The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 341 Part 101 Le Xian is sick

Chapter 341 Part 101 Le Xian is sick

Shu Yuan knelt down on his knees, endured the humiliation, and was beaten forty or fifty times by Zhulong with his face flushed. He had never experienced this kind of humiliation when he grew up, but who could be blamed?

Who made him inferior to others!

Seeing that he was beaten, Le Xian rushed over like a lion cub with fried fur.

"Let go of A Yuan, you stinky bastard!"

Zhulong had just woken up, and it was time for him to be active, so beating up a kid, it was right as a warm-up exercise, and another girl, just in time to continue to exercise his muscles and bones.

"your Highness!"

Lin Lang recognized her, fearing that something might happen to her, she hurriedly flew over to block her.

"Go away!" The domineering Le Xian waved the whip in her hand. Although she was young, she was still a monster. When she got angry, the wolf's fangs were exposed, one on each cheek, like a pair of small canine teeth. When the sun shines, it shines brightly.

Lin Lang didn't dare to use force against her, because she knew that this princess was born with a disease and couldn't get excited, and she was also the most honorable little princess of the wolf monster clan.When Queen Qi Luoxian was alive, she had seen her several times, and she knew that she was just wayward and not a treacherous person. Now that she has come to the dog realm, she should be treated with courtesy. If she is injured, both dogs and wolves The family is afraid that they are really going to turn against each other, and they also blame her. They just paid attention to Yu Mo, but didn't pay attention to who she was, and missed the time to appease her.

She grabbed Le Xian's two hands and persuaded: "Princess has traveled a long way, it must have been hard work. Lin Lang realized later and didn't take good care of her. I hope the princess will forgive me."

"It's none of your business, get out of the way!"

"Princess, please listen to Lin Lang, this matter must never be..."

Before she could finish her words, Le Xian had already erupted with demonic power, ready to transform into her original form.

Yumo was worried that Linlang would be in danger, and shouted at Zhulong, "Azhu, go and protect Aunt Linlang!"

Zhulong was obedient, and the sword body immediately jumped up, flashing blue light, and flew over.

Fearing that it would hurt Le Xian, Shu Yuan clutched his swollen buttocks and flew over.

The two sides met, and there was another fight. Linlang recognized Shu Yuan again. This is the future son-in-law of the wolf monster clan, and he is also a noble person. Naturally, she had to try to persuade the fight, otherwise she would hurt the princess, or him. , the dog monster race is not easy to explain.

In the chaos, Le Xian turned into her original shape, a husky with a pink bow on her tail. Compared with Shudu, her wolf face is much rounder, her whole body is plump and round, and her fur is light Gray and white are separated, and they are extraordinarily bright. Taking advantage of Zhulong's dealing with Shuyuan and Linlang's persuasion, she went straight to Yumo.

Yumo was startled to see a husky pounced in the air... This dog looks so much like Shudu, only two circles smaller, and he immediately guessed who she is.

"Are you Princess Lexian?"

"How can a lowly person like you get the name of this princess? I will tear you up, you shameless woman!"

"Who is shameless!" Yu Mo said with his hands on his hips, "Don't talk nonsense!"

It was only the first time we met her, so where did the shameless talk come from!

"I am talking about you!"

Le Xian smelled Mei Luo on her body. If she hadn't been in close contact with her often, how could she be contaminated with this strong smell. She was sure that Yu Mo had an ulterior relationship with her dog brother.

Like that kind of relationship.

After thinking about it, she became even more annoyed, and swung her sharp wolf claws towards Yumo. There was still some distance between one person and one wolf, but due to the evil spirit, the sharp claws shook the air, turning it into a peach-colored half-moon The darts flew towards Yu Mo.

There are quite a lot of them, just like celestial maidens scattering flowers.

Yumo is protected by Zhulong's protective barrier, which can be easily blocked, and the protective barrier will move with her movement, providing all-round protection, front, rear, left, and right, Ren Lexian can't hurt a single hair of her no matter how hard she tries.

Le Xian simply rushed over, biting the barrier, it's really a dog's habit to bite if it doesn't look pleasing to the eye.

