The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 338 Part 098 Yumo VS Cangwu

Chapter 338 Part 098 Yumo VS Cangwu
Yu Mo also found this record, and couldn't help asking: "What is this Bai Ze?"

Mei Luo shook her head, "There are a lot of anecdotes and strange things in the world of mountains and seas, so it's not surprising if you don't know about them."

"Ask Taotie, it may know."

Taotie is an ancient ferocious beast. It has lived for tens of thousands of years and has a long lifespan. It must know many things.

Yumo took out the demon pot that was placed in the bed cabinet.

Taotie is sealed in the demon refining pot. No one can break this seal except the heavenly emperors in ancient times, so it can only move in the pot and is inseparable from the demon refining pot. However, the world in the demon refining pot is very large. As far as the rambunctious gluttonous is concerned, it is not considered to be free, it is just unable to move out of the pot.

In addition to the inside and outside of the pot, the illusion of the refining pot can also extend to the outside of the pot. It belongs to a special barrier, but this barrier is usually to protect the blindness created by oneself. Taotie can also move freely in this barrier, but The time should not be too long, for example, like Mount Sumeru, most of the time needs to live in the center of the pot on the top of the mountain, but if there is a foreign enemy, it will leave its real body and use its clone to meet the enemy, or flee into the illusion In, play a role and toss the enemies up the mountain.

The avatar only has a part of its monster power, but it is enough to deal with foreign enemies, unless the enemy is at the level of Tianxie.

"Girl, your name is Ben Jun, can we eat now?"

It is now Yumo's summoned beast, and it has signed a contract to protect the lord. It can possess her body. After possessing her body, it will not be restricted by the seal and can move freely outside the pot.

But Yumo is a human being with a weak body and can't bear the long-term opening of the gods. Therefore, this skill, which is like a cheat, cannot be used casually. When Yumo calls it, what it comes out is just a clone.

Heichai's big head squeezed out from the small door on the demon refining pot, sticking out his big tongue, looking like a cute dog.

It is a ferocious beast, a creature born from the absorption of the essence of heaven and earth. Even if it represents greed, it does not need food, but ever since it ate the dog food she made in the illusion that tossed Yumo, it likes it. When he got up, he asked her to make it for him from time to time.

Yu Mo has never felt real about this beast that everyone fears. He only thinks it is his own dog, and it is normal to feed his own dog dog food.

"Ask you a question, and you can only eat it after you answer it."

Taotie shook the dog's head, saw that Mei Luo was there, and rolled his eyes, "Is it you who want to ask, or this guy?"

"What's the difference between me asking and him asking?"

"Women don't stay in college..."

"Why don't you stay in a female university, I just ask you a question."

"Ask, ask, after asking, hurry up and feed me." In order to adapt to the environment, it is now much smaller in size, which is the size of an adult Shiba Inu, but no matter what size it is, in the eyes of Meiluo, it is It's still a fierce beast gluttonous, trumpet.

The trumpet is also terrifying, but all ferocious beasts are hideous in appearance, and it has nothing to do with their size.

"What is Bai Ze, do you know?"

"Bai Ze?" Tao Tie squatted on the bed, tilted his head, "It seems familiar..."

"Familiar? Could it also be a beast?"

If so, she would not allow Mei Luo to take risks, even if she wanted to, she would go with her.

"No, Bai Ze is not a fierce beast, it should be a spirit beast."

"Spirit beast? Is there a difference?"

"Yes!" Taotie raised his hind legs and scratched his ears, "Spirit beasts are different from our ferocious beasts, most of them are gentle by nature, don't like to fight with people, prefer to live in seclusion, like to eat herbs, and live in groups."

"Live in groups?" Yu Mo was stunned, "Aren't there a lot of them?"

Taotie nodded, "Because we are weak, we naturally have to live in groups, otherwise how can we protect ourselves when we encounter enemies?"

