The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 337 Part 097 There is an island called Penglai

Chapter 337 Part 097 There is an island called Penglai

Dogland, the palace.

After a rainy season, Dogland ushered in the hottest summer.

The light blue sky is integrated with the ocean around the island, clear and blue, as clear as jasper, without even a trace of floating clouds, as if all the variegated colors have been filtered, shining magnificently.

The weather is fine, but this is summer. The power of the sun is the most amazing. Without the cover of the clouds, the radiant light is extremely hot, as if it can burn everything. Under such a hot barbecue, there is no cloud in the sky. What was beautiful has turned into a torment.

This season, the entire dog monster clan is lazy.

Because... dogs are really afraid of heat.

In the dormitory, Fungus and Muxiang are holding tea, sticking out their big tongues, and panting loudly. After Linlang's training, the two's monster power has doubled, and they can already maintain their human shapes well. When they are dogs, they don't have sweat glands, so they stick out their tongues to dissipate heat. It is normal, but in the human form, there are sweat glands, so there is no need to use the tongue to dissipate heat, but the two of them are still used to this. The appearance is also extraordinarily funny.

Yumo has become used to it, because the dog monsters with low demon power around him are like this, all doing things and talking with their big tongues like this. After watching too much, they don't find it funny anymore. When a group of dog monsters are together, they shout One, they all turned their heads and stuck out their tongues together. The scene... was so spectacular that she couldn't help but laugh.

"Drink more water when you're hot. Seeing that you're panting, if you don't know it, you might think it's an asthma attack."

"Miss, I've had a lot to drink."

The tea in Mu Xiang's hand was used for this purpose. She and Mu Erguang had already drank nearly 4 pots of water, but it didn't work, it still felt hot.

Yumo said: "Then calm down and cool down naturally, like me..."

She is meditating on the bed, breathing with luck, taught by Taotie, who said it can strengthen her body and help reduce her side effects after she opened her mind. After practicing for a month, she did feel that her body was much better. Qigong, through the adjustment of breathing, the adjustment of physical activity and the adjustment of consciousness (regulating breath, shape, and heart) as an exercise method, achieves the purpose of strengthening the body, resisting diseases and prolonging life.

Well, a lot of knowledge!

Mu Xiang shook her head and said, "No, it will be hotter if you don't move!"

Yu Mo didn't persuade her to practice together. She was born as a dog and was doomed to be afraid of heat, so she could only wait for the summer to pass.

After exhaling and exhaling, she felt very refreshed. After getting out of bed, she did a set of stretching exercises to stretch her muscles and bones. After waiting, she called Dorje who was playing with a macaw outside.

Dorji is a rat, not afraid of heat. He can switch freely between the rat body and the human body. If it is hot, he will become a human. If he does not have fur, he will be cool. If it is cold, he will become a rat. With fur, he will be able to resist freezing.

Duoji, who turned into a beautiful boy, ran into the dormitory carrying the bird stand.

"Sister, today I flew farther safely than yesterday."

"Really?" Yu Mo smiled, and reached out to the side of the bird stand, "Peace, come here!"

The 80cm tall macaw immediately let go of its claws that were holding onto the frame and climbed onto her arm.

Compared with the misery and desolation when it was rescued, Ping An has fully recovered now, and the purple feathers on his body are extremely bright and moist, like a rich oil painting.

Yumo checked its wings, and there was nothing unusual, indicating that it is recovering very well, but the bird is like a human being, it has a fracture, and even if it recovers, it needs to be rehabilitated, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the level of activity before the injury.

"The weather is good today, safe and sound, you can fly for a while longer to see."

Ping An understood, and flapped his big wings.

Yu Mo happily rushed outside and let it fly.

The world of birds is the sky, and being able to fly high means having everything.

Dorji was so envious, he couldn't help saying: "I can fly around like this anytime..."

Although he can maintain his human form very well, he is still a bit behind the big monsters. It will take a long time to fly in the air like Mei Luo.

Yumo patted his little head, "You are still young, you will be able to fly when you get older, and then you can carry me in the sky, but it is agreed, don't fly too high, I am afraid of the cold .”

Duoji said happily, "Okay, then I will be the first to take my sister to fly."

"That's right, good boy, let's go, let's go back to the house and let Ping An play by himself, it's almost finished its feed, you and I will make more."


The so-called feed is to dry the nutritious grains, insects, fruits, and meat that macaws love to eat, then grind them into powder, then knead them into mud with clean water, knead them into balls by hand, and wait until the balls are completely dry. It can be stored for a long time, and it is convenient to eat.

