The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 343 Part 103 Caught the Golden Egg

Chapter 343 Part 103 Caught the Golden Egg

Ten days later, Le Xian is no longer panting, and his energy is alive again, he can eat, drink, run and jump, just like when he was a child, he chased after Mei Luo's ass.

"Brother Dog, do you want to marry me?"

When speaking, she deliberately covered her mouth, because her front tooth was broken, and now she is missing one, she was afraid of being rejected by Mei Luo.

Her boldness is obvious to all, and she has a bright temper. She never hides it and speaks out when she has something to say.

Mei Luo, who came to visit her, frowned upon hearing this, "When did I say I wanted to marry you?"

"Didn't Brother Wang send all my dowry?"

Shu Du was drinking tea at the side, choked after hearing this, beat his chest and coughed.

He just thought, how could this girl come here without complaint, it turned out that it was because of this incident.

"Brother Wang, what are you talking about, did you bring all my dowry here?"

Mei Luo raised her eyebrows, and with a flash of cold light, she shot towards Shu Du, "What dowry?"

Where did the dowry come from? There were a lot of bride price.

He actually knew all the little tricks in Shudu's secrets, but he just turned a blind eye and closed one eye.Yumo has the final say on whether to marry or not. If she doesn't want to, it will be useless for Shu to move the entire wolf monster clan here. He is happy to watch the show, and he didn't expose him. He never thought that Le Xian would be misunderstood.

Shu Du looked sloppy, "What... what dowry? Nothing!"

"Why not? Didn't you ask Ah Yuan to escort a large amount of gold and silver utensils and jewelry to Dogland?"

This is what the Great Elder said, and there can be no falsehood.

"Brother Wang, you have important things to do, how can you do things without some money, don't blah blah blah, lie down, your illness is just right!"

Le Xian made it clear that he didn't believe it, and looked at him suspiciously.

Shu felt that he couldn't hide it, so he decided to run away.

At this time, Yumo and Bujie came.

As soon as he saw Yu Mo, Shu Du couldn't move his legs, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Come silently."


Yu Mo smiled at him, but when Mei Luo passed by, his face was expressionless.

Mei Luo felt bitter, sleeping on the floor for ten days in a row didn't bring her any relief.

"Step aside!"

He sat at the position closest to Le Xian, blocking her way.

Mei Luo was about to get up, but Le Xian refused to let him go, and shouted at Yu Mo: "You are so bold, how dare you be so fierce to my princess' dog brother!"

Yu Mo ignored her, stretched out his hand and said, "The pulse has been diagnosed, lie down!"

"You answer the princess's words first!" She shouted arrogantly, her health recovered, and her domineering attitude returned.

Yu Mo picked out his ears, as if he couldn't hear, "I can't hear what you said, I just came to see a doctor for you, now, lie down."

"Why does this princess listen to you!"

As long as Le Xian thinks that this woman may have an affair with her dog brother, she will feel angry in her heart, and as a woman, she has keenly noticed one thing... From the time this woman came in, his brother Wang and brother dog looked at her. His eyes were very passionate, as if there was a ball of fire in his eyes, sticking to her.

Le Xian felt that he was left out, pointed at her nose and cursed: "You witch!"

Yu Mo frowned, she is a purebred human being, no matter how seductive she is, she can't be seductive, but she won't care about a girl who looks younger than herself.

This girl is probably spoiled, and she doesn't know any manners.

Since she doesn't understand, she doesn't have to be polite.

"Lie down!"


"Lele!" Shu couldn't hold his breath anymore, and shouted, "Mo Mo is your savior!"

She puffed up her cheeks, "I don't want her to save me!"

"If you don't save it, you can save it, you just make do with it."

Yu Mo took the opportunity to grab her hand and poked it with a needle, causing her to scream in pain, "Demon girl, how dare you hurt this princess."

"Don't move, or I'll poke deeper!"

Shu Du said distressedly, "Moment, take it easy, Lele has been afraid of pain since she was a child!"

"It won't hurt in a while!" It's just an injection.

This is the syringe she asked Bu Jie to find a way to make. He is a great wizard, and he understands everything when he explains it. He understood the principle and quickly made a set.

