most ordinary friends.

The same is true for the capital of Shu. She fell in love with Mei Luo before even asking for a marriage, which caused more than ten thousand blows to him. If you think it over, grab it if it doesn't work, it's not like he hasn't snatched it before.

Seeing Taotie coming out, Mei Luo directly threw the parrot to it.

Taotie asked suspiciously, "What do you mean? Are you planning to bribe me?"

When he was in the demon refining pot, it didn't treat him very well, and even yelled at Yumo to change men. He suddenly threw a big bird to it, and there was always a reason. It happened to mention lunch just now. So I thought this bird was given by Mei Luo to eat.

Cannibals are soft-mouthed and short-handed, but it does not eat this.

"No, I want you to bring it into the time cabin to heal." He has carefully calculated, Yu Mo is kind, and it is absolutely impossible to leave this bird behind. The bird went into the time hut, and when it was done, it would be released. In this case, she had nothing to say.

When Taotie heard about it, he threw the bird back to him, and said angrily: "What do you think the time hut is, and you actually want to use it to save an animal. I see that you are not only useless, but also have a brain problem."

After listening to Mei Luo's words, Yu Mo felt that this method was very safe. Since it could save the bird, it would also prevent her from being in danger, but seeing that Tao Tie disagreed, she scolded her man again, and said immediately? "Can I let you save me?"



"The time hut is only useful for demons and people. This is an animal, a beast, and it's useless to go in!"


After a long time, it is invalid for animals!

This is difficult...

Yu Mo glanced at the dying parrot. If she ignored it because of the danger that hadn't happened yet, she really couldn't do it.

Mei Luo suddenly asked: "Are you sure it's an animal?"

Taotie picked out his ears and looked at him, "There is no monster power at all, how can you not be a beast?"

"Could it be that medicine doesn't work?"

"The power of the medicine? Yes, but which idiot will swallow the medicine to destroy his morality and become a beast? Unless it gets insane, or is framed maliciously."

"Can't it be restored?"

"When the demon power is gone, the Yuan Dan will also be destroyed. How to restore it? Even if you want to practice again, it is impossible. If there is a demon who swallows this medicine, hehe, it can only be regarded as bad luck."

Taotie is an ancient ferocious beast, its words are guaranteed, even if it thinks the parrot is a harmless animal, it proves that it is really harmless.

Yumo was happy, and affectionately stroked Taotie's fur, "It's better if you talk."

Taotie had a proud face, said don't touch it, but involuntarily rubbed his head against her palm.

Yu Mo graciously gave it a few words, coaxed it back smoothly, then opened his hands and asked Mei Luo for a parrot.

The dying parrot finally came back to her, and she quickly gave it emergency treatment and named it Xiaopingan.

 Oh, in the words of Taotie.

  I am indeed cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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