Chapter 346 Part 106
dog environment.

The night wind was blowing, and it was rare and cool. The dark sky was covered with dots of bright stars, reflected in the small pool in the palace, like a layer of broken silver, shining brightly.

Under the starlight, the newly planted lotus in the pond has pure white petals, each petal is as big as a small palm, in various poses and with different expressions, extraordinarily charming, and when a gust of wind blows by, it is fragrant.

However, the aroma of the lotus was quickly overshadowed by the smell of herbs in the bedroom, because there lived a little beast that only ate herbs and had a huge appetite, as if it would never be full.

"Mommy mommy……"

In the bamboo basket, the little white beast kept calling Yu Mo with its mouth open.

Yu Mo stared at it, and poked its swollen belly, "It's still eating! You can see that the stomach is swollen into a ball."

She has never seen such an edible milk doll. She has made a lot of rations, but it is still not as fast as it eats.

"Mommy mommy……"

The little beast was in a hurry, and fiddled with the edge of the bamboo basket with its front hoof, trying to cross the border, and hopped to the table to find something to eat.

Yu Mo said fiercely: "It's useless to call him Dad!"

The voice was a bit loud, frightening the little beast, and a pair of silver-white eyes immediately filled with water, which slowly flooded in the eyes, and then... erupted.

"Wow... wow... wow!"

It cried, crying terribly, lying on its back, kicking its hooves in the bamboo basket on its back, playing tricks without moral integrity.

"It's still exciting, isn't it? Am I wrong? There is no one as gluttonous as you. You will eat up the entire herb library in the dog realm. You don't think it's enough!"

"Wow! Whoa!" It cried even more violently, apparently not understanding, and just wanted to eat.

It's like a human baby, it cries when you don't like it, and it cries desperately, until you get angry, it will continue to cry until you compromise.

No, it's harder to take care of than a newborn human baby. At most, it just sucks more often, but the amount of milk is average. What it eats is herbs, and it's more troublesome than making milk powder.

Yumo decided that she could no longer follow it, but it cried miserably, as if it had been abused, and she endured it for a few minutes before it could stop.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, let you eat!"

Yumo hugged it into his arms and fed it a bowl of prepared rations.

When it saw the ration, its eyes lit up, it opened its mouth and ate upside down, and even hiccupped after eating.

After it was full, it began to act like a baby, rubbing its head against Yu Mo non-stop.

After getting along for a few days, Yumo already knew its habit, it was asking for petting.

"You are harder to raise than humans!"

It didn't hear the complaint in her words, and was still rubbing vigorously. Once she stroked its head, it laughed and giggled.

"You really look like a human being, you can laugh, you can cry..." She lifted it up, put it in front of her and looked at it, "Could it be that you can speak human language?"

She has been wondering why it keeps calling her mother, and whether it really means that mother.

But apart from this sentence, it doesn't say anything else. After listening to it too much, she thinks that its calling is actually the pronunciation of its mother.

In human terms, it shouldn't be possible, right?

Even the swallowing dog can't speak human language.

After eating and drinking enough, it fell asleep, clinging to her tightly. At this time, it could not be put down, as soon as it was released, it would wake up and cry when it woke up, which was completely a human baby's living habit.

After raising it for a few days, Yu Mo gradually got used to it, holding it around the palace, like holding a baby.

"Sister, is the hairball making trouble again?"

Duoji walked into the bedroom with a basket of herbs, and the fur ball in his mouth was this greedy little beast.

The name of Maoqiu was given by Yu Mo. Originally, she saw that it had the body of a horse and the head of a sheep, so let’s assume it was a horse. Since it was a horse, she thought of a more prestigious name. Rabbit, Lu Bu among the people', Chitu horse is very famous, although I don't know why a horse is called Chitu, but the name is very prestigious, so I also want to name the little guy with a rabbit, since it is The white ones are called white rabbits.

white rabbit...

White Rabbit……

After the name was chosen, it became more and more inconsistent, and finally had to give up. Later, seeing that its tail was always wagging like a fur ball, it changed the name to fur ball.

Anyway, it's just a name, and Fuqiu is also very good, catchy, and I think it's cute when I call it a lot.

So it was decided to call Maoqiu.

"Well, it's been a while, but I'm asleep now, how about it, you go to get the medicine, did Bu Jie say anything?"

The basket he brought back was full of precious herbs.

"Uncle Bu Jie rolled his eyes at me."

"Just roll your eyes. If I go over and ask him for it, he will definitely refuse to give it."

These days, she kept asking Bu Jie for herbal medicines. At first he thought she was making new medicines, and he was quite generous, giving as much as he wanted, but when he found out that she was making fur ball feed, he turned his face in anger, Said she was reckless, and sprayed on her for half an hour.