This is the specialty of veterinarians. Yumo can do it with ease, but the speed of one person is not fast, and one more person can do more.

The peace flying outside, that is, the purple wings, is flying and circling joyfully, and the wind is born from under the ribs, like a melodious melody, making it leap into the sky.

It's ready to fly, it's perfectly fine.

It was only half a month ago that Qingyi sent a signal, telling it to stay calm and wait for the news. It lived like a year, and wanted to fly away from the Dog Realm and return to the Night Falcon Clan every day, but the palace in the Dog Realm has an enchantment Guardian, with its current appearance, is absolutely unable to get out, and can only continue to wait.

It kept telling itself that it had to be patient and not show its flaws, as long as it completed the task, it could go back, and after returning, it could always be by the adults' side like before.

It flew for a long time, and after circling and swooping for a while, it returned to the bird stand in the sleeping hall.

The bird stand was made by Yu Mo himself, using pine wood, although it is rough, but he likes it more than gold.

The smell of pine is what birds like.

"Ping An, you're back so soon? Are you tired?" Yumo walked over with the freshly made feed balls, and touched the melon seeds on its head, "It's just right, this is the freshly made feed, try it , Try to see if it suits your appetite?"

Pingan was very disgusted with this so-called feed at first, but it is an ordinary bird, and it must eat what it has. I thought it would be terrible, but it is actually delicious. I have to say that this girl is very good at making bird diets. Has a rare talent.

It obediently grabbed the feed pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

Yumo fed it another one.

It seemed to be hungry, and after eating the second one, it opened its mouth to ask for more.

"No, you can only take two for a meal. If you eat too much, your stomach will feel uncomfortable. Drink some water, and you will be full after drinking water."

Correction... This girl always refuses to feed her, what's the reason?
But it is a bird now, so what can it say, it can only drink cold water in vain, get full, and secretly swear in its heart, when this girl falls into his hands, he will let her taste the pain of not being full.

It turned its head away, as if angry.

The macaw is very human, and even closer than a dog, so its behavior is not abrupt, but it makes Yu Mo feel a little bit reluctant.

"Then eat another one, just one, no more."

It quickly turned its head back, opened its mouth and grabbed the ball she sent over.

It's almost there!
"Good..." She stroked its little head with her thumb.

Although he didn't like it being touched like this, it squinted its eyes and rubbed against the back of her hand.

It is an ordinary bird now, if it wants to survive safely in the dog environment, it must be pampered by her, the more she pampers it, the more opportunities it will have.

Yumo really loves it very much, because this is her first pet bird, and it is a rare macaw. Just teasing it can last a whole day.

The days of raising birds are very happy, and the time will pass very quickly.

Soon it was time for lunch.

Hmm... The years are quiet and good, eat and drink enough, and continue to play with the birds.

Compared with Yu Mo's leisurely life, in the meeting hall, the five elders of the dog monster clan are discussing important matters with Mei Luo.

Shu Du and Li Wang are also there. Since they have formed an alliance, they should be open and honest and share information to avoid gaps.

For the big monsters, the heat is really nothing. They are also canids, and they can’t do the low behavior of sticking out their tongues, but Shu is different. He is really afraid of heat, not because he is a canine. Animals are afraid of heat, but he is a wolf. Most wolves live in the world of ice and snow. The empty island of Sirius Realm is the winter island. Even in summer, the temperature is relatively low, so the high temperature of Dog Realm really makes him overwhelmed. .

But he is a big demon, it's really hot, just use the demon power to release a small iceberg.

In the meeting hall, everyone else was sitting on normal chairs, but he was the only one sitting on an iceberg.

It doesn't matter if his butt is cold, the important thing is that the upwelling air-conditioning can make him feel comfortable.

Li Wang is a fox, and foxes are also creatures in the world of ice and snow, but his fox is quite special. His hometown is in the vicinity of Zhuque Mountain, which is a scorching hot place. The high temperature in the dog environment does not pressure him at all, and he doesn't even shed a drop of sweat.

Ning Yi and Ning Bao are also demons who are trying to survive in the heat, so they also didn't pay attention to the summer in the Dogland.

"According to the spies' report, Bai Yu's men went to Penglai Island..." Awu repeated the case file sent back by the spies.

In Xumi Mountain and his party, Bai Yu not only failed to obtain the artifact, but also damaged the general Jiu Siam, which can be described as a heavy loss. Under such circumstances, he could not stand still, and he must have a plan. After returning, Mei Luo sent many spies to Ye Falcon The family scouts for news.

