The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 334 Part 093 Arrived in the Dog Realm

Chapter 334 Part 093 Returning to the Dog Realm

More than ten days later, Yumo and the others returned to the dog realm smoothly, and the speed of returning was much faster than when she went. She couldn't bear the rapid high-altitude flight and slowed down her pace when she went, but after having the demon pot , she can hide in the jug and let Mei Luo fly with the jug, so that she doesn't have to worry about getting sick, and the time to come back is shortened.

Before entering the city, Bu Jie and Cang Wu flew over to greet Da Jia.

Cang Wu walked over first, seeing that Mei Luo was well, his hanging heart finally fell to the ground, and he knelt and kowtowed.


Bu Jie followed closely behind, his identity was different, he was Uncle Wang, who was exempted from the ceremony of a monarch and minister, and patted Mei Luo on the shoulder and shouted, "Just come back, just come back!"

Like Cang Wu, he was also full of worries. Now that a group of people came back safely, he was extremely happy. After looking around, he suddenly found that Yu Mo was not there, he was stunned, and then asked: "Where is the girl?"

Could it be that he died on the road! ?
But if she died, how could Mei Luo be so calm?
Mei Luo took off the demon refining pot hanging from her waist, "It's in here."

The jade-colored demon refining pot is emerald green and transparent, warm and moist when entering the water, lingering with rainbow light, reflecting the eyes of everyone who looks at it.

Such beautiful jade is rare in the world.

Bu Jie was surprised: "This is?"

"The Demon Refining Pot!"

He spoke loudly, Bu Jie and Cang Wu looked at each other, thinking that the Demon Refining Pot chose him as the master, he was ecstatic in his heart, and hurriedly bowed: "Congratulations king, congratulations king!"

Compared with the radiant joy on Bu Jie's face, Cang Wu's expression is still indifferent, but his clenched and trembling hands reveal his emotions at the moment.

This is a great thing. In this way, the dog monster clan will be like a tiger with wings added.

Bu Jie had already burst into laughter, and slapped Mei Luo's shoulder vigorously again and again, "Good boy, with you, this trip to Mount Sumeru is not in vain!"

Unexpectedly, a basin of cold water poured out of Shudu's mouth.

"Congratulations, the demon refining pot is not your stinky dog's!"

When Bu Jie and Cang Wu heard this, they both froze. Bu Jie didn't have time to take back his smile, and it got stuck in the corner of his mouth strangely, making his face extremely distorted.

It wasn't Meiluo who got the demon refining pot... Who was that?

Could it be...

His and Cang Wu's gazes turned to Li Wang at the same time, and the joyous heart was already half-cooled.

It's not that they haven't thought about this possibility, but they just didn't expect it to come true.

Although Li Wang and the dog demon clan are allies now and will not fight, but he is a member of the fox demon clan, and he is very likely to become the fox demon king in the future.

In the alliance, strong allies are desirable, but after that, no one can say for sure. When he becomes king, the situation will be different, so we have to guard against it.

Cang Wu is a person with no expression, even if he is happy, it is a mental activity, his face does not show the slightest trace, at this moment there are some emotions and desires on his face, and his face is twitching slightly.

Mei Luo called to the demon refining pot: "Mo Mo, I'm home, I can come out now."

Yu Mo's voice soon came from the demon refining pot.

"So fast?"

"Well, come out."

"it is good!"

After a while, mist appeared in the demon refining pot, and a small door appeared on the body of the pot. When the door opened, Yu Mo came out, followed by Duoji, but because the demon refining pot was small now, the person who came out of the pot She and Dorje are also very small.

Mei Luo put the demon refining pot on the ground, and Yu Mo slowly stepped out from the door, getting bigger and bigger until she returned to her normal shape.

She stretched her waist, and when she saw Cang Wu and Bu Jie, she immediately extended her hand to say hello, "Long time no see!"

Bu Jie gave her a friendly smile, but Cang Wu turned his head as if he didn't see it.

Seeing this, Yu Mo was not annoyed. After shrugging his shoulders, he took back the demon refining pot and hung it on his waist.

This move surprised Bu Jie.

"Girl, this demon refining pot is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, not a toy. How can you hang it on yourself casually?"

Yu Mo blinked and said, "The demon pot is mine!"

Bu Jie was stunned, while Cang Wu suddenly turned his head and glared at her.

Bu Jie swallowed his saliva, shook his mouth and said, "Girl, say it again!"

Yu Mo patted the demon refining pot, "Mine!"

Bu Jie didn't believe it, and looked at Mei Luo.

Mei Luo nodded proudly with an expression showing off her wife.