The mountain and sea world is rich in minerals, as long as you have money, you can also buy some very rare minerals.

The needles she uses now are made of crystal and iron. The crystal is the needle, and the iron is the needle. They are very similar, but compared to those in the human world hospital, they are still crude, especially the needles, which are difficult to polish. It took a lot of effort to meet her requirements, and it is made of iron, which is not like steel and is easy to rust, so she has done a good job of sterilizing and disinfecting the needles, and she must use 100% sure that the iron needles are not rusted.

The potion was prepared by herself, and it will be very useful for Le Xian now.

Le Xian was afraid of pain, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only show off his words, "Brother Wang, she bullied me!"

"Momo is treating your illness, not bullying you. If you want to be stubborn again, I will send you back right now!"

When he heard that he was going to be sent back, Le Xian shut up and could only stare at Yu Mo fiercely.

After Yumo finished injecting the medicine, she took back the syringe, smeared the place where she got the needle with pure white wine, and said: "Still the same, eat lightly, take the medicine in the morning, afternoon and evening, and then go to the nebulization room to breathe for half a breath." time."

This fogging room is the room where Zhulong puffed out the fog, and it was made by Yumo in the past few days.

Lexian's asthma is much more serious than she expected, and taking medicine alone won't help, so she still thinks of nebulization therapy, but it's impossible to get a nebulizer in Shanhaijie, so she can only try her best. possible close.

She asked Bu Jie to make a sealed box, one person taller, with an accessible door, closed on three sides, with only a small hole exposed, and the candle dragon breathed into the hole to create fog, but this fog and first aid Le Xian The time is different, Zhulong needs to chew the medicine she prepared first, and then exhale and exhale, so that the medicine gas will spread in the box along with the mist.When it was filled, Le Xian stayed inside and sat down.The use is somewhat similar to the atomization in the human world, but the curative effect is definitely more advanced than that in the human world. It is just the most basic principle, so it needs to spend a relatively long time in it. If conditions and time permit, she hopes that Le Xian will have at least two For a year, she was able to vape every day, which was the only way to relieve her asthma.

In the past, Yumo only treated animals, but this time it is an exception, because if Le Xian is turned into its original form, it will be too huge, and the box used for atomization will need to be enlarged, so the mist and the dosage of medicine will also increase accordingly, which is really a bit of a problem. Waste, and the larger the space, the mist will be diffused unevenly, which will reduce the curative effect, which is not good.

But it's just this time, not the next time, next time she needs to be treated, she will have to turn into an animal.

Otherwise, the ethics of a veterinarian would be difficult for her.

Bu You has been following her for the past few days, and has recorded her methods of treating asthma in detail, which has almost been compiled into a book.

At first, including him, the great wizard, they didn't know that Le Xian was suffering from asthma. They just thought she had a cough and didn't prescribe the right medicine at all. In the past, they only prescribed some prescriptions to relieve cough and reduce phlegm. Yumo diagnosed her as asthma Finally, they did some tests on her that only she understood, and pointed out that Le Xian’s natural airway was narrow, and she didn’t pay attention to dust and other pollution when she was growing up, which made it worse and worse. Opportunity to recuperate.

Asthma is a chronic disease. Even in the human world with advanced medical skills, it is difficult to cure it. It must be taken care of slowly. If it is taken care of properly, it will be taken away with the body's development, but some will become permanent diseases. Especially hereditary asthma is more difficult to treat, but as long as she treats persistently according to her current method, Le Xian's incidence rate will be greatly reduced.

The reason why she was so careful was because she agreed to Shudu that day, and the money was collected, so she naturally had to do it seriously.

However, Le Xian saw that she was not pleasing to the eye, so she refused to take the medicine several times, and she would only take it every time she had to show up with Mei Luo. She also wondered why this girl listened to Mei Luo so much, and only later did she know why Le Xian hated her. own reasons.

Ha ha……

After she knew about it, she didn't give Mei Luo a good look.

Because, the man who attracts others is the most irritating.

After thinking about it, she gave Mei Luo a hard look, looking like a late lady.