Only by knowing the enemy and the confidant can one be victorious in all battles. After the battle on Mount Sumeru, the dog monsters, fox monsters, and wolf monsters were clearly facing off against the Night Falcon clan, so Bai Yu had to be careful in every move he made.

"Penglai Island?" Mei Luo frowned, "Why did he send people to Penglai Island?"

Penglai Island is a fairy island in the mountains and seas. It enjoys the reputation of "all Buddhas pay homage, ten thousand immortals come to pay homage".

Legend has it that there is a Tongtian sect on Penglai Island. It uses a Biyou Palace to open a dharma dojo. There are many immortals under the sect, but most of them are spirit beasts who have cultivated and become immortals. This immortal is another name for demons. In fact, they are demons. , but the demons on Penglai Island don’t think so. They think that there is a difference between fairies and demons. Immortals are above demons. It is isolated from the world, because it does not communicate with the outside world. Few people know what is going on on the island. There are even rumors that there are no living things on the island. It is just an isolated island drifting in the sea and constantly changing its location.

Why did Bai Yu fall in love with such a strange and mysterious island?

A Wu replied: "Zebo and Zuo Ya have followed secretly, and the news will be sent back in a few days."

Saeki and Saya are the Anbu leaders of the dog monster clan, who specialize in spying on the information of the enemy clan.

Li Wang was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "I seem to have heard Brother Wang mention this Penglai Island..."

His elder brother is King Jing, and for the sake of the throne, he has secretly colluded with Bai Yu. The last time he was injured in Lin Haizhong, it was the result of the two joining forces. For this elder brother, he has already arranged eyeliner, and his every move is under control. within his grasp.

"Then tell me quickly, what did he mention?" Shu Du felt hot and could barely sit still.


Hearing that there might be an artifact in Penglai Island, everyone present was shocked.

Li Wang said again: "Although I don't know whether the source of the news is reliable, but if Bai Yu has sent people to Penglai Island, then the news should not be false."

"Does King Li know what kind of artifact it is?"

"I don't know!"

There are ten ancient artifacts, plus the demon refining pot on Mount Sumeru, four of them have come into existence.

Xuanyuan Sword, Haotian Pagoda, and Fuxiqin already have their own owners. If there is a divine artifact on Penglai Island, it would be the fifth one. The people present did not expect the news of the divine artifact to come so quickly.

Shu Du worried: "It can't be the Pangu axe?"

As soon as the words fell, Mei Luo gave her a fierce stare.

"I'm just guessing what you're staring at me for, but you can't deny that it's very likely."

There are still six artifacts that have not been seen in real form. The probability of one-sixth is indeed very high, but it is also very likely not, because the Pangu ax cannot be used by demons, and Bai Yu is unlikely to take this risk. It is useless for him to take one The artifact, but whether it is or not, the artifact cannot fall into Bai Yu's hands.

Especially the Pangu ax...he had to find it as soon as possible.

If Bai Yu got his hands first, he was worried that Yu Mo would be in danger.

He looked at Cangwu, "Although Zuobo and Zuoya have already gone to Penglai Island, I am worried that the two of them will be single and weak, lest there will be changes."

Cang Wu understood, "I will immediately send a team to join them!"

"Don't make too much noise, don't startle the snake!"


Elder Huang Hua said, "This is a big matter, how about letting the veteran lead the team?"

"It's so good, then Elder Lao Huanghua will be there!"

"Please don't worry, the king, I will deal with you carefully!"

In the afternoon, Yumo practiced calligraphy for a while. After studying for so long, she has already understood most of the characters in the world of mountains and seas, and she has also read a lot of books about the customs and customs of the world of mountains and seas. Drowsy, dozed off on the table.

Yumo carried him to the bed so that he could sleep more comfortably.

Summer is a season when it is easy to doze off. Agaric and Muxiang stood aside and also dozed off.

Yumo felt so sleepy, she must be uncomfortable, so she asked them to take a nap in the hut, and came back half an hour later, she didn't feel much sleepy, walked to the bird stand, and teased Ping An again.

When she was in full swing, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared on her waist, and when she closed them, she also fell into the embrace behind her.

"Are you done with the meeting?" She was used to Mei Luo hugging her so suddenly.

Mei Luo rested her chin on the top of her hair, "Hmm! Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten it long ago. Aunt Linlang is stricter than you. She won't allow a single grain of rice to be missed."

"You are nourishing your body, it's okay to eat more."

It doesn't matter!But after gaining a few pounds and having a round face, my heart will still feel cold.

It's okay for a woman to please herself, but dogs like meat, and he might like it better if it is fatter.