Her spikes are close together, big and white, and each one is like a sharp steel knife, which makes Yu Mo flustered.Worried that the barrier would not be able to withstand the bite, but the Taotie in the demon refining pot told her calmly, "Don't be afraid, she won't be able to bite."

Sure enough, halfway through the bite, one of Le Xian's wolf teeth broke. Since she is now in her original form, she is extremely huge, so the teeth are naturally huge. Soil inserted into the ground.

After the tooth was broken, her wolf's mouth was immediately covered with blood.

Yu Mo twisted her face, thinking that it must be in pain.

Of course it hurts!

Le Xian was frightened by his own broken tooth, and stared blankly at the big tooth on the ground.

Those fangs, according to the ranking, were regarded as front teeth.

The front teeth are ugly!

There will be air leakage when talking!

Immediately, her eyes turned red, and the next second she burst into tears.

Cry loudly!
Yumo was so close that his ears were almost deafened, he hurriedly covered his ears, but saw a husky squatting on the ground, crying with its head up, tears streaming from its eyes, like two streams of clear springs It falls in an arc, and the scene is also extremely funny.

She couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

Hearing the laughter, Le Xian choked for a moment. Looking at Shang Yumo's smiling eyes, he felt that he was being teased, and his self-esteem was severely wounded. He played a fool on the spot, and even lay down directly, turning his belly up, Lying on his back, weeping loudly.

This is something only a puppy can do...

"Wow wow... bully me, you bully me..."

Although her wolf shape is a bit bigger, she looks so cute without being fierce, and Yu Mo couldn't bear it anymore.

"You... don't cry, it's okay if the tooth falls out, it will grow back."

"Wow wow wow..." Le Xian didn't listen at all, and burst into tears to himself.

The tears seemed to be free, and soon turned into a pool of water stains. After a while, I am afraid that I can raise fish.

She was crying out of breath.


Shu Yuan was spanked by Zhulong again. Although his skills were not as good as others, he refused to admit defeat. He wanted to keep fighting, but when he heard Le Xian's cry, he immediately dropped Zhulong, with a nervous expression on his face. He ran over and shouted, "Don't cry!"

"Wow wow wow..."

Le Xian didn't listen to him at all, as if he had been greatly wronged, he cried heavily.

Shu Yuan became anxious, fierce like a hungry wolf, and growled at her: "Did you hear me, don't cry!"

Yu Mo felt that this kid didn't understand what it means to be sympathetic to a woman, how could she coax a girl like this, and persuaded her: "She is angry, you let her cry, just let her cry as much as she wants."

Shu Yuan didn't appreciate it, and turned to stare at her fiercely, "Shut up!"

Yu Mo said inexplicably, "What are you blaming me for? I'm just telling the truth. You won't listen to anything you say she looks like now." Shu Yuan grinned at Yu Mo while patting Fu Lexian's back. "Don't interrupt if you don't know!"

"I don't know what, I just kindly advise you."

As soon as these words fell to the ground, something happened to Le Xian, as if he was choked by the crying and couldn't breathe.

Shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing, and intermittent retching.

Shu Yuan knew that she was ill!

Yu Mo was also shocked, "How could this happen!"

Le Xian looked in extreme pain, not to mention crying, he couldn't even breathe.

"Ah uncomfortable..."

She rolled over and lay on the ground, unable to cry or shout.

"Lele, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'll get you medicine right now."

But the medicine is not on him, but on Aman.

It was only then that Yu Mo remembered that Shu Du had said that Le Xian was sick.

"What happened to her!?"

"It's all your fault!" Shu Yuan didn't know her, so naturally he didn't know that she was a wizard, and only thought that if it wasn't for her, Le Xian wouldn't be ill.

"What did I do to her, this girl bullied me first, forget it, forget it, don't talk about it, don't worry, don't worry, let me see..."

"Your Highness Princess..." Lin Lang also rushed over, looking anxious.

She had seen Lexian get sick and knew the seriousness of it.

Shu Yuan grabbed Lin Lang's hand and said anxiously, "Auntie, the medicine is on Aman's body."

Lin Lang understood, "I'll go get it now!"

