The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 345 Part 105 The Evil Fight on Penglai Island

Chapter 345 Part 105 The Evil Fight on Penglai Island

Penglai Island.

It's snowing again.

Crystal snowflakes fluttered down from the sky, like white butterflies flapping their wings, light and graceful.

Snowflakes fell on Elder Huang Hua's hair, forming continuous sheets of hoarfrost. He stared at the island covered with white mountains and plains, and felt as if he had entered another world. The mountains in the distance were covered with snow all the year round, like a The jade dragon flying in the sky has no end in sight.

"Elder, it's almost dawn, put on your turban, otherwise your eyes will be blinded by the sunlight reflected from the snow."

Huang Hua nodded, put on the scarf as she said, then lowered it to cover half of her eyes, and asked, "The eagle demon of the Night Falcon family is still looking for something?"

"Yes, I don't know what I'm looking for, I ran all over the mountain."

Huang Hua also felt puzzled: "What are those eagle demons looking for?"

More than ten days ago, he led ten guards to land on Penglai Island and joined Saeki Saoya. When he landed, he encountered an avalanche. If there was not a cave nearby where he could hide, the group of them would have died. Among the terrifying snow dragons.

After the avalanche stopped, he climbed out of the cave with a few agile guards, ready to wait and see the situation, but the destructive power of the avalanche was astonishing, and all the houses and trees that could be seen before landing were buried, let alone living things , they didn't even find a single leaf.

I thought that in such a big disaster, the people of the Night Falcon clan would also suffer. I never thought that when I sent people to look out a few days ago, I found two at the end of the mountain.

Zuobo came out of the cave, "Elder, do you want to send some people to the mountain to have a look?"

Huang Hua shook her head, "They are good at flying, but we are not good at flying. We are so close, I am afraid that we will scare the snake!"

The Night Falcons are all bird monsters, they are born with wings and can fly high at any time, but they dog ​​monsters have no wings, so if they want to fly, they need to release a lot of monster power, and the monster energy leaks too much, so it is very easy to be discovered by the enemy. If they are discovered, they are not afraid of fighting, but they are afraid that they will run away, and then they will not know the purpose of their coming to Penglai. Therefore, they have stayed here for more than ten days, watching the Night Falcon people in the dark.

Saeki said worriedly, "Only monitoring, not taking action, if we continue to drag on like this, the food reserves will not be enough."

Huang Hua understands his concerns. There are so many people with dozens of mouths, they always have to eat, not to mention it is such a cold place, food is of the utmost importance. He brought a lot when he came, but the avalanche happened too suddenly, so he didn't care. For my own life, I can't take care of those burdens that contain food.

The situation was really urgent at that time. When hiding in the cave, only three of the dozen or so people had food bags. After more than ten days, there were too many monks and little porridge, and they were almost out of ammunition and food. However, Penglai Island was terribly desolate after being devastated by the avalanche. , the living thing did not, and the dead thing did not look at it.

Since there is nothing to eat on the island, there must be some in the sea, and fish can also satisfy one's hunger, but never thought that Penglai Island is very strange, and the surrounding waters of the island, fish will not come close, and this food will be completely cut off.

If this goes on, you can only eat snow.

"Let the brothers bear with it, we have nothing to eat, and the two eagle monsters are probably the same. Before going out, the king told me not to startle the snake as much as possible. Bai Yu is too cunning. If we let him know that we appeared on Penglai Island , he will definitely change his plan and become more cautious. It will be difficult to check his movements in the future. The people who have just found him now, as long as they are patient, there will be clues. If they find out now, the clues are gone. , It’s too cost-effective. Why don’t we wait for another two days, if we don’t have any clues, we’ll go head-to-head, capture those two eagle demons alive, and find a way to pry their mouths open.”

"If you do it, wouldn't you just startle the snake?"

"That's also a no-brainer. I've thought about it. If we can find out Bai Yu's purpose from the mouths of the two eagle demons, we will kill them. Then we will spend some time trying to make it look like they were killed by an avalanche. I believe Bai Yu can't find anything."

Zuo Bo nodded, "The elder is still thoughtful, but I'm afraid that these two eagle demons would rather die than open their mouths."

"I've heard about this. It's said that Bai Yu's subordinates are extremely loyal to him, and they are all tough."

This is also the reason why he didn't do it for a long time. If he can't ask anything, he can still fake an avalanche accident if he kills him, but Bai Yu's purpose is unknown. Any action, the enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light, which is extremely detrimental to the dog monster clan.

"Elder, why don't I go back and bring some food back." It was Zuoya who spoke, he is Zuobo's twin brother, the two look very similar, unless they are very familiar people, it is difficult to tell who is the brother , who is the younger brother.

"No!" Huang Hua directly vetoed, "Penglai Island's location is not fixed, it will drift with the sea, this time it landed smoothly, it is all luck, the sea is calm, there is no fluctuation, so the location of the island is similar to what you gave. But if you go back to get food, it will take at least ten days to come and go. The climate on the sea is changeable. If there is a strong wind and affects the current, the island may float far away. You won’t be able to find them. If you send someone to meet you, those two eagle demons are always circling in the air, and the chances of finding them are very high. If their tracks are exposed at that time, they will probably run away directly. , Wait for another two days."