Yu Mo understood that if a dinosaur was used as a metaphor, a fierce beast is equal to a tyrannosaurus rex, and a spirit beast is like a herbivorous dinosaur, winning by numbers.

If this Bai Ze is a spirit beast, then it is not a dangerous thing.

"However..." Taotie continued, "As far as I know, there are no more spirit beasts in the Shan Hai Jing!"

"Hey, why?"

"Spiritual beasts like to eat herbs, and their whole body is full of treasures. They are often used by monsters as medicines that can refine the elixir of life, or medicines that increase the power of monsters. They should have been caught almost."

That is, extinct.

This is the same as in the human world, the rarer the animal, the easier it is to be slaughtered.

Yu Mo felt a pain in her heart, she hated this kind of behavior the most.

Mei Luo asked: "Then there is a spirit beast named Bai Ze on Penglai Island?"

Taotie thought for a while, "Penglai Island...Penglai Island..."

After a while, he said calmly: "I don't remember!"

Well, white question.

But it's not like there's no information at all, at least he knows that Bai Ze is a spirit beast, a gentle creature.

Yumo took out the prepared dog food, "Here, let's eat!"

Taotie sniffed and said dissatisfied, "Why did you do it?"

"A mix of dry and wet ingredients provides comprehensive nutrition."

In fact, she originally prepared these for Mei Luo, but now Mei Luo is her man, it is really unreasonable to ask her man to eat dog food, but it can't be wasted, so she decided to honor Tao Tie.


"It's called crunchy. It's fragrant. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. If you don't eat it, give it to Ah Zhu."

Ah Zhu is Zhulong. It has not been sealed by the demon refining pot, so it can be out of the pot at any time to move around freely. Unfortunately, it is too lazy. There are [-] days in a year, and [-] days are sleeping.

Taotie resolutely swallowed the whole dog food, his cheeks puffed up.

Literally greedy.

After it was full, it hiccupped and accidentally bumped into Dorje who was sleeping soundly.

It sniffed and felt that there was something wrong with this kid.

Yumo found out, and shouted: "Don't wake him up, he has been practicing very hard recently."

"I think this kid is weird."

From the first time it saw this little mouse, it felt that he had a smell different from that of a demon, but it couldn't tell what it was.

"You are discriminatory. Dorje is just born with white hair. Compared with you, it is too ordinary."

The white-haired rat and the beast, no matter how you look at it, the beast is more weird.

Although Taotie had doubts in his heart, when Duoji looked at him, his appearance was also black wood, which showed that this kid was also "stupid". kid.

"Girl, I asked you to meditate and practice, can you follow suit?"

Yu Mo nodded, "I do it every morning and evening."

"Well, that's good, don't be lazy, it's good for you."

"I know, I know!" Yumo patted its head, "Here, I will reward you with a biscuit."

It's dog biscuits.

Taotie caught it in his mouth, and ate it dry like a jujube.

"This biscuit tastes good, give me this next time."

"This is a snack! You can't eat more." Moreover, she didn't bring a lot.

"Snacks are snacks, this gentleman will eat this." After speaking, it licked its lips.

"Not much left!"

Taotie patted his paw on the bed, domineering and willful, "Then you do it!"

Yu Mo: "..."

Who is the master! ?
Three days later, Saeki, who went to Penglai Island to investigate the news, sent a message back.

After Cang Wu saw it, he was taken aback.

There are only a few strokes in the biography, but it is concise and to the point.

Bai Yu sent people to massacre the entire Penglai Island, and the blood stained the place where the snow was all year round, turning into a sea of ​​blood, like a terrifying hell, after the massacre, Bai Yu's people seemed to be still looking for something, and did not leave.

As for what he slaughtered, Zuo Bo didn't know, only that it seemed to be an animal.

animal! ?
Could it be that spirit beast named Bai Ze?

He also heard about the Bai Ze Spirit Beast from Mei Luo, and he thought there must be something mysterious about it, so he had to report it to Mei Luo as soon as possible, but he couldn't find anyone after searching around. After thinking about it, I already knew where the person was.