Le Xian coughed worse, as if he had to cough up his lungs before giving up, and then he had shortness of breath, short of breath.

"Lele, take a deep breath, take a deep breath..."

But it was useless, Le Xian had already started to roll his eyes.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yu Mo prepared to give first aid, but the protective barrier prevented her from coming out.

"A Zhu, A Zhu, let me out quickly."

When Zhulong heard this, he immediately dismantled the barrier.

Yu Mo wanted to get close to Le Xian, but Shu Yuan was hostile towards her and worried about Le Xian, so he slapped her directly because of his impatience.

No one expected that he would shoot like this, and hit Yu Mo's Tianling cover directly. If he caught it, she would be killed on the spot.

At the critical moment, Mei Luo and Shu both appeared.

The two of them had just received the news that Le Xian had arrived in the Dogland, and rushed over as soon as they heard the notification.

Seeing that Yu Mo was in danger, Mei Luo slapped Shu Yuan with a palm, and with overwhelming monster power, it counterattacked and sent Shu Yuan flying. If Shu Du didn't stop him, he would have killed Shu Yuan directly. over him.

Shu Yuan rolled on the ground several times before stopping, and after stopping, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Mei Luo stared coldly, "If you do it again next time, I will decapitate you!"

Shu Yuan clutched his chest with a dissatisfied expression on his face. When he wanted to resist, Shu Du kicked him, "Stinky boy, don't do anything foolish!"


"I told you not to mess around!"

Shu Du clenched his fists and slammed into the temples on both sides of his forehead, causing him to scream in pain.

Mei Luo protects Yu Mo in her arms, her anger has not faded, her whole face is full of violence.

Yu Mo was just slightly frightened, and it was nothing serious. Seeing that Shu Yuan had suffered, he didn't care about it, and stroked Mei Luo's chest, "Don't be angry, are you still a child!"

"He almost killed you!"

"It's okay, it's okay, you're not here, and Zhulong is still here, I'm safe."

Zhulong nodded desperately, but in fact it was too late to react just now, because it didn't expect that kid to make a move, but it learned its wisdom from a fall, and it won't make such a mistake next time.

Le Xian suddenly foamed, and his demon power began to dissipate, slowly turning into a human form.

Yumo immediately took off the robe on her body and put it on her body. After the human form, she is naked. There is a man around, and a girl is so embarrassed.

Shu Du picked up Le Xian, seeing that she was not only unconscious, but her mouth was full of blood, and panicked.

"Ah Shu, what's going on!"

Shu Yuan immediately crawled over and knelt down, "It's not good for Shu Yuan to protect the princess, please punish the king!"

Shu Du was so angry that he really wanted to slap him, but right now Le Xian was the most important thing.

"Lele, brother Wang is here, it's all right, wake up!"

Le Xian was weak and powerless, and didn't respond at all.

Yu Mo was not idle either, and took Le Xian's pulse door, "Shu Du, let her go, let me give her first aid first!"

Upon hearing this, Shu Du hurriedly handed Le Xian over to her, "Momo, save her, this girl will behave like this whenever she gets excited."

At this moment, he was full of self-blame. In order to chase his wife, he had already forgotten about Le Xian's medical treatment. If she hadn't come to the Dogland, he would not have remembered it.

Yu Mo bowed his head, made everyone quiet, and listened carefully to Le Xian's chest.

Her breathing was weak and there were noises, which may be due to phlegm entrapment. Based on her symptoms just now, she initially suspected it was asthma.

After she put Le Xian down, she raised her head, flattened her airway, and hit her lung cavity.

With a heavy blow, Shu Yuan's eyes widened and he shouted, "What do you want to do!" After speaking, he flew over to protect Le Xian.

Shu Du pushed him away, "Shut up!"

"Wang, she..."

"Kneel aside for me and reflect on yourself!"


After Shu Yuan was dealt with in the capital of Shu, he asked, "Momo, how is Lele?"

Yu Mo didn't have time to talk to him, and beat Le Xian's chest again. After a while, Le Xian spat out a mouthful of yellow water, and his breathing became much smoother.

"Lele!" Shu Du was overjoyed, thinking she had woken up.