Bu Jie turned his neck stiffly, then looked at Yu Mo again.

Yumo knew what he was thinking. In fact, she sometimes felt that it was unreal. It was a miracle among miracles, but if it was fake, she would be fine.

"I know you don't believe me, but the demon refining is really mine!"




If Shudu's previous words were cold water poured on his head, then these two words were the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

After landing, there was a bang, causing Bu Jie and Cang Wu's minds to go blank.

After the two set off in Meiluo, they had assumed many possibilities. Anyone in the group could get the artifact, but Yumo was the only one who didn't count it.

The two froze, and there was no response to poking with fingers, Yu Mo couldn't help tugging at the corner of Mei Luo's clothes, "What's wrong with them?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't accept the fact at once."

"The fact that the demon refining pot is mine?"

He nodded, and took her little hand into his palm. When he clasped his hands, he seemed extremely satisfied.

"Then..." Yu Mo squinted at Cang Wu and Bu Jie, who had dull faces, stood on tiptoe, leaned into Mei Luo's ear, and whispered: "If they know that Tao Tie and Zhu Long have followed me, will they Scared to death directly?"

He chuckled: "You can try."

"What if... what if I was stimulated to have a cerebral hemorrhage?"

Bu Jie is not too old, but Cang Wu is very old. She looks young, but she is actually an old man. She should not be able to stand too much stimulation. If she really suffers from cerebral hemorrhage or stroke, she will be guilty.

She decided it was better not to say anything.

"We'll keep it from them for now, let them digest the matter of the demon refining pot first."

"Listen to you!"

If we don't talk about these things now, we will know about them sooner or later. He is optimistic about this.

Yu Mo is no longer the former Yu Mo.

Except for not being a demon or aristocrat, there is no woman in the dog world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

This fact cannot be changed, so he is not in a hurry.

But the power of gluttony is too harmful to Yumo, if it can be used, it is best not to use it.

He held her hand tightly, worrying that her body was not yet complete.

The two reached an agreement to delay letting both Bu Jie and Shu know about Taotie, but Shu wanted to tell all the good things about Yumo, and he would be very happy if he could see Bu Jie and Cangwu suffer.

"Bu Jie, Cang Wu, this time you will see with your eyes wide open, and she will stand up silently... ummmm..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Mo covered his mouth.

"Hmm..." He widened his eyes, looking at Yu Mo who wanted him to shut up, and didn't understand why he couldn't talk about it.

Yu Mo wished he could conjure up a roll of tape to seal his mouth, and whispered: "I want to kill someone, Cang Wu is old and will suffer from a stroke."

Shudu: "..."

It's no wonder the old man has a stroke.

King Li is happy to see the success. Before he went to Mount Sumeru, he had heard that Cangwu disliked Yumo, and thought that she was not qualified to be the queen of the dog monster clan. Now that she has a divine weapon and two fierce beasts, it is no longer the same. It is very possible to reverse Cangwu's prejudice, and maybe he will strongly approve of this marriage at that time, urging the dog demon king to establish a queen, that would be bad.

If it can be delayed for a day, it is a day.

During this period, he must seize the opportunity to make her feel good about him.

"The dog demon king, the journey is tiring, silently recovering from a serious illness, it is better to return to the palace to rest as soon as possible."

"What King Li said is true!" He was in a good mood recently, and everyone was pleasing to the eye, so he immediately ordered Awu and Dada to lead the way, and personally sent Yumo back to rest.

A group of people went to different places and went to rest.

Only Cang Wu and Bu Jie were still frozen in place, letting the wind blow.

Yumo arrived at the door of the bedroom and was about to step up the steps in front of the door. Lin Lang, Zijiao, Mu Xiang, Fungus, and Mother Calamus were already kneeling at the door and waiting.

Duoji ran up the steps like a whirlwind, and shouted joyfully to several people, "Auntie, mother, sister Zikai, sister Muxiang, brother Muer, my sister and I are back."

Seeing that Yu Mo had returned safely, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and led the crowd to kowtow to Yu Mo and Mei Luo.

"Welcome the king and lady back to the palace."

Mei Luo nodded, waved her hand and said, "Get up!"

Everyone stood up neatly, Yu Mo was very happy to see Lin Lang, and asked, "How is Auntie?"

"Okay! Miss, why do you seem to have lost a lot of weight?"

"Is there?" Yumo touched her cheek. During the period of recuperating in the time hut, she did lose weight. After leaving the hut, she eats five meals a day to make up for the lost flesh. How can it be thin?
She felt she had gained at least five catties.

