The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 340 Part 100 is on the shelves again

Chapter 340 Part 100 is on the shelves again

"Princess, please stay!"

Meng Ji, the great elder of the wolf demon clan, flew to the bridge connecting Chundao and Qiudao, and when his knee-length white beard fluttered and landed, he was already in front of Le Xian.

Le Xian turned his head away and stepped on the stool to get into the car driven by Xian Yue.

Jiyue is a two-headed wolf with black hair and silver mane. It is the guardian monster of the wolf monster clan. It is about the same size as the swallowing dog. Because there are no horses in the mountain and sea world, most of the transportation is chocobos, but if it is a royal family, it will Use the guardian monster as the first means of transportation.

Le Xian is not in good health, and it is inevitable that he will be a little tired from riding, so he tied up a cart. This cart is made of wood, with a round cover and a square shape. It is one foot and two feet high. The cushion has three layers of yellow satin hanging down, which can keep out the wind and sand, keep warm, and make sitting comfortable.

After sitting down, Le Xian yelled, "Su Yue, let's go."

A Luo and A Man, following behind the public car, always had difficulty speaking to Meng Ji, with pale faces.

There are ten trolleys pulled by chocobos at the back of the car, which are full of boxes and cabinets, all of which are Le Xian’s personal items. He has more than 100 pieces of clothes alone, as well as daily necessities. Ladies, I wanted to bring more, but it was inconvenient to walk on the road, so she gave up. Anyway, when I arrived at the Dog Monster Clan, if there was anything missing, just buy it.

Meng Ji quickly dodged, opened his arms, and stood in front of Xiangyue, "Your Highness, you must not act recklessly."

"Go away!" Le Xian tugged at the rein hanging around Si Yue's neck, preparing to walk around him.

How could Meng Ji let her succeed? With a wave of his hand, a group of people fell from the sky and surrounded the car.

"Meng Ji, you dare to block the princess's way, what should you do!"

"His Royal Highness is the princess of the wolf demon clan. She has a noble status. If she really wants to get married, it is also the dog demon king who comes to welcome her. How can the princess send her to the door by herself?"

In ancient times, in the wedding ceremony, the man personally brought the dowry to the woman’s home to pick up the bride, and had to go through five hurdles before seeing the bride. There was absolutely no bride who went directly to the man’s house with her belongings to get married, that is, ordinary people Wouldn't do that either.

If we really want to let her go, what is the dignity of the wolf monster clan, and how to gain a foothold in the mountain and sea world in the future will definitely make the dog monster clan see all the jokes.

"Why not? Didn't my aunt go there by herself? The difference is that my aunt didn't bring anything, but this princess did."

Meng Ji heard her talking about Princess Qiluo, and was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, his white beard fluttering.

He used to be the teacher of Princess Qiluo, and he was always with her since she could speak. He was never married, had no children, and devoted all his energy to the wolf monster clan, so he loved Princess Qiluo very much. , treating her like her own daughter, nurturing her carefully, teaching her with all her heart and soul, just wanting to raise her to be the most outstanding queen of the wolf monster clan, but she dropped everything for the dog monster king and ran away regardless. Yes, I still run in the middle of the night.

This incident became a thorn in his heart, and it would happen every once in a while.

After so many years, it still made him feel unbearable.

Now that the old things are happening again, how can he bear it again, especially when Princess Lexian looks exactly like Princess Qiluo, which is even more unacceptable to him.

"His Royal Highness, listen to the old minister..."

"This princess won't listen, so get out of the way!"

"His Royal Highness!" Meng Ji wished he could have a sword at this moment, so that he could hang it on his neck to remonstrate.

"A Luo, A Man, kick these bastards away for the princess!"

A Luo and A Man are not only her maids, but also guards, both of whom are selected from the generals and nobles.

Ah Luo was in a difficult situation, in terms of seniority, she had to be called Uncle Meng Ji, he was her own father's uncle, how could she do it.

"Useless things, go, Aman!"

After hearing this, Aman shook her head immediately, even A Luo didn't dare, how could she dare.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry, I don't even listen to my princess!" Le Xian jumped on the car, his face flushed red, suddenly his eyes flashed, he had an idea, and cunning circled in his eyes After a while, he suddenly coughed.

Aman looked at it and said in surprise: "No, the princess is sick!"

Sickness! ?
When everyone heard this, their faces turned pale.

"Princess..." A Luo hurried over, "Princess's body is important, so don't act emotionally."

"It's too late, this princess is already sick with anger." She clutched her chest, looking out of breath.

Meng Ji hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up, what are you still doing in a daze, go find the great wizard!"


"What kind of great wizard are you looking for? If you don't let this princess go, let this princess die here."

"Princess, you...why are you doing this?" Meng Ji knelt down in front of the car.