She raised her head and looked at his golden eyes that were warmer than the sun, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat a little!" Although he can't stick out his tongue to dissipate heat, it is an indisputable fact that the weather is hot. In summer, his appetite will become poor, and sometimes it is enough to eat only one meal a day. Seeing that she is still there Playing with the bird is unavoidable, "You care about this bird more than you care about me."

She put a piece of bird feed to his mouth, "I'm jealous, then I don't favor one over another, the feed I just made is very fresh, do you want to eat one!"

He really opened his mouth to eat.

She immediately withdrew her hand, "Just kidding, you are not afraid of spoiling your stomach." She put the feed pills back into the tube and clapped her hands, "Okay, let's stop teasing, can I have some snacks with you?"

"Don't eat! No appetite!" He took her hand and walked to the bed, saw a 'mouse' sleeping on the bed, raised his eyebrows.

"Don't wake him up, a baby with a long body needs to sleep more!"

The two went to sit down in the living room. Yu Mo poured him a cup of herbal tea himself, and when he was about to go back to sit down, he pulled him onto his lap.

When couples are alone, they are as gluey as paint, sweet as honey, and their kisses are very lingering.

When the lips and teeth were caressing, it was obviously very hot, but at this moment, it only felt comfortable, without the slightest feeling of summer heat.

Mei Luo moved along her eyes and nose, pecked and kissed her for a while, and then said, "Bai Yu sent people to Penglai Island..."


"It is estimated that there are artifacts on the island..."

Yu Mo was shocked, and then asked: "Are you planning to go?"

He didn't hide it, because he did.

"If it's really an artifact, I'll definitely go, but not so fast, wait..."

Yu Mo suddenly covered his mouth, "Wait a minute!"

Under his surprised gaze, she moved Ping An and the bird shelf outside.

Macaws are animals that can imitate human speech, but it doesn’t mean that it can learn it by telling it to listen to it. It has to keep talking, but they also have a bad habit, that is, eavesdropping on people’s speech. After overhearing the end, they can learn it by themselves After learning it, she will say it without any scruples. She has seen a young couple, and the starling they raised is very smart.

This embarrassment cannot be understood without personal experience.

Therefore, Yumo thinks that she can't make such a mistake, other things are fine, let Ping An learn it, but if it's about the safety of the dog, it's better to let it stay away, so that it won't overhear , will speak out loudly.

If there are spies, it doesn't mean that everything has been leaked.

After closing the door, she came back and continued to climb onto his lap and sit down.

"Okay, it's time to talk!"

"Elder Huang Hua will go there first to investigate, and I will act after I have definite news."

"Could it be the Pangu axe?"

The Pangu ax is the key to her going back. She hopes to get it more than anyone else, but her mood is different. She used to want to go home urgently. Even if she got it now, she might not use it to go back right away. It's better than falling into someone else's hands.

"It's unlikely!"

"It's not big, you still want to go?" The artifact is not necessarily a good thing. If you have it, you have to prevent others from snatching it. If it weren't for the demon refining pot belonging to Taotie, and Taotie belonged to her, she would not go into this muddy water .

Since the Demon Refining Pot followed her back to the Dog Realm, the place where she lived has been separately enchanted. Except for trusted people, no one can get in, and once they get in, they can't get out.

This is to protect the demon refining pot, and also to protect her, she can understand, this is also the reason why she plays with birds when she has nothing to do, because there is nothing to do, it is very boring.

"Even if it's not big, it's always good to make sure."

"Is Penglai Island dangerous?"

"I haven't been there, I don't know!"

Yu Mo frowned, and suddenly remembered that Penglai Island was mentioned in a book she read before.

"Wait a minute..." She ran to the bed cabinet and found the book.

Remember it should be in the next few chapters.

"Ah, I found it, this is it..."

She ran back, still climbed onto his lap, and sat down obediently.

"It says that Penglai Island is a fairy island, hidden in the mist all day long, invisible, but it will keep changing its position with the current... There are many precious medicinal herbs on the island, and some even only grow on the island..."

"What book are you reading?"

"The Story of Clouds and Desolation in the Mountains and Seas, Aunt Linlang found it for me, she said it was an ancient book."

"How come I don't remember such a book?"

"You don't care if you remember it or not, since it mentioned Penglai Island!"

"Bring it to me to see!"

"Here!" She handed over the book.

In fact, there are not many records about Penglai Island in the book, just a paragraph of notes, but one thing caught his attention.

It says that Penglai Island is covered with white awns, and there is snow all year round, and there is a beast named "Bai Ze", which is white all over, can speak human language, and understand the feelings of all things. When the book comes, respect it as the master.

What is this Bai Ze! ?
(End of this chapter)

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