She also knew that it was a waste, but Fuqiu only ate this, what could be done, the only blame was that it was too edible, five catties of herbs could be eaten in a day, it was simply a herbal bulldozer.

In fact, the ration she prepared was not much when Fuqiu ate it for the first time. In comparison, the golden eggshell was more suitable for its appetite. The next best thing is to eat what she made.

She thought that it might be because she didn't know what ingredients were in the eggshells, so she couldn't make them exactly the same, but something was better than nothing, and it would be nice if she didn't go hungry.

After getting used to the fur ball, he was no longer picky, and his appetite soared. In just a few days, it became bigger.

Duoji looked at Maoqiu's sweet sleeping face, his eyes were full of affection, "It's so cute!"

Yu Mo snorted, "It's also cute when it's asleep."

"Furball is still young, but it will be sensible when it grows up."

"Hope it!"

"Sister, let me hug it, the fur ball is getting heavier and heavier."

"Well, be careful!"

"it is good!"

Dorji took the fur ball carefully, and his movements were very light. The fur ball was not noticed, and he was still in a deep sleep.

"Sister, what do you mean by fur ball?"

"Even Cang Wu doesn't know, how could I know!"

It was Cang Wu who said Fuqiu likes to eat eggshells, if Mei Luo hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known that it was a species that ate herbs.

Although she is also very curious about the origin of the fur ball, but since no one knows, it is useless to force it, it is better to let it go, maybe one day I will suddenly know, so there is nothing to worry about.

Yumo took the herbs out of the basket, washed them, drained them, chopped them up, and then ground them, using a small scale to compare the proportions of various herbs. This link is particularly important, less, more, hairballs Will not eat.

After wandering around for a few times, Duoji put the fur ball into the bamboo basket, and then put the bamboo basket in the middle of the bed, which is his favorite position. If he wakes up and cannot see Yumo, he will cry loudly.

"Sister, let me help you!"

"No, it's getting late, you can go back to sleep too, you've been helping me with the medicine for the past few days, and it's already been a great help."

Bu Jie is a softie, but Duoji is too cute. He opened a pair of innocent eyes and looked at him pitifully, and he would soften his heart. For now, this trick is tried and tested, "Go to bed early , Aunt Linlang will urge you to practice kung fu tomorrow, and you will only have strength when you have enough energy."

"Well, then I'm leaving."

"good night!"

After Duoji left, Yumo continued to work on her feed business. When Meiluo came back, it was already midnight. Seeing that she was still working there, she couldn't help asking: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Because she was too concentrated, she heard the sound suddenly, she was startled, and the small bowl in her hand fell.

Mei Luo quickly caught the bowl straight, without spilling it at all.Yumo took the bowl and patted her chest, "You scared me!" Seeing that the bowl was not broken, she was relieved, this is the most important medicine.

"You can teach the fungus how to make it if it doesn't smell good. When they know how to make it, it will save you effort."

"I think so too, but the dosage of each herb is very important. It doesn't matter if it's missing a little or too much. It sounds simple, but it's hard to do. And if you give it to them, you have to waste a few times to learn it. These herbs are so precious. , What a pity to waste it."

In the final analysis, she also felt sorry for herbal medicine.

"Do you want me to help?"

"No, no, wash and sleep."

Mei Luo would not leave her to go to sleep alone, she still rolled up her sleeves and helped her.

The two did it together, the speed was much faster, and it was done quickly.

Yumo put the prepared rations into ceramic jars and sealed them, and then pressed heavy objects on the lids, all of which were herbs, so they must not get wet, or they would soon become moldy.

After finishing the work, Mei Luo took her hand and walked to the bed. Seeing that the fur ball was sleeping soundly, she couldn't help poking it with her fingers, and said angrily, "What a difficult little thing to raise."

But Yu Mo has his own experience.

"Although it's difficult to raise, it's also very fun. It's like raising a child. Let's take it as a preview. When I have a child in the future, I won't be in a hurry. I must be familiar with it."

After she finished speaking, she realized what she had said, and her face blushed involuntarily.

Regardless of the fact that she is a human being and Mei Luo is a demon, or that one day they found a way to make them stay together forever, she and him should have children.

If there is a day, she believes that she will be a good mother.


Mei Luo was stung by these two words, but she didn't show it on her face.

It is impossible for him and Yumo to have children, as long as he is a demon and she is human, it will never be possible.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sullen his face and darken his eyes.

"Mei Luo, what's wrong? You look so ugly?"

She sensitively sensed a trace of sadness in his eyes. The sadness seemed to be drawn from the depths of his soul, bit by bit, dyeing his beautiful golden eyes with a layer of darkness, weaving a gloomy and painful picture. of gloom.

He was silent, as quiet as a wooden man, but the gloom in his eyes deepened.


Yu Mo pushed him, "Is there something wrong with you?"