What kind of evil did this do? Why do my princesses like the king of the dog monster clan? What good are those stinky dogs? Can they be as honorable as their wolves?

"Are you going or not? If you don't go, you just wait to collect Princess Ben's body."

After speaking, Le Xian suddenly fell down on the car, out of breath, and started to cough dryly.

Ah Luo shouted: "Aman, quickly get the medicine!"

"Yes!" Aman untied the kit hanging from his waist, took out the small medicine bottle inside, and handed it over.

With a wave of his hand, Le Xian knocked down the medicine bottle.

A Luo turned pale with shock, and turned around and begged Meng Ji, "Uncle, let the princess go, or something will happen."

Meng Ji had no choice but to say, "Let it go, let it go now! But please take the medicine first, princess!"

"Don't eat!"

Le Xian buried her head in the brocade in the car, no matter how much A Luo persuaded her, she refused to eat it.

Meng Ji had no choice but to ask someone to back away, and let her car leave Chundao.

As the car drifted away, he was worried that something would happen on the road, and wanted to send a few people to follow, but he was also afraid that Le Xian would be angry if he saw him, so he paced back and forth anxiously.

At this time, a young man came out from under the peach blossom tree. He was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Under the moistening afterglow of the peach blossom tree, he looks as warm and moist as jade, crystal clear, his slender figure forms a nice silhouette on the stone road covered with petals, his hair in a small bundle flutters, and his brows are full His smile is like a spring as warm as March.

Meng Ji was a little surprised when he saw him, "Yuan'er, why are you here?"

The boy named Yuan'er is the eldest son of General Weilang, Shu Yuan.

Shu Yuan bowed politely and said: "Greetings to the Great Elder, father heard that the princess is going to go to the dog demon clan, so I want to persuade him."

"You are hiding behind a tree, is this persuasion?"

His body was covered with peach blossoms, he must have been here for a long time.

Shu Yuan burst into a smile, warm and friendly, "If the princess' temper can be persuaded, will the elder still have a headache here?"

Meng Ji sighed angrily, "She's really a careless girl, and I don't know if something will happen along the way."

"Don't worry, Great Elder, Shu Yuan will follow up now, and will never put the princess in any danger!"

"you want to go?"

"I'm afraid she won't want someone else to go, but if it's me, she won't be wary."

"That's right, you and the princess grew up together, childhood sweetheart, and whenever she broke any baskets, you came forward to clean up for her."

Meng Ji glanced at Shu Yuan, his face was like a crown of jade, with sword-like eyebrows and star-eyed eyes, he was handsome and upright with a kind of awe-inspiring righteousness, he was a rare young talent in the clan, he was about the same age as Princess Le Xian, and he was a child Playing big, it can be said that no matter in appearance or background, they are very suitable for Princess Le Xian, but Princess Le Xian was blinded by lard, and she fell in love with the dog demon king, and did not take this good guy seriously inside.

"Yuan'er, are you angry?"

Shu Yuan said heartily: "Ah!"

If you are angry with her, why do you feel that you are not as good as that dog demon king.

"Qi, you still want to go?"

"Otherwise, if something happens to her, I'll feel even worse. It's better to go with her."

Meng Ji gave him a thumbs up, "Great!"

Being praised by him like this, Shu Yuan felt a little embarrassed, his jade face was stained with a light peach red under the afterglow, I don't know if it was reflected by the peach blossoms, or because of the blush, I just thought it looked good.

He said modestly: "Emotional matters are out of control. If her heart is not on me, it will be useless for me to be angry; if she loves me, others will not be able to take her away. Just follow the fate, but before that, she is a princess." , I am a minister, and I shall protect her."

"Good boy, good boy, hurry up, don't waste time, and... the princess just fell ill, you have to pay close attention."

Shu Yuan snickered, "Grand Elder, only you will believe her..."


"Let's not talk about it, Shu Yuan will take a step first, so as not to miss the footsteps of Xiyue."

As the night fell, a bright moon hung over the tops of the trees, shining silver like fog, and the grass and leaves on the roadside were coated with a faint white layer, as if made of silver.

When it was dark, it was not very convenient to travel. A Luo looked at the terrain below. There was a forest ahead, and the camp was good. She and Aman led Xiyue to the ground.

After the bonfire was set up, Le Xian ate some hot food, and soon became a little sleepy, so he got back into the car.

A Luo did not dare to relax, and kept vigil with A Man.

When Shu Yuan came over, he saw the two of them, said hello, and walked towards Yuche.

Seeing him following, A Luo breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise she would have been worried all the way.

Le Xian, who was just about to take a rest, saw Shu Yuan rushing into the car, and said angrily, "Why are you here?"

"The Great Elder asked me to come."

"If you come to persuade this princess to go back, you should die as soon as possible. If this princess says you can't go back, you won't go back."

"Do I seem to come to persuade you?"

