The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 344 Part 104 Little Cute Animal

Chapter 344 Part 104 Little Cute Animal

Yu Mo thought he was wrong and rubbed his eyes, but the golden egg didn't disappear, instead it shone brighter in the sun.

"How could it be a golden egg?"

Mei Luo also looked confused, it was the first time he caught such a rare thing.

"Pull it back and see!"

There are many creatures in the mountain and sea world that I have never seen before, and maybe I caught a rare species.

Mei Luo worried: "You stand aside, I'll come and see."

"What are you afraid of? Could it be a bomb?"

Others don't know about the bomb, but Mei Luo, who has been in the human world, knows about it, but he doesn't worry about it, he is afraid it is some kind of trap by Bai Yu.

"Don't worry, I'm just an idiot, there is no danger, if you don't worry, I can stand far away."

Curiosity is shared by both of them, it's just a matter of who checks it out.

Mei Luo agreed, and when Yu Mo stood far away, he fished the golden egg. There were several circles of fishing line around the golden egg, which should be caused by the current.

The golden egg got wet, and it was slippery. He almost lost his grip, and Yu Mo cried out in shock.

"Be careful, don't break it!"

"Don't come here, stay away!"

Yu Mo retracted the foot he had just stepped out, glanced at the size of the golden egg, which looked like a dinosaur egg, and said involuntarily, "It can't be a dinosaur, can it?"

She has seen an anime about the story of a Tyrannosaurus rex egg floating with the river to the gathering place of herbivorous dinosaurs and then being born. It is a very heartwarming work called "You Are So Delicious" ".

Mei Luo smiled and said, "There are no dinosaurs in the world of mountains and seas!"

He also knows what dinosaurs are, because when Yumo was in Xuanyuan Realm, he really loved watching things about animals.

He turned his attention to the golden egg again. It was very big and heavy, but he couldn't hold it. At first he thought it might just be a golden egg, but he felt that if it was made of gold, it would not be able to float, maybe It might be a gilded handicraft. The pond where he and Yu Mo fished is connected to the sea, and there are many merchant ships on the sea. It might have fallen from a cargo ship and floated over with the current, but in reality It was later discovered that it was really an egg, but the color was golden.

He checked it carefully again and found that the egg was very special. There was a fine line in the middle half, which seemed to be able to be opened, but it was sealed after trying.

"Mei Luo, do you see anything?"

"not yet……"

He aimed the egg at the sunlight, trying to see if there was anything inside through the reflection of the light, but the eggshell was very thick, and the inside was not revealed at all. He was really surprised, how such a strange thing appeared in the sea.

"Bring it to me to see!"

Yumo couldn't wait any longer and had already arrived.

"Didn't I tell you to wait by the side?"

"I'm an expert. I should look at this kind of thing. You stand aside."

She is a veterinarian, by profession, and she is the one who knows animals best.

Yu Mo touched the golden egg, it was really an egg, but I don't know what kind of animal's egg it is?
Mei Luo thinks that it is better not to accept things that are uncertain, "Silence, throw them back and let it go where it came from."

"How can this be done? Since we met, it is destined, maybe it is really some kind of rare animal?"

"In the world of mountains and seas, rare birds and animals are usually not good things."

For example, monsters, and ferocious beasts, are all in the category of rare birds and animals.

"Don't worry, it's still an egg. Even if it comes out immediately, it's still a small thing, and it won't hurt anyone."

Crocodiles are also eggs, and a baby crocodile that just broke its shell is still cute. Who would have thought that when it grows up, its bite force will be so strong that it can crush a car without any pressure?
Mei Luo still can't rest assured, because birds are animals that lay eggs. Although monsters like Bai Yu are also born from pregnancy, there are many birds and monsters in the Night Falcon clan. At least, maybe they have figured out Yumo's psychology of liking animals, and maybe they came up with this trick.

"Mei Luo, does this egg seem to be moving?"


Mei Luo became nervous, and immediately took the egg into her hand.

"Is it right, is it moving?"

If there was movement, something seemed to be kicking violently in the egg.

Yu Mo seemed very excited, it was the first time she saw an animal breaking out of its shell at such a close distance, but the kick was only for a short while, and when it was in Mei Luo's hands, it stopped moving.

"Why don't you move?"

Mei Luo also felt strange, so she shook it, but there was still no movement.

Yu Mo took the egg into his hand again, and asked, "Little thing, why are you still?"

After a while, the kicking started again, this time it was more violent, and the top of the eggshell suddenly bulged.

"It's going to be born, it's going to be born!"

"Momo, don't be so excited, give me the egg!"

Yu Mo hugged the egg and refused to let it go, "It's okay, what can I do with you as a big monster!? Look, look, it's moving again."

Mei Luo had no choice but to give up, but one hand tightly protected her, and the two watched the golden egg's movements together.

After struggling for a long time, the eggshell finally broke a small hole with a click.

Yu Mo was extremely excited, and when she got nervous, she twisted Mei Luo's arm hard.