He then went to Yu Mo's bedroom.

There are three barriers around the sleeping hall, all of which are set up to protect the demon refining pot. Without a passable token, it is impossible to enter. Since he is an elder of the dog monster clan, he is naturally qualified to enter.

But Li Wang and Shu are not so lucky, they basically just shut them out.

Because of this matter, Shu has made a lot of trouble. His dowry has been prepared, and the only thing missing is the bride. Even if the bride loves someone else, he must be given a fair chance to compete. Unfortunately, this is the dog realm, not the sky wolf. environment, he can't be the master.

Li Wang is very calm and is looking for other ways. I don’t know if he found it. Anyway, he is much calmer than Shu. After Ning Yi knew what he was thinking, he also begged to see Yu Mo many times, and wanted to make friends with her, so that he could do it for himself. The master assists the next attack.

It's a pity that the message to see her got stuck in Lin Lang's hands repeatedly, and every time Lin Lang came out to receive her, she was so angry that she almost gritted her teeth.

After Cang Wu entered the enchantment, he went straight to the door of the sleeping hall, and by chance, he also ran into Lin Lang.

Lin Lang never waited to see him, but she knew how to measure things, knowing that he was here to discuss matters with Mei Luo, and after giving him a few supercilious glances, he let him go.

In the sleeping hall, Yumo was eating watermelon. Watermelon is not a rare thing in the mountain and sea world. There is a melon field in the dog land. She passed by when she was robbed by Shudu last time.

The watermelon from Shanhaijie is big, sweet, and full of water. It is a good product to cool off the summer heat. She generously enjoys it with fungus, woody fragrance, and purple courgette.

The watermelon was soaked in well water before it was delivered, it was especially cold, and a group of canines were very happy to eat it.

She cut a few more slices for Tao Tie, but Tao Tie felt that a few slices were not enough, and took advantage of her not paying attention, picked up a melon and hid back in the demon refining pot.

This gluttonous nature is also gone.

Mei Luo saw that she liked it, so she sent some more. She didn't like to slice the watermelon, but cut the watermelon in half, held the half, and ate it with a spoon.

This is the most correct way to eat watermelon.

While eating happily, Cangwu's icy cold gaze also came, very penetrating, she was like a thorn on her back, when she looked up, she was eye to eye with him.

This contemptuous look, no one will be mistaken.

She also wondered why this man always disliked her.

Of course, Cang Wu didn’t like her, for a magic pot like the demon pot would choose her as its master. will tell him.

Moreover, Taotie's appearance is too terrifying, and she has never shown it in front of Lin Lang and others.

It's better to be low-key.

"King!" Cang Wu bowed to Mei Luo, "Zebo has news that he is back."

Mei Luo wiped the corners of Yu Mo's mouth, she ate so fast that the watermelon juice dripped down, "What did you say?"

"Bai Yu slaughtered the entire Penglai Island!"


Mei Luo was not surprised, but Yu Mo was surprised. As soon as he let go of his hand, the melon in his hand fell off, hit the ground, and exploded.

The bright red juice flowed in a meandering way, and it was a mess. Cangwu, a clean freak, saw this and exploded.

He looked at Yu Mo with disdain, flicked his sleeves, and didn't speak, but his actions were already obvious, not only contempt, but simply didn't want to see her again.

Yumo thinks this person is just hypocritical. If the melon falls on the ground, it will be fine if you sweep it up. Is there any need to lose your temper like this?

Hmph, he doesn't want to see her, and she doesn't want to see him yet.

It's best not to meet again.

Mei Luo knows Cang Wu's thoughts, but usually the more stubborn a person is, the less able he is to communicate, so it's better not to say it, if he is not stupid, he will always figure it out.

Yu Mo tugged at his clothes, and whispered: "Then Bai Yu wanted to do some panacea, so he killed Bai Ze on the island."

"It's possible!"