Mei Luo turned back from her thoughts and met her worried eyes. She was like the brightest star in the darkness, illuminating the gloom in his eyes, and the golden pupils shone again. There was no more darkness, only a ray of There is warmth in his eyes. Although there is still some sourness and regret in his heart, he knows that it is against the sky to be with her like this. He can't be too greedy.

He spat out the bitterness in his heart, stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms.

His heart may be uncomfortable, but as long as he holds her like this and clearly feels her warmth, he is already very satisfied.

"What's the matter with you, talk, don't worry me!"

He hugged him so tightly that she couldn't look up at him.

After a while, he said unhurriedly, "It's nothing, I'm probably tired."

"Did Bai Yu do something else?"

Recently, the patrolling of the Dogland has been stepped up. When she was wandering the streets a few days ago, she found that the number of troops had more than doubled. Even though Lin Lang said that it was just precaution, she still paid attention to it.

"It's not his business."

"What's the matter, tell me quickly, don't hide it in your heart, or you will be under a lot of pressure."

When I was in a history class before, the history teacher said that many emperors were either assassinated or played to death by themselves, but there were also many premature aging caused by excessive accumulation of pressure, like Huang Taiji, who would die without making a sound. Sudden death.

Having said that, in the human world of the 21st century, there are a lot of people who die suddenly.

Thinking of this, she was very worried about Mei Luo's body, even though he was a big monster, it didn't mean he wouldn't get sick.

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, she tried her best to break away from his embrace, and looked at his face, her face was quite good, and there were no symptoms of overwork, but she couldn't take it lightly.

"Lie down!"


"Lie down, be obedient!" She pushed him down on the bed.

"Momo, this is..."

"Don't talk too much, do as I say!"

When he lay down, she asked again: "Close your eyes."

Although Mei Luo was full of doubts, she obeyed obediently.

"Momo, what are you going to do..."

Before the words were finished, Yu Mo actually straddled his waist.

Startled, he opened his eyes with a startled expression.

"Don't open your eyes, close your eyes!" She put her hands together and rubbed them together, and when they were hot, she said, "Take off your clothes!"


Mei Luo stuttered in shock, "Take off, take off, clothes?"

"Yeah! How to do it without taking off your clothes?"

"It's not... quietly... I..."

"Don't talk nonsense, take off your clothes!" She simply did it herself, using a pick.

He was so frightened that he forgot to react. It was really hard not to cause him to misunderstand this kind of behavior.

After she moved here, he slept on the floor only for the first few days.After Mao Qiu came, she was in a good mood and allowed him to go to bed, but the bamboo basket Mao Qiu slept in was placed in the middle of the bed, forming a [-]-point line, which prevented him from crossing the barrier, but sometimes it rained Mo sleeps deeply, and will lean on him when he falls asleep, and he is stupid so he won't take advantage of the advantage of being delivered to the door, but there is nothing else.

This is the first time this has happened. the position reversed?

When the clothes were almost taken off, she said again: "It may hurt a little later, you can bear it, if you can't help it, just call, it's okay, when it's over, you will be very comfortable, I guarantee you can feel good God..."

Her little butt just sat on his lower abdomen like this, the feeling was too obvious, every slight movement was a friction, which made him uncontrollably distracted, and when her Adam's apple rolled, there was a burst of heat, which made his throat hoarse.

"Momo, you come down first..."

But she didn't hear it, she rubbed her hands together and said, "If you feel good this time and you feel comfortable, we can do it every day in the future."

Doing it every day is terrible, he just feels that his lower abdomen is hot, even if he tries hard to control it, he is almost out of control.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Yu Mo lowered her head, rubbed her hands, and was about to put them on his shoulders, but he pushed her away as if her hair had exploded.

She groaned and fell on the bed. When she looked up, he had already got off the bed and left the bedside like a burnt ass, looking vigilant.

Now Chang Yumo was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

He tidied up the clothes that were ripped apart by her, "I still...have something...something to do."

"What do you have to do in the middle of the night, don't do it, you will be exhausted if you keep doing this, do you know that!" She got out of bed and ran to him, trying to drag him to bed.

He backed back again and again, like she was some kind of scourge, if he took one step forward, he would take a step back.

She simply rushed over with all her might.

He looked horrified and shouted, "Don't come over!"

"Why are you so fierce, I'm doing it for your own good, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you're still fierce to me!" She was furious, without stopping, and rushed forward, "Be good, go back to bed, at most half an hour, half an hour An hour later, you will definitely be comfortable and want to do it again."

But Mei Luo was like a frightened rabbit, stabbed her, and even threw her away... and ran away!
Yumo looked at his back as he left quickly, with a confused look on his face.

Did he misunderstand something! ?
She just wanted to do him a favor!

Commonly known as - massage.

 Dear friends, Happy National Day!
  Flowers, flowers!
(End of this chapter)

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