The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 335 Part 094 Right General Crane Princess

Chapter 335 Part 094 Right General Crane Princess

The dark night is like ink, and the lamp is like a bean. It is still that shabby room.

Black Wing reported Zi Wing's situation to White Feather.

The paper fan swayed, and Bai Yu's face showed no expression, she was as cold as ice, "How is her injury?"

"It's almost fine. According to the report from the spies, she will recover within a few days. Qing Yi is also ready to meet her at any time..." Hei Yi leaned down slightly, "My lord, do you need to proceed to the next step immediately?" action?"

Bai Yu gathered the paper fan and tapped the table, "No rush!"

Hei Yi was stunned for a moment, "What does your lord mean...?"

According to the original plan, after Zi Yi recovers from his injury, he will take the next step. Now that Bai Yu said that there is no rush, he suddenly feels confused.

"One wrong step, the whole game will be lost. If you act too hastily, you will leave clues. She has just arrived in the dog land and is not familiar with the environment. If she makes a mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted and she will be left in circles for a few more days."

Ziyi's move is of great importance, he will not allow even half a point of difference.

Hei Yi understood, and said again: "Then about the matter of Penglai Island, what is your lord's plan?"

Bai Yu stared at the fragrant tea being brewed on the table, and said through the steam like white mist, "They still refuse to say?"

"Yes, one is harder than the other!"

Bai Yu's expression froze, and the sternness in his eyes could not be hidden, "Then kill! I want to see how long this group of tough guys can carry."

The fragrant tea on the table was boiling, bubbling and bubbling, and the fragrance of the tea wafted away, as if it had been infected with the cruelty in these words, and there was a bloody smell faintly.


Bai Yu lifted the teapot, poured the tea into the justice cup, put on the tea strainer, and filtered the tea dregs. When the tea soup was clear, he slowly poured the tea into the smelling cup and sniffed it carefully. With such a gesture, half of the color remains None, he just looks like a gentle, handsome, bookish man.

He likes to drink tea very much, and is also good at it. Therefore, Queen Yaojia of the Night Falcon clan often asks people in the clan to search for good tea and give him tea in order to give him what he likes, Bo Jun smiled.

It's a pity that he seldom smiles. Rather than saying that he rarely smiles, it's better to say that he was born unable to smile, especially his eyes, which are obviously extremely beautiful, as quiet as a deep abyss, with a slight blue glow, extremely gorgeous, but like eyes immersed in water. Like ice cubes, it always exudes a thick and cold feeling, which makes people dare not approach easily.

Even when his eyes were indifferent, it was as if there was an ice wall, unable to see his true emotions.

Such a man must be said to be extremely radiant, but this indifference has also become the biggest reason why it is difficult to get close to him.

There was a knock on the door, and after three knocks, someone softly said: "My lord, the queen is losing her temper again!"

"Got it!"

Night Falcon family, royal palace.

The queen's bedroom was in a mess, with smashed vases and utensils everywhere, jewelry scattered all over the floor, tables and chairs lying on the ground, and the maids knelt on the ground tremblingly, no one dared to make a sound.

On the couch at the front, Queen Yaojia was sitting upright, her face was as snowy as snow, her temples were drooping, her jasper and phoenix hairpins were swaying slightly, she was so flawless in beauty, and she was so gorgeous that she was even better than a hundred flowers, but she was glaring And staring, willful and domineering, ruined the demeanor that should have been.

She raised her wide purple sleeves, swept down the fruit bowl, and made a loud bang, which scared the maids below into silence, even daring to do such ordinary things as breathing.

"Human, why haven't you found him yet!"

"King, calm down, I have sent people to look for it."

Standing beside Queen Yaojia was a woman in her twenties. She had a beautiful appearance, her clothes were like snow, and her hair was as black as ink. She seemed to be used to the queen's temper and was not afraid. Her calm and gentle black eyes overflowed Unwavering indifference.

She is a good friend and confidant of Queen Yaojia who used to be with her when she was young. She was born in an aristocrat and has a deep relationship. Compared with the men in the clan, he is more vigorous and decisive, so he has won the trust and love of the queen.