Shu Yuan in front of the Great Elder was Yushu Linfeng, a friendly and polite young man, but now he was lying on the cushion of the car with a straw in his mouth, looking like a ruffian, not sluggish, but a little naughty.

Le Xian asked suspiciously, "If you don't come to persuade me, then why are you here?"

He lay on his back, crossed his hands behind his head, "I heard that there are many beauties in the dog monster clan, I'll go and see!"

When Le Xian heard this, he became angry, and threw the pillow at him, "Shameless!"

He reached out to take it, and put it directly behind his head, "Aren't you also going to see beautiful men, why don't you be ashamed when it's my turn!"

"That's different!?"

"Why is it different?"

"That's...that's..." Le Xian was at a loss for words, he hesitated for a long time, but he didn't say anything.

"If you can't say it, don't say it, go to sleep!"

"Why don't you sleep, this is my car! Go out and sleep!"

"You're so comfortable, it's so bleak outside, seeing that I've been taking care of you since I was a child, you squeezed together, just for one night!"


Shu Yuan was silent, and after a while, he started snoring.

Le Xian glared at him angrily.

He has been like this since he was a child, he is humble and polite in front of others, he is a handsome young man, but in the queen... especially in front of her, he is a man full of bad taste.

Hmph, just go to sleep, I'm afraid you won't succeed.

After a while, she also fell asleep, and rolled into Shu Yuan's arms as she fell asleep.

Shu Yuan opened one eye, took a look, didn't say much, put his arms in his arms, and continued to sleep.

dog environment.

It was another sunny day with no clouds in the sky. Yumo lay on the window sill, looking at the beautiful scenery in the distance, no matter how beautiful it was, she couldn't arouse her interest.

Because the days are so boring, she has reached her limit.

Apart from eating and sleeping every day, even people have become lazy, she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"Miss, are you sleepy?" Lin Lang asked.

"No, boring!"

"Why don't I accompany Miss for a walk?"

"No, if you let Mei Luo know, he will be nervous again. When he went out the day before yesterday, he sent a group of people to follow him. It took a lot of work, and it would be eye-catching everywhere. Even if you want to have a snack."

Lin Lang put down her work, "Wang is afraid that Miss will be in danger."

Although Quanjing is heavily guarded, it does frequent business and foreign trade with other clans, and it is not ruled out that there will be spies mixed in. Meiluo is so nervous because she is just careful to make the Wannian ship.

"I know, I just don't want him to worry, so I don't want to go out."

"Miss, if you worry about this, you don't have to. Let's go for a walk in the palace. To the east of the palace, there is a small pool connected to the sea. If you are lucky, you can catch fish. Why don't you give it a try?"

"Fishing?" Yu Mo frowned, "I've never done this before, but what should I do with the fish I catch?"

"Miss doesn't eat meat, so I put it back."

This problem of not eating meat, Lin Lang has nothing to do with her.

"Okay, this is fine!"

Yumo became a little interested, glanced at Duoji who was still sleeping on the bed, and thought it was better not to wake him up, and called him when she thought it was fun.

Lin Lang asked her to wait in the small garden on the east side first, she went to collect fishing tackle, and then brought some snacks to satisfy her greed.

Fungus, Muxiang, and Zijing are practicing, so they can't go with them. Yumo also thinks it's uncomfortable for the old group of people to follow her, and they are happy to be free.

In the small garden, the summer scenery was in full bloom, and lotus flowers were blooming all over the lake, and the fragrance was tangy. She took a deep breath and felt refreshed, so she walked around the small lake.

When I walked halfway, I met a car, which was resplendent and resplendent. I don't know who left it behind. I listened there alone, and suddenly I was a little curious, so I ran up to have a look.

There was no one in the car, but there were traces of being in it. She wondered, how could such a good car be parked in such a remote place? Could it be that she doesn't want it? If she doesn't want it, she can take it away. it works.

"Who are you, why are you staring at my car?"

Yu Mo was startled, and immediately turned around, seeing that it was a very beautiful girl, and hurriedly said: "Sorry, I thought no one wanted it!"

"Who said no one wants it... Go away!"

The beautiful girl is Princess Le Xian. She has just arrived in the dog realm, and the dog monsters in the palace are arranging a place for her. A Luo and A Man are also busy moving the things she brought into the palace for her. Yue was taken to the animal shed to eat feed.

She came suddenly, her status was noble, the dog demon at the gate of the palace did not dare to neglect her, and directly welcomed her in the car. If other princesses would never have such treatment, it was all because she looked like Princess Qiluo, that is, the dog. The first queen of the demon clan.

Based on this alone, she is more popular than Shu.

Le Xian walked up to Yu Mo and squinted at her. She looked like she was not dressed like a maid, but she didn't look like a daughter of a noble family, and she was a weak demon, so she didn't feel half demon power.