Whether Bai Ze existed, Taotie did not make it clear, but Bai Yu would not carry out massacres for no reason, the only thing that allowed him to carry out this method was the use of spirit beasts besides divine weapons.

Thinking of the slaughter of spirit beasts, Yu Mo felt a little distressed.

Why do gentle and beautiful creatures always fail to escape the slaughter driven by profit.

Immortality, increased demon power, or divine weapon, can it be worth a fresh life?

She slapped the table hard, blushing with anger, and when she wanted to ask Cang Wu if he had any other information, he looked at her coldly, as if she was a lowly creature, which made her even more angry.

Almond stared, and stared back directly.

Cang Wu raised his eyebrows, feeling more and more vulgar about her.

Yumo didn't show weakness, and stared at him deadly, suddenly thinking of his Virgo temperament... That was the answer she got after asking Lin Lang for the first time she saw him, and she didn't know who he was.

The corner of his mouth curved, and he had a plan in mind.

Virgo, right? Cleanliness, right?
Alright, I'll let you have a taste of Miss Ben's power.

She grabbed a large piece of watermelon on the plate with her bare hands, facing him, and started to eat. The melon juice dripped down the corner of her mouth, and the meandering melon juice dripped on the table and clothes. Not only that, she also grabbed a piece of melon meat with her hands, crushed it, and squeezed the melon juice in front of him, until one small hand was sticky, and then rubbed it on her body.

Virgos can't see people being dirty or unhygienic. When they see it, it's a thorn, which can make the whole body restless.

What kind of cleanliness, Virgos are mentally cleanliness. To put it bluntly, it is okay to be dirty, but not others, not even a little dirty.

Cang Wu really began to feel uncomfortable, as if a bug was biting his heart.

No one has ever dared to be so dirty in front of him... He couldn't help but clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and endured it.

He was afraid that he would throw this girl out like a rag.

Yumo raised his chin, looked at him with great satisfaction, took another piece of watermelon by the way, very, very, very accidentally dropped it to the ground again.

Melon juice bombed, another mess.

It's not good to waste food, but that's how it should be when dealing with this kind of guy.

Well... not enough, something more violent is needed.

She picked up a piece of melon and walked over with a smile on her face, "Elder Cangwu, it's hot, let's eat a piece of melon."

Cang Wu quickly took two steps back, she stuck to it with vigor, her sticky little hands were holding the watermelon, in his eyes it looked like a scourge.

“Very sweet and very delicious!”

A cunning flash appeared in Yu Mo's eyes, and suddenly he staggered, and the watermelon in his hand flew out.

The two were close, and Cang Wu wanted to hide, but Yu Mo reached out and grabbed his robe, didn't dodge, and slapped him directly on the face.

The melon slices fell to the ground, but the bright red of Cangwu's face was covered, and several melon seeds stuck to his face.

A beautiful mole of ecstasy.

[-]'s matchmaker mole.

and also……

The pockmarked face suits him well.


Cangwu's chest heaved and he was already furious, but he was a person who could control his emotions. After taking a few deep breaths, he wanted to take out his handkerchief and wipe his face.

Yu Mo was faster than him, and had already taken the rag from the table, apologizing and sincerely helping him wipe his face.

"I'm sorry, Elder Cangwu, you are too wise and powerful. I was nervous for a moment and even smashed a melon on your face. I'm really sorry. I'll wipe it for you. Don't be angry. Don't blame it, don't blame it."

Her speed was too fast, and the force of wiping her face was even more ruthless, Cang Wu only felt that the skin was about to be rubbed off.

Suddenly, Yumo let out a cry.

He was startled, and saw her yelling at the rag that was wiping her face, "Oh, I got it wrong, isn't this the veil I used to wash Ping An's butt?"

Cang Wu...


 PS: Brother Er Gou is a Virgo... Virgos are really just mentally clean, and they don't want to see people dirty. In fact, they are quite sloppy, but only at home, and they still pay attention to their appearance outside.


(End of this chapter)

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