Mei Luo hissed, but seeing her blushing, she was so cute, she couldn't help stealing a kiss.

Yu Mo blushed and said, "Be serious!"

"I'm serious!" He said without blushing and heartbeat.

Yu Mo pinched his arm in retaliation. He didn't feel any pain this time, but he laughed happily.

There was no movement in the hole of the damaged egg shell for a while, Yu Mo was a little anxious, and couldn't help but leaned his head to look at the hole of the egg.

When her eyeballs appeared over the holes, there was a slight movement inside.

"Mommy mommy……"

Very immature voice, but also very weak.

"Mei Luo, I heard someone in the egg calling mom!"

"how come?"

He also looked towards the hole.

With a click, another piece of the eggshell was broken, and a tiny creature was struggling to get out of it, wanting to be free.

It struggled to squeeze its little head, desperately trying to get close to that warm voice.

"Mommy mommy……"

"Come on, little one!"

Yumo cheered on the golden egg. For egg-born animals, breaking the shell is the first hurdle to welcome the future.

It heard it, and squeezed harder towards the broken hole.

Finally, it squeezed out and smelled the sea and the sweet aroma.

"Oh!" Yu Mo also saw it, and was surprised and unbelievable, "Is this... a sheep?"

A white sheep's head is soft and fluffy, it may be a newborn relationship, it looks too soft and cute, especially on the top of the head, there is a slightly raised horn, shining in the sun.

But... Sheep don't only grow one horn, they also have a pair of horns.

The round, silver-white eyes were the first to see her, and she was staring at him bewilderedly.

Then the small mouth opened and screamed: "Mom...Mom..."

Yu Mo was shocked again, "Mei Luo, it called my mother!"

Compared to Yu Mo's excitement, Mei Luo frowned at this little one.

What the hell is this?
Yumo couldn't help stroking its little head with his index finger. It enjoyed it so much that it closed its eyes and rubbed vigorously.

"so cute!"

Because only the head came out, and the eggshell was still below the neck, it was trying to twist its body, trying to get the eggshell off.

Yu Mo continued to cheer: "Take your time, don't rush, don't rush!"

The gentle voice accelerated its movements, it kicked vigorously, the eggshell fell off, and it finally came out.

It shook its head, shook its body, its fur spread out, and it was fluffy like a little doll, about the size of a puppy. It lay on Yumo's hands and stared at her closely from the beginning to the end. .

"Why do you keep looking at me..."

The tail like a little fur ball behind it wagged, and called out in a childish voice: "Mom...Mom..."

"I'm not a mother!"

"Mommy mommy……"

Yu Mo is also surprised, this little guy obviously looks like a mammal, but he was born from an eggshell. Could it be that he also followed the temperament of a chick, and he thought it was his mother at first sight.

This is how to do?
Just now I just thought about what kind of animal it is, and now that it is born, how to deal with it.

It seemed to be hungry, and suddenly grabbed Yumo’s thumb and began to suck desperately. Naturally, the thumb could not suck anything. frown.

It was so cute that Mei Luo couldn't help poking it with love, it looked so fragile, as if it would break if pinched, it seemed to feel Mei Luo, and looked at him with its eyes open.

This glance melted his heart.

How can there be such a cute little thing.

Seeing that it was still sucking but couldn't suck anything, Yumo was about to cry. She hurriedly looked at Mei Luo, "What should I do? It's hungry!"

Mei Luo has black hair, she asked this, as if he had milk, but how could he have this kind of thing, "Where can I get milk for it to eat!"

"Yes, grandma!"

Yu Mo patted his head, of course he had to drink milk when he was born.

But... grandma... how can there be! ?

It suddenly occurred to her that when she went to Mount Sumeru last time, Shudu had found some frog milk for her to drink.

"Quick, quick, let's go find milk!"

Such a soft life suddenly appeared, making both of them very nervous, like a child's parents, looking for milk all over the world.

People who don't know think they were born.

The little cute thing that broke out of the egg was placed in a small basket covered with fur cushions, and Yumo handed it the milk he had finally found.

It touched a little bit with its tongue, but it looked disgusted, turned its head to the side, and started sucking its fingers again.

"Little thing, this is milk, I don't have any hands!"

It sucked her thumb wholeheartedly, but refused to take a bite of the prepared milk.

Yumo changed the method and dripped some milk onto his thumb. After it sucked... twisted and fluffed up, and then spat out with a bah sound, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Little boy, this is milk!"

She tried several times, but it still refused to eat.

After making a fuss for a while, it may be very hungry, and began to cry loudly.

The cry is like a newborn baby, but the appearance...isn't this a sheep?

How can a sheep cry! ?
Yumo felt that he couldn't treat it with human knowledge of zoology, and wondered if it was some kind of beast, but after searching a lot of books, even Taotie came out to ask, but he still didn't know what it was.

Although it is an unknown creature that no one knows about, it appears to be harmless.

Now that I have raised it, I have to be responsible to the end, but Yumo is so worried about the problem of its refusal to eat. In order for it to eat, she began to prepare various dairy products day and night.