Identity is a bit suspicious.

Sniffing again, I suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

It's the smell of dog brother.

How can this woman smell like a dog brother, and it's so strong!
She glared at Yu Mo and shouted, "Who are you!?"

Seeing her angry face, Yumo was inexplicable, "My name is Lan Yumo, what about you?"

"You are not qualified to know the name of this princess!"


She took another look at Le Xian, and suddenly realized that this girl looked a bit like Mei Luo, but she didn't remember that there was a princess in the dog monster clan.

Le Xian raised his head with a haughty look on his face, "That's right! This princess asks you, who are you and what are you doing in the palace?"

Yumo has always disliked arrogant people, so he replied, "Why should I tell you?"

"Because this princess is asking you something."

"Is the princess amazing? Who knows where you are a princess!" Anyway, there must be no princesses in the dog monster clan.

"How dare you despise me!"

Yu Merton felt that she was unreasonable, "Whoever despises you, it is obviously because you are rude first."

Based on what happened to Jin Ji and Yin Ji last time, she decided that it would be better to leave as soon as possible. One thing more is worse than one thing less.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Le Xian stomped his feet, "Stop!"

It's no wonder that Yu Mo would stop. At this time, it is correct to slip away quickly.

Unexpectedly, Le Xian pulled out the leather whip from his waist, swung it, and hit the ground with a slap.

Yu Mo was startled, turned around and saw that it was a leather whip, and was frightened.

If this is hit, she will definitely be bruised, why is this girl so arrogant and unreasonable.

"The first whip is to warn you, if you don't answer the princess's question again, the princess will be impolite."

"Okay, okay, let me tell you, I'm a guest!"

"Guest, where is the guest from?"

"A guest is a guest, why are you asking such detailed questions?"

"This princess asks you, you must tell the truth!"

Yu Mo got a little angry, it was the first time he met such a domineering and unreasonable girl.

"I'm too lazy to care about you!"

She thought that Le Xian was just scaring her and wouldn't have the courage to swing the whip, but it was obvious that she was wrong, as a princess, it's not a matter of courage to swing the whip.

With a bang, the whip was raised again.

"You are serious."

"If anyone tells you not to return to this princess, this princess will let you know how great you are."

She raised her hand and threw the whip out.

Yu Mo ran away, but the whip was controlled by demon power, so it couldn't be avoided by a long distance.

At this time, Lin Lang came, and seeing this scene, she immediately dropped the things in her hands, and flew over to grab the whip, but the speed of the whip was faster than expected, and it flew directly to Yu Mo's chest.

Yu Mo was already petrified, unable to move.

When the whip was about to touch her, the small pendant-like demon refining pot hanging around her neck moved, and with a flash of light, a turquoise dragon-tail giant sword emerged from the sky. The whip blocked it, and after blocking it, the dragon head on the giant sword blew a breath and blew the whip back.

The speed of the whip going back is faster than when it came, and it is returned with the strength when it came.

Le Xian was shocked, because she found that she could no longer control the whip, and seeing the whip greet her, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.


Shu Yuan flew over, kicked the whip away, and then hugged Le Xian into his arms.

The matter happened in seconds, if he hadn't been in time, Le Xian would have been disfigured, so he glared at Yu Mo angrily.

Yu Mo was also stunned, it wasn't her fault.

The giant sword transformed into Candle Dragon was in front of her, with the dragon's head slightly raised, with an astonishing momentum.

Lin Lang was even more shocked by this scene, where did the sword come from, and what a powerful monster it is.

The first impression Shu Yuan gave Yu Mo was stunning, his face was like a crown of jade, a pair of cat eyes were slightly raised, with a little charm, but also extraordinarily cold. It was the princess in Baobao's arms, patting her on the back vigorously.

"That, little brother, things..."

Yumo wanted to explain, but Shu Yuan had already attacked, "No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt Lele, you should die!"


Whoever hurt her was obviously the one who bullied her first.

Zhulong rotated the blade and set up a protective barrier to surround Yumo.

"This kid is not weak, be careful silently!"

After speaking, Zhulong left the protective barrier and started fighting with Shu Yuan.

Lin Lang rushed over, "Miss, are you all right?"

"It's nothing, Aunt Linlang, let's not talk about this first, stop them quickly."

Prevent! ?
How can she stop it?

Because there was no need for it at all, the blue giant sword had already defeated Shu Yuan, and it was swinging the sword sideways, slapping his ass with the blade.

She looked at Yu Mo... This sword is clearly protecting her, when did she become so powerful.

This is another fight... Yumo wins.

 Momo, it's different from the past, even if she is not enlightened, Zhulong can protect her, but Zhulong likes to sleep... Maybe she is asleep, so she doesn't remember to protect her.

  Shu Yuan is a good boy!
(End of this chapter)

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