Being both a courtier and a good friend, the queen didn't care about those cumbersome palace rules, and started to complain to her.

"Heji, am I not good enough for him, or not considerate enough? If he wants to keep out of sight all day long, I will give everything I can. What else is he going to do? Is there anything that requires him to run around in person? Aren’t those people here all worthless?”

He Ji waved her hand to get the maids to step back, and picked up the overturned fruit plate herself. The fruit on the plate must be serious, but she stared at the plate for a long time.

"He Ji, did you hear what I said?"

He Ji raised her head, but she didn't answer the question, "Can the king give this dish to my minister?"

When Queen Yaojia heard about it, her eyebrows were immediately squeezed into a line, "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"I really like it!" She wiped it with her sleeve, looking like she wanted to take it home directly.

If it was someone else, such a fugue would be too empty, and Queen Yaojia would have pushed her down from the basin long ago, but she is He Ji, the Queen would never do that, because it is useless to push her down, she can still climb out of the basin Come out and keep asking her for a plate.

"If you like it, take it, and the ones on the ground, if you like it too, pack it up and go home."

"The other ministers don't want it, but they think this plate is well made. It would be even better if they can be made into a pair."

Queen Yaojia was furious immediately, "I'm not a couple, you're holding on to the plate first!"

"Wang was joking, how could you be a couple? Your identity is supreme and unique. No one or anything can compare to you. You are at the top, and everyone else is at the bottom. No matter how good you are, no matter how good you are, They are all your ministers, your people, as a king, how can you belittle yourself and say that if you make a couple, if it is really a couple, wouldn't the world be changed."

The pair in Queen Yaojia's mouth does not mean that the plates are exactly the same as a pair, but about Bai Yu, but when it comes to He Ji's mouth, the meaning becomes two kings. It sounds like a misinterpretation, but take a closer look. , you will know her true meaning.

She is the queen of the Night Falcon Clan, the highest-status demon, she wants a man, just by waving her hands and waving her sleeves, who can refuse her, and who dares not want her, if she thinks a man is not good enough, just change it, Do you need to hang yourself from a tree?

Of course, Yaojia understood the meaning.

He Ji wasn't asking for a plate, but was waking her up, reminding her of her identity.

When she understood, she laughed heartily, Xiu Dimple was immediately more beautiful than Hua Jiao, seductively and seductively, showing a different kind of demeanor.

"He Ji, you are indeed the person who pleases me the most."

He Ji also smiled, a pair of dimples looming on her cheeks, "Just as long as Wang is happy!"

"You should come to me often, no one can understand my mind better than you."

As the saying goes, only men need Xie Yuhua, but women do not know that women need it too, and He Ji is the Xie Yuhua who understands her best.

"The king's thoughts, how can the subordinates not understand, but the king should know that Bai Yu is naturally cold, and his status is embarrassing. If he is not busy and tired, I don't know how many people will poke him in the back. If he is a If you are willing to nest in the bedroom, stretch out your hands when you wear clothes, open your mouth when you eat, and be your servant, the king asks himself, will he still like him?"

Yaojia was silent, but these words reached her heart.

He Ji said again: "If the king still likes him if he is a softie, then He Ji will betray the king?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

He Ji knelt on the ground, her eyes burst into meteor-like light, "I will try my best to kill him, because this kind of man is no different from a beauty, even if he is punished by the king, He Ji will kill him. "

Queen Yaojia suddenly had a warm current in her heart, she hurriedly got up and walked over to help her up, "What are you talking about, you and I are closer than real sisters, how could I kill you, how could I kill you all over the house, the bigger the bigger the better! I can’t speak anymore, and next time I say something like this, I’m going to be angry.”

He Ji stuck out her tongue, "Okay, listen to the king, now..." She blinked again, "Is Wang still angry?"

Queen Yaojia wrinkled the tip of her nose at her, teasingly said: "With you as a pistachio, do I still have the strength to be angry? Hurry up and get up, we are like when we were young, drinking and playing chess, okay?"

"Okay, but..." He Ji picked up the plate from the floor, "I want this plate too."