But even so, it is still snarky, snarky and outrageous.

After a few days, Yu Mo's eyes were darkened.

The little guy hadn't eaten for a few days, and cried loudly at first, but gradually lost his strength and gasped in the basket.

Yumo was so anxious that he even resorted to forceful methods, injecting milk directly into its mouth with a syringe invented by Bu Jie, but it was extremely stubborn. Even so, it refused to eat and vomited after eating.

"What do you want, what do you want to eat?"

Yu Mo hugged it and paced back and forth in the room, it was already hungry and had no strength, and it could barely open its eyes.

At this time, Meiluo came back.

"Silence, try the eggshell!"

"Huh?" She stared at the golden eggshell in his hand in shock.

"I asked Bu Jie, and Bu Jie said that he once saw an animal in an ancient book. When it was born, it ate nothing but the eggshell that gave birth to it."

"Hey, there is such a saying?"

"Try a dead horse as a living horse doctor, otherwise, it will really die!"

Yumo made a decisive decision, immediately took the eggshell, faced the little thing, and stuffed it into its mouth.

The little thing smelled it and pursed its mouth.

"It doesn't eat."

Yumo was about to cry too, and had an idea, thinking that the eggshell might be too big, and it was still so small that it might not be chewable, so she immediately broke off a piece, smashed it with a crushing mallet, and washed it thoroughly. Yes, add some water and make it into a paste.

When it was done, she made some for the little things.

It smelled the smell, raised its head slightly, sniffed, and suddenly opened its eyes, shining brightly, and ate the eggshell in one bite.

"Mei Luo, Mei Luo, it has eaten, it is willing to eat!"

Yumo quickly crushed some eggshells and fed them to it.

It was delicious, and while eating, it was wagging its hairball-like tail.

After eating about one-fifth of the eggshell, it was full, hiccupped, rubbed Yumo's thumb, and slowly fell asleep.

Yumo put the basket next to the pillow. In order to take care of this newborn, she slept with it these days.

When it sank, she sighed and wiped off her sweat.

Raising children is really tiring, but it is also very satisfying.

"Mei Luo, give me the remaining eggshell!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Study the ingredients, it eats so much in one meal, the eggshell is only so big, it doesn't taste good."

If it ran out of food, wouldn't it be going to starve again? She had to taste the eggshell herself and find out something that tasted similar to it.

She sniffed it first, and there was no smell on the outside of the eggshell, but the layer inside the eggshell smelled like herbs. She thought she had smelled it wrong, how could the eggshell smell like herbs.

"Mei Luo, smell it, is it the smell of medicinal herbs?"

Mei Luo sat on the edge of the bed and sniffed her hand.

It is indeed a herb, and it is very strong.

Yu Mo then put the eggshell into his mouth, ready to taste it before making a judgment, but just as he put it in, Mei Luo grabbed his jaw.

"Momo, don't mess around, what if it's poisonous?"

She pushed his hand away, "My grandma and grandpa are both Chinese medicine practitioners. I grew up smelling the smell of herbs, and I knew it was non-toxic when I smelled it. If it is really poisonous, can I eat it without any problems?" , Don't worry, I know how to measure."

She decisively crushed it, tasted it, and chewed it slowly.

When she smelled it, she could already tell what kind of herb it was, but some herbs would be covered by the smell of other herbs, and she could only understand it after eating it.

"Poria cocos, Cuscuta seed, sea gold sand, Cuscuta seedlings, Cuscuta seed, Vitex seed, red bean... It's amazing, there are at least dozens of Chinese herbal medicines mixed in this eggshell."

"There are so many!?"

She nodded affirmatively, "And some of them are very rare herbs."

In order to judge more accurately, she broke off a slightly larger piece and put it in her mouth.

Mei Luo said anxiously, "Just taste it, don't need so much."

"Not much, how to confirm?"

"You really want to confirm, don't you still have Bujie? It's fine if he can't eat it. What if something happens?"

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, seeing what he said, if she had something to eat, wouldn't Bu Jie be all right? He knew he was nervous about him, but there was really no need to be so nervous.

"It's okay, you relax, don't be surprised, let me taste it quietly."

This product really produced several extremely precious medicinal herbs.

For this reason, she was very stunned, staring blankly at the eggshell, so many Chinese herbs, is that still an eggshell?

This is the elixir!
Surprised, he forgot to spit out the eggshell he ate, and swallowed it directly.

Immediately, there was a mass of heat in the abdomen, not hot, very warm, like a warm current flowing through the body, but it disappeared soon.

She rubbed her belly, it shouldn't be a big deal, these herbs are all great tonics.

The next day, she spent a lot of effort to make something similar to an eggshell, and she did it no less than a dozen times just to adjust the proportions.

Bu Jie thought she was researching some new pills, so he generously sent her the medicinal materials she wanted.

Finally at the 58th time, Yumo succeeded.

Ration complete!

 Yumo ate something good!Very good stuff, but I don't tell you what's the use!


(End of this chapter)

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