Mei Luo was so stared that chills ran down her spine and her forehead was covered with sweat.

When Bu Jie saw this scene, he felt desolate in his heart. It is really useless to be afraid of his wife so soon.

But that's right, this girl is quite scary when she loses her temper. Recently, she has been scolding her a lot for working with her to treat Lexian's illnesses.

That fierce temper... Bu Jie trembled, the tigress would be afraid when she saw her.

As far as Bu Jie is concerned, she is now a member of the Yumo Party. Since she developed this atomization therapy, it has benefited many dog ​​monsters, especially the dog monsters with short noses, like starlings, Pekingese... this Dogs with snub noses are born with short respiratory tracts and are prone to respiratory diseases. Bronchitis is one of them. Many dog ​​demons feel much more comfortable after atomization, as if they have been reborn.

Knowing that Yumo invented it, they lined up and kowtowed one by one, calling her a wizard.

Bu Jie, a great wizard, can't handle the disease, she can handle it, isn't it a god?

The name of the sorcerer also spread.

In this regard, Zhulong said that it is a beast, a sword, not an atomizer, but every time after work, Yumo will specially make snacks for it to comfort it for its hard work, and it will be pissed off. I don't want to sleep, I work hard.

Every day, he worked vigorously for eight hours before returning to the refining pot to take a nap.

When Yu Mo's popularity soared, Cang Wu was the one who couldn't figure it out the most. Knowing that she not only possessed the demon refining pot, but also subdued Tao Tie and Zhong Shanshen, this great elder's three views seemed to have collapsed, and he was devastated. , has been locked at home and hasn't gone out for several days. According to the servants, he has almost broken his horns. No matter who comes to him, he ignores him.

Yu Mo didn't respond to this, he did whatever he liked, it was best not to bother her, she was happy and quiet.

After giving Lexian the injection, Yumo was about to leave, but the little princess was very noisy and refused to let her go.

"I haven't finished asking what the princess said, so why are you going!"

Yu Mo turned her head and glanced at her, "I'm very busy, unlike you, I can lie down and eat."

"Are you accusing the princess of eating nothing?"

"Ha ha……"

"What are you hehe?"

"Hehe it's just hehe, it's not okay to laugh."

Le Xian was so angry that he slapped the bed, "Aman, Aluo!"

Aman and Aluo came over, "Princess, what are your orders!"

"Drag this woman to this princess and beat her hard!"

The order was given, but who would dare to disturb Yumo.

Shudu and Meiluo are here, but Aman and Aluo dare not break ground on Taisui even if they are very courageous.

"How dare you disobey this princess' order!"

"Princess, calm down, the illness is just right..." A Luo persuaded.

However, Le Xian is used to being arrogant and pampered, no one listens to her, so she comes by herself, pretending to get out of bed.

Mei Luo said with a straight face, "Le Xian, if you dare to be so rude to Mo Mo again, you are not welcome in the Dogland!"

This is an expulsion order.

Hearing this, Le Xian began to play rogue again, kicking and kicking on the bed, "Brother Dog, have you been fascinated by the witch? Help her like this. I'm your cousin. Why don't you help me, but help an outsider?" Here I am, when my aunt was alive, I told you to take good care of me."

"The queen mother loves you so much, she pities you for being sick, and asks me to take care of you."

"You also said you took care of me, so did you take care of me? I've been waiting for you for so many years, but I haven't seen you come to marry me."

Mei Luo held back her temper, "I never said I would marry you!"

"Who else can you marry if you don't marry me, who will be as beautiful as me, who will be as honorable as me!"

After hearing this, Yu Mo slandered her heart, this girl is quite narcissistic.

She glanced at Mei Luo, obviously she had reached the limit of her patience, so she secretly gave him a hand, telling him not to bother with a patient when he was fine.

Mei Luo looked at her, her eyebrows twitched, didn't she want to clarify the point, why was she still not happy.

A woman's heart is really a needle in the sea.

Le Xian saw the two of them flirting, and the fire in his heart burned even more.

Shudu is no better than her, the vinegar jar has been overturned, and the sore eyes can hardly be opened.