Yu Mo said to everyone, "Get out of the way, you will only make her breathe hard if you surround her."

She looked at Shudu again: "Is she born like this?"

"Yes, it's like this from birth, as long as you get emotional or catch a cold, it will be like this!" Shu Du anxiously said, "Is Lele going to die?"

"With me here, I can't die." Yu Mo analyzed it calmly. Asthma patients are most afraid of air dust and cooling. Although the place is open, it is dusty after the fight just now, so it is not a good place for treatment. She took her to my bedroom."

"it is good!"

Yu Mo looked at Mei Luo, "You go find some mint grass, bring Bu Jie along the way, and ask the fungus Mu Xiang to get a few more pots of water in the room, I need the air in the room to be more humid!"


In this era, atomization is impossible, and there are only local methods, but she thought of Zhulong.

It is the Zhongshan God, who regards it as day, shuts down as night, blows it as winter, and calls it summer.

"A Zhu, use your ability to breathe into my bedroom..."


"It's just fog..."

When it is cold and hot, the natural fog will come.

Of course, it is not atomization for physiotherapy, but for cleaning the dust in the air and humidifying.

Le Xian was sent to Yu Mo's bedroom, and Bu Jie came with a medicine box.

After Lin Lang took the medicine, she and A Man A Luo entered the inner hall, but the medicine was useless at this moment.

Yu Mo rummaged through Bu Jie's medicine box, found the medicine he needed, and kicked him away.

In this regard, the dignified wizard was also very helpless, because obviously her healing methods were much better than his, and then it saw the candle dragon that kept exhaling towards the room.

The original shape of Zhulong is a Chihuahua in Yu Mo's eyes, but in the eyes of others, it is Zhongshan God, with a horse body and dragon head, green all over, and a dragon tail that can't see the end...

This is a beast!
Bu Jie was shocked!
Zhulong glanced at him, "What are you looking at, I haven't seen a beast! Go away, don't make fog in front of me, or you won't give me food in silence!"

As it breathes, a layer of white mist has formed in the dormitory, which is very humid, the temperature is suitable, and it is extremely comfortable.

Because the mist was white, it looked a little unreal, and Bu Jie felt that he might have misread it, but it spoke, and it was clearly speaking to him.

Lin Lang knew Bu Jie's mood, because she was more surprised than him just now.

"Mei Luo, what the hell...what the hell is going on!"

Mei Luo glanced at him, and said relaxedly: "Oh, Momo not only got the demon refining pot on Mount Sumeru, but also subdued two beasts, one is Zhongshan God, and the other... um, gluttonous!"

Bu Jie was dumbfounded, and shouted, "Say it again..."

"God Zhongshan, Taotie!"

Bu Jie still looked stupid, in order to hear his words clearly, he simply pulled out his ears to see if there was any clogged earwax.

"Can you say that again!"

"Gao Tie, Zhong Shan God, be silent!"

Bu Jie twisted his face, "You mean...that girl became the master of Taotie and Zhong Shanshen!"

Mei Luo didn't have any scruples about whether his heart could bear it, she nodded her head directly, and her tone was even more indifferent, "Yeah!"

Bu Jie stood where he was, ossified.

After Yumo finished the first aid, Le Xian came out, saw Bu Jie standing there like a statue, and asked, "Bu Jie, I want to ask if you have any medicine?"

Bu Jie was silent, and continued to pestle, motionless.

She poked him, "Hello, Bu Jie?"

He still doesn't move.

Yu Mo looked at Mei Luo suspiciously, "What happened to him?"

"Cramp, it will be fine in a while!" Mei Luo stepped forward and wiped her sweat from the first aid with her cuff, "How is Le Xian?"

"It's nothing serious, Shu Du and that kid named Shu Yuan are staying with her inside!"

"That's good, this girl has suffered a lot because of this disease since she was a child!" He glanced at the mist in the room, and said with a smile: "Le Xian will live in this bedroom!"

"Huh? What about me!"

She only asked that girl to come here for first aid.

Mei Luo raised her hand and kissed it, her eyes sparkled, "The bed in my bedroom is huge!"

Yu Mo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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