Huang Hua said again: "It's almost dawn, let the brothers hide better. After the avalanche, there is a vast expanse of whiteness without any shelter. Now that we are in the dark, we can still watch for a while. If we show our tracks, we won't be able to catch up." them."


Zuo Ya went back to the cave and told Huang Hua what to do.

In the cave, more than a dozen guards were gathered together, making the space in the cave seem extremely small, but fortunately, when there were more people, the cave was very warm, so everyone didn't care about it.

The fluttering snowflakes gradually became smaller as the day dawned, but the ground was covered with thick snow, which was knee-deep, making walking very difficult.After a while, the sun finally came out, and the sky turned into a clear sky, but the sun shone on the snow-capped mountains, shining like a layer of gold, which was extremely dazzling and obstructed the vision.

The people on the ground were better, but the eagle demon hovering in the sky couldn't see the situation on the ground clearly.At noon, the sun was covered by thick clouds, and without sunlight, snow began to fall on the whole island again, and it was getting bigger and bigger. The line of sight seemed to be covered with a layer of white mist, and the line of sight was still unclear.

The sun was shining brightly for a while, and it was shrouded in snow and fog for a while. Not only did it suffer for the dog monster guards who were watching, but it also made the eagle monster suffer unspeakably.

After circling for several times, the eagle demon at the head folded its wings and landed on the ground. A pair of wide black wings slowly turned into human hands. His appearance and figure were no different from human beings. One could tell it was a demon force A powerful monster.

In the human form, the harpies can only turn their arms into wings to fly high, which saves them from the trouble of being naked when they change back and forth. Others can grow wings on their backs without changing their hands.

After he landed, he observed an ice wall in front of him, frowning tightly. After observing for a few days, he was sure that behind this ice wall must be the entrance to the Holy Land, but he didn't know how to destroy this ice wall. Xuan Shi, tried several times, but there was no injury at all.

The ice wall tightly sealed the hole that was covered by the avalanche, and the white snow inside was also extremely thick. When there was sunlight, it seemed to be sprinkled with gold, reflecting the dazzling light, and it was impossible to look directly at it. At night, it was dazzling. The ray of light is gone, but the temperature is very low, and the non-stop snowfall will thicken the ice wall, making it bigger and harder, and the feet have become an extension of the ice wall, as if there is Like life, it is slowly freezing all places.

"Brother Fengchen, we've already run out of food, and the wind and snow are so heavy, if we go any further, if we don't find anything, our lives will be gone!"

The eagle demon following behind also fell to the ground. After gathering its wings, it was also a perfect human figure. It was undoubtedly a big monster. He shook the snow on his body, his blue-black hair was soaked, and the water stains on his head disappeared in a short while. Frozen into frost by the cold climate.

He didn't feel cold, but his stomach gurgled loudly.

Feng Chen glanced at him, "Hungry again?"

He nodded embarrassingly, "I haven't eaten for three days. I wanted to catch some fish in the sea, but I didn't know that the sea area is even worse. I can't see a single live fish."

Feng Chen knew that he was always gluttonous, and would get hungry if he didn't eat a meal, now he has been very patient for what the adults told him, so he comforted him: "Beidou, it's only been a few days, if you still can't find it, we will Just go back."


Beidou has blue eyes, the same color as his wings, with a hint of silver in the blue. When he is happy, the silver luster will be more obvious, making his eyes extraordinarily brilliant.

"When did I ever tell a lie?"

"No, no, but you have been searching for more than ten days. If you continue to search, I can't find anything. Why don't you go back now and report to the adults as soon as possible."

"No, let's go now, how can I be worthy of the brothers who were buried here!"

The avalanche happened more than ten years ago was too sudden. In the face of natural disasters, the monster is also powerless. Even if it can fly, it cannot fly at its speed. There were seven of them in the group, but three of them were unable to escape and were swallowed by the huge snow dragon. It can be said that there are no bones left, and the other two were killed by Bai Ze's group when they were massacring Bai Ze.

With so many casualties, if you still can't find what your lord wants, how can you have the face to go back.

"You have been looking here for many days, and you have been thinking about how to break this ice wall over and over again. According to me, there must be something tricky about this ice wall that makes it so strong. My lord has always been resourceful. Wouldn't it be better to ask him?" Well, you have also seen that the climate of Penglai Island is weird, with clouds and fog for a while, and the sun for a while, it is mysterious and unpredictable. I don’t know what kind of magic that Queen Bai Ze used to create such a terrifying avalanche. Come on, there is nothing left, I found out in the sky just now, after a few days, the snow on the mountain has thickened a lot, I am afraid that the avalanche will come again."

The most feared thing in the snow mountain is avalanches, Beidou's words are not impossible, but Feng Chen always feels that it is difficult to explain when he goes back empty-handed.

"Wait another two days. After two days, if I still can't break through this ice wall, we will go back!"