Lin Lang didn't feel it at all, and said again: "You don't look well, you must have suffered a lot."

Yu Mo didn't hide anything, and sighed: "Auntie guessed right, this time, I really suffered a lot... Hey, what are you doing, let me down!"

Just halfway through the conversation, Mei Luo has picked her up and walked into the bedroom.

"It's windy at the door, if you have anything to say, go back to the hall and talk about it, you haven't taken your medicine yet, take it and sleep for a while, when you wake up, it's time for dinner."

"Medicine!?" Lin Lang asked in surprise, "Miss is sick? Do you want Master Bu Jie to come and see?"

After finishing speaking, she beckoned Mu Xiang to find Bu Jie.

Yu Mo lay on the bed, leaned on the cushion and said hurriedly: "Don't worry, aunt, the minor illness has been cured!" She poked Mei Luo with her eyes, "It's because he always feels bad."

"You were panting when you went up the stairs just now!"

"That's the sound of the wind blowing, you heard it wrong."

"Okay, I heard wrong!"

He didn't argue with her, after tucking the quilt for her, he held her hand again.

When the two looked at each other, anyone could tell that they were a young couple in love, with all kinds of sweet little eyes.

Lin Lang was overjoyed, it seems that Xumishan and his party have greatly increased their feelings.



Mei Luo pointed to the bundle in Duoji's hand, "It's Yumo's medicine inside, let someone heat it up and bring it in."


Lin Lang ordered Mu Xiang and Fungus to go to the small kitchen to get medicine, and also ordered Mother Calamus to cook some light and digestible food.

After everyone retreated, Duoji didn't leave, sitting on the edge of the bed and chatting with Yumo.

After chatting for a while, she remembered that there was another bird to serve.

"Duoji, go to Aunt Linlang and ask if there is any bird cage."

"I'm going right now."

After about a cup of tea, he came back with a bird stand, made of gold and jade, very luxurious.

Yu Mo asked, "Are there any ordinary ones?"

"Aunt said, this is already very common!"


The world of local tyrants does not explain.

She glanced at Mei Luo and poked his chest, "My lord, you can't be so extravagant."

He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Look at this shelf, it's even inlaid with gems."

"It's fine if you get used to these things, but I promise you will never drink and eat meat."

Wine pond meat forest: the meaning of licentiousness and corruption.

She heard the meaning, blushed, and reprimanded: "You don't even dare to measure."

He really liked the way she blushed, as if she had applied a layer of rouge, she was extraordinarily coquettish, unable to control herself, and bent over to kiss her.

Dorje was standing by the bed and watching with a bird stand, with a bewildered expression on his face.

Yumo was so ashamed that he stretched out his hand to push him away who was slowly approaching, and hurriedly said: "Duoji...let Taotie release Ping An."


Blue smoke came out of the demon refining pot, and the purple parrot was released.

Yumo hung up the golden birdcage, "Peace, we're home, this is your nest, it looks a bit vulgar, bear with it, wait a few days, I'll make one for you myself."

The parrot was silent and unable to fly due to its injured wings, but after more than ten days of Yumo's care, it was in good spirits and stood up obediently.

"Sister, do you want to lock its ankles?"

Generally, in order to prevent the bird from flying away, the bird frame will be made into a shackle, which can be used to cuff the bird's feet.

"The handcuffs are too cruel, we don't need them."

In the middle of the night, there was silence, and Yu Mo had fallen asleep. On a bird stand hanging in a corner of the hall, a parrot that was sleeping with its head down suddenly raised its head, its eyes opened, and it was extremely stern.

Finally... entered the palace of the dog demon king.

My lord... please wait a little longer.

When Purple Wing can fly, I will come to see you.

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  All the good luck I have accumulated in my life is to meet you - Su Jingnan!

  Su Jingnan is an unlucky girl.

  Births are abandoned, weddings are abandoned, collaborations are abandoned...

  Yan Hanyi, a golden bachelor, is known as the most mysterious and richest businessman in Binhai City. The outside world only knows that he has a woman he deeply loves.

  However, it is a man who combines appearance, wealth, wisdom and affection, and even got the certificate when he first met her!

  【Blind Date】

  Su Jingnan: First meeting, Mr. Yan, we all know the purpose of today, so don't waste each other's time. If you think it's okay, then let's go to collect the certificate in the afternoon?
  Yan Hanyi: (∩_∩) I have an important meeting in the afternoon, why not go now!

  Su Jingnan: —_—|||
  Originally thinking of preemptive strike, let Yan Hanyi give up on this blind date, how could the result be so different from what she imagined?
  Please support!

(End of this chapter)

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