"Hahahaha... you..." Queen Yaojia was amused, and her branches trembled with laughter, "Don't say it's an old plate, if you want it, I will ask the craftsmen to make a hundred for you tomorrow. delivered to your house."

"One hundred plates? So many? I can't use them all up. Why don't the king give me a reward and give me a whole set of utensils, cups, bowls, chopsticks, spoons, soup basins, a whole set that can't be missed! "

"Hahaha, okay, it's a whole set, come, drink with me first, it's agreed, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home."

"The minister takes orders!"

When the moon reached mid-heaven, Bai Yu came back, but failed to enter the sleeping hall, because the queen said that he was not free tonight, so he was not allowed to enter.

This was really the first time, but he still had no expression on his face, looking indifferent, when he was about to go back, the door of the palace opened, and He Ji came out.

The maid respectfully sent her out of the palace gate, "General He Ji, please go."

"Well, you go back, the queen is drunk, remember to be alert at night, don't let the queen catch a cold."

"As ordered!"

She took a step forward, and put on the purple silk dress she won from playing chess. She likes white clothes, but in fact, purple clothes are more suitable for her.

After going out, she saw Bai Yu.

Standing in front of the temple gate, he is a luminous body even in the darkness of night. Even the bright moon in the sky cannot reach him. Just standing there, he already radiates bright light like a shooting star, which is breathtaking. The pair of beautiful eyes, even though they are as cold and ruthless as the snow on the snow-capped mountains, are still attractive. The slight sea blue, mixed in those eyes, is like the clear bottom of the sea, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, and Like that treasure-packed pearl, it is radiant and can instantly make people lose their souls.

With such a beautiful boy, it's no wonder that his own queen treats him infatuatedly.

"Master Bai Yu is back." She smiled slightly, "Unfortunately, the Queen..."

"Why is General He Ji here?"

She still smiled, but with a little deep meaning, "Why can't I be here!"

Bai Yu was silent, just staring at her, his indifferent eyes changed a little, a vortex floated out.

He Ji noticed it, the corner of her mouth curled up, and she took it lightly.

"He Ji and the queen drank a lot of wine, and are very tired, so they will stop chatting with Master Bai Yu in front of this gate, let's go first!"

She is as chic as the wind, leaving as soon as she says.

Bai Yu squinted his eyes, and after she left, he stood there for a while before flying away.

In the garden of the palace, there is a dense forest, no one will pass by at night.

Bai Yu took a few steps lightly in the air and landed slowly.

After landing, he walked forward again, and there was a fake cave in the dense forest, which was hidden so secretly that even the old people in the palace did not know that such a cave existed.

He went in, and there were already people in the cave.

"Coming?" She called out coquettishly, revealing her gender.

is a woman.

The moonlight shone faintly and fell on her face.

It was He Ji.

"What did you say to her?" Bai Yu asked coldly.

She winked at him, squinting at him, "Why, are you angry?" She raised her jade hands like peeling onions, and suddenly hooked them around his neck, and said with red lips like vermilion: "Yeye Chunxiao, you are not afraid of being tired."

He looked down at her eye to eye, "Nonsense!"

She tapped the corner of his lips, "Shh, I said a lot of good things about you for your own good. You treat me like this, isn't it too kind?"

"He Ji..."

She glared at him, "Only you and I know this place, no one else, call me He'er, or I will get angry."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"What to do?" She smiled seductively, "What else can I do, I want you!" She raised her leg, hooked it around his waist, and scratched his chin with her green fingers, "You can't favor one over the other! ?”

"If you let her know, how do you think she will deal with you?"

She snorted coldly, "She has been as stupid as a pig since she was a child. You expect her to find out. Just dream, if she hadn't been reincarnated well, would she be able to sit on the queen's position? When she finds out, I'm afraid you will become king too." It's..."

"Sure enough, the most poisonous woman's heart!"

She looked up, "Don't you just like me for that?"


One word fell, and there was no other word.

Only the shameful things in this cave.

The sound of the waves continues, and the moon sinks...

 Well, this chapter is quite informative...

  By the way, Mr. Baiyu...hahaha.Stop talking, stop talking!Everyone owns.

(End of this chapter)

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