Beidou knows his temper, so it's useless to say more, "Okay, I'll accompany you, but only for two days, I can't last any longer!"

"Understood, if you feel hungry, go to sleep, and you won't be hungry when you fall asleep."

"Sleeping in this place? I don't want it. I don't know if I can wake up after falling asleep. Even if I can wake up, I'm afraid it will turn into ice."


"Okay, okay, you study yours, I'll go back to sleep in the cave."

He looked really hungry. After walking a few steps, he bent down and grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into his mouth.

Two days later, Fengchen still couldn't find a way to break the ice wall, so he had no choice but to leave with Beidou.

When Huang Hua, who was monitoring them, knew they were going to leave, she made a decisive decision, and a group of guards rushed up.

Fengchen and Beidou never thought that there would be an ambush, they were surrounded in shock.

The two parties fought for only half a stick of incense.

Huang Hua said: "It doesn't matter if you are disabled, as long as you are alive."


The guard of the dog demon let go of his hands and feet, turned into his original form, biting and fighting.

In terms of numbers, the demon dog obviously has an advantage, but Fengchen and Beidou are not soft-legged shrimps, they also turned into their original forms and fought bloody with the demon dog.

On the white mountains, the snow fluttered suddenly, but it couldn't hide the blood shed by the enemy and us.

Huang Hua took the lead, turned into a giant dog, and attacked Feng Chen in the encirclement, while Bei Dou and Saeki Saoya fought together.

For more than ten days, both the enemy and the enemy were seriously injured due to the lack of food. In addition to the strange climate of Penglai Island, the two sides fought a little hard, but they both gritted their teeth and persisted.

Because, no one wants to lose. If they lose, no matter the dog monster clan or the night falcon clan, they will lose the general, and the price will be too high.

Huang Hua has experienced many battles, while fighting, while planning to take advantage of the opportunity, she watched all directions and listened to all directions. After confirming that Feng Chen's identity might be higher, she gave an order.

"You all go to deal with the black eagle, remember to capture it alive, and I will deal with the rest of the green eagle."

One living is enough, and more will be a burden, but the living must be the more valuable one.


Except for Huang Hua, all the dog monsters attacked Feng Chen in unison.

"Brother!" Beidou wanted to rescue him, but when he was distracted, Huang Hua found an opportunity.

Huang Hua swung her giant claws and slashed at his wings.

If a bird loses its wings, it is half useless.

"Big Dipper! Be careful!"

But it was too late, one of Beidou's wings had already been cut off by Huang Hua.


Beidou howled in pain, blood poured out, and a huge blood wing fell on the snow, sinking into a shallow pit.

Fengchen got angry and started killing, but there were too many dog ​​monsters to deal with him, and under the command of Saeki Zuoya, there was no loophole to exploit.

Beidou roared vigorously, "Leave me alone, let's go!"

He desperately resisted Huang Hua's giant claw, bounced it away with all his strength, and then broke into the encirclement that surrounded Fengchen with his body, blocking the knife with his body.

"Big Dipper..."

Beidou glanced at his own broken wings, and suddenly laughed, but when he turned around, he said calmly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to drink with elder brother again!"

"No!" Feng Chen saw the absoluteness in his eyes.

"Come on, you bastards, let me show you how powerful our Night Falcon family is!"

The cyan demonic aura surged. Beidou took a pill from the kit on his waist and swallowed it. After swallowing, it more than doubled in size and became a terrifying monster.

That is the power that can only be bought at the price of life.Huang Hua was amazed by his change, narrowly dodging his sudden eagle claws.

"Elder, I'm afraid this monster has used forbidden drugs."

"Sure enough, Bai Yu's people dare to do anything."

After all, Huang Hua was a veteran, so he quickly calmed down. How could mere banned drugs be able to deter him, he increased his speed in an instant, and blinded Beidou's eyes like a lightning bolt.

The screams did not resound, because after swallowing the forbidden medicine, the pain does not exist.

Zuobo and Zuoya had served under Huang Hua's command before, so they knew his mode of action, so they didn't need to rescue him, they just needed to take down the black eagle.

Beidou was blind and could only fight wildly.

"You can be regarded as being kind and righteous, let's leave your whole body!"

Huang Hua ignited the demon energy, and used the demon power to turn it into a huge scythe, which was extremely sharp. Best policy.

Beidou couldn't see it, but he could feel it. When the sudden scythe swung down, the mountains trembled.

"Instant cut!"

Blood poured down to the ground, forming a crescent moon.

Beidou froze for a moment, and fell to the ground silently.

Huang Hua didn't stop, the sickle rose again and attacked Fengchen.

Fengchen watched his brother die in battle with his own eyes, feeling grief and indignation in his heart.

Taking advantage of this, Saeki Zuoya stepped up bravely, fought three-on-one with Huang Hua, and directly took him down.

Snow-capped, blood-stained hillsides.

When the wind and snow returned, Penglai Island once again returned to a desolate calm.

Beidou, pawn.

Fengchen, disabled.

(End of this chapter)

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