Bu Jie deeply felt that the relationship between men and women was really complicated, but fortunately he never thought of digging into it, otherwise he would not taste the sweetness and would cause a whole body of trouble.

He coughed and smoothed things over, "Momo, there's still a kid who didn't watch it."

Yumo remembered that there was such a kid.

"It's going to take a while for his butt to get swollen."

It was Shu Yuan who was talking about.

Hearing Shu Yuan's name, Le Xian regained his strength, "Is A Yuan still alive?"

Bu Jie said, "Still lying down!"

"I'll go see him!"

Le Xian got out of bed, with a look of deep concern on his face, chattering about Shu Yuan's various problems.

A few people went to the dormitory where Shu Yuan stayed. He hurt his buttocks, so he could only sleep on his stomach with medicine on his buttocks, so it was inconvenient to meet guests, but Le Xian had no scruples at all, and rushed over in a hurry.

Shu Yuan hurriedly covered the quilt, "Why are you here!"

"Look at you, are you better? Does it still hurt? Let me see the wound."

"Look at what..." Shu Yuan blushed, his buttocks were swollen for half a day, and when he pulled it, he grinned in pain.

"Why are you ashamed, I don't dislike it."

Shu Yuan blushed like a monkey's butt, "No!"

"You're killing me again!"

"I didn't hurt you, it's just..." He who was always eloquent was also extremely embarrassed at this moment, his face turned red.

"Okay, I won't force you anymore, you have a good rest, and you must remember to take the medicine."

"I know, you are the same, don't run around, go back and lie down."

"Well, then I'll come see you tomorrow!"

Although she is arrogant and domineering, she is also very careful. She explained a lot of things to the maid who served Shu Yuan, and when she passed by Yumo back, she was domineering again, "This little injury can't be healed, you still say I'm a wizard myself, it's useless!"

Yu Mo rolled her eyes, she really didn't have anything to say with the girl, but she also saw some tricks coming up.

Compared with Mei Luo, she cares more about Shu Yuan.

It's just the beginning of love, I'm afraid I don't understand what love is.

After Le Xian went back, Yu Mo was also preparing to go back. She was too busy recently, so she had to take a good rest.

"Bu Jie, stay and take care of Shu Yuan, you are good at such skin trauma!"

"Okay, go back and rest, I'll come back to you if you have any questions."

When she was leaving, Mei Luo followed her, and Shu Du wanted to follow, but Le Xian refused to let him go, and he would have a hard time asking about the dowry.

When they reached the Baishi Bridge, Mei Luo chased after her.


She turned her head, and after being angry for so many days, she was angry enough, and if she ignored her, it would mean that she didn't understand the general situation.

"what you want to say?"

"Le Xian her..."

"I see, it's her unrequited love." She has eyes and can see by herself.

It's best for her to understand, Mei Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help sticking to it.

"We haven't had a good conversation these days."

"You're busy, and I'm busy too, so naturally I don't have time."

"Shall we go fishing?"

Today's weather is not too hot, it is a good time to fish and relax.

"What kind of fish is good for fishing?"

"Didn't you want to go fishing last time, but you met Le Xian, this time no one will bother you, the two of us will go, so we can talk about ourselves."

Yumo thought that he had not been very kind to him in the past few days, so he should find a step to let him go down.

"All right!"

Mei Luo was happy, and took her hand to walk to Xiaochi from last time.

After the fishing tackle was brought, the two snuggled together and caught the fish.

Yumo is not very good at fishing, but he learns from others and looks very decent. Fishing is actually very boring and requires relatively long-term patience. But when a couple is together, the time will not be difficult, but you can do something to increase your relationship .

Suddenly, the fishing rod moved.

Mei Luo, who was kissing passionately, was pushed away by her.

"Quick, get hooked!"

"Don't worry, I'll pull it for you, don't fall!"

Mei Luo held the fishing rod, tugged, and really felt something heavy. This weight, I'm afraid it's still a big fish.

With a sudden pull, the hook was lifted out of the water, but it was not the fish that took the bait.

When the two looked at it, they were both taken aback.

It was a big golden egg!

(End of this chapter)

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