The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 347 Part 107 Loyalty and Love

Chapter 347 Part 107 Loyalty and Love

In the middle of the night, Bu Jie was soundly asleep when he was woken up by the housekeeper's loud voice.

"My lord!" The butler knocked on the door.

Bu Jie didn't want to talk about it at all, but the housekeeper was a stubborn thing, seeing that he couldn't get up, he still knocked hard.

If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. If Lin Lang was still there, how could he make such a fuss about him? He must find a way to solve it by himself.

He got up from the bed angrily, "What are you arguing about!"

The butler pushed the door open and entered, stood by the bed and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "My lord, the king... the king is here!"

"Huh?" Bu Jie's hand holding the robe froze for a moment, with a surprised expression on his face, "What is he here for?"

"He said he was going to stay here tonight."

"Live here?"


Bu Jie's doubts deepened, "Don't want a good nephrite jade, sleep here with me, is it going to rain red?"

The red rain definitely didn't fall, but Mei Luo's people had already arrived, standing at the door, yelling: "Give me a room!"

Bu Jie put on his robe, walked to the door, and looked him up and down, "Did you quarrel with the girl?"


"What are you doing here without you? It's still so late at night."

"I'll come whenever I want!"

Under the moonlight, his face was a little dark red, which was extremely unnaturally red, which quickly attracted Bu Jie's attention. It was clearly a face full of desire and dissatisfaction. Oh' sounded.

Mei Luo felt that she had been seen through, she quickly turned her face away, and shouted: "Room!"

Bu Jie smiled and said to the butler, "Go, find someone to clean up the east wing!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Just as the butler was about to leave, Bu Jie said again: "Wait, come back!"

"Sir, what else is there to order?"

"Let the kitchen order food and drinks!"

The official didn't understand what he meant, so he was stunned. It was already midnight, and it would be too late if he wanted to eat supper.

"Idiot, I told you to fix it, what are you doing in a daze?"

"Yes, yes, right away!"

The housekeeper ran away quickly, and Bu Jie hooked Mei Luo's shoulder, "I don't think you can sleep tonight, why don't we chat with uncle and nephew?"

Hehe, it's strange that I can't sleep because I'm dissatisfied with this desire.

Mei Luo didn't refuse, and followed him into the room.

After sitting down, Bu Jie poured him a cup of tea, "Tell me, what happened to make you abandon nephrite jade and warm fragrance, and come to my place for a night."

He was certain that something had happened, otherwise this kid would never have left that girl behind.

After drinking the tea, Mei Luo's face was no longer red, and she glanced at him calmly, "I don't know what to say?"

Bu Jie was not so easy to be fooled by, and said directly: "On weekdays, you cling to that girl tightly, even if you pull you, you won't leave, and finally tricked that girl into your bedroom, you will be willing to stay She stays alone in the empty boudoir, and if I tell you, I won't believe a word."

"Since when did you become as nosy as a street woman and child?"

"I'm afraid that you're new to love, you don't know gentleness, and you strike too hard, and you'll scare her away!"

Mei Luo raised her eyelids, staring straight at Bu Jie.

"What are you looking at!?"

"I remember not long ago, in your mansion, you told me righteously that you are not allowed to be in love with Momo, the words are still in your ears, but you forget quickly."

"Brat, hold grudges, don't you? Use this to block me? Believe it or not, I'll hit you with a teapot!" As he spoke, he actually picked up the teapot.

"Am I remembering wrong?"

Bu Jie snorted, put down the teapot, and said, "This time is different, you and I both know that girl is not what she used to be."

He had indeed strongly opposed Mei Luo's affection for that girl, but after Mount Xumi and his party, everything changed. The Demon Refining Pot, Taotie, and Zhongshan God all belonged to that girl. Looking at the entire dog world, who else is there? The daughter has such a dowry.

This dowry can't be obtained even if one exhausts all one's strength.

Everything is fate.

Now that the words have come to this point, he doesn't need to hide any more. He was really opposed to it before, but now he won't. However, the girl's identity as a human is still weak, and this point cannot be changed. In front of fierce beasts, this weakness can be put aside temporarily.

Mei Luo saw through his thoughts at a glance, and said coldly: "If you can greatly enhance the strength of the dog monster clan, repel foreign enemies, and keep the clan safe just because she has divine weapons and fierce beasts, then you don't have to. , I am the king, so I will not let the members of the dog monster clan be in any danger. Don't drag her into these disputes. She is too simple and not suitable for these intrigues. Relying on a woman to ensure the prosperity and safety of the ethnic group, then what has become of me, the king, and you, and those elite soldiers of the dog monster clan have become a display? I warn you, no matter what the future holds, you must not Don't let her use her crooked mind."

Bu Jie's selfishness was nothing more than not wanting the artifacts and beasts to fall into the hands of others. He probably thought that after marrying Yu Mo, he could slowly lead Tao Tie and Zhong Shanshen under his command. With him as the main force, the position of the dog monster clan in the mountains and seas will be even more unshakable.

In other words, what he valued was Taotie, Zhong Shanshen, and the demon refining pot, not Yu Mo. He just wanted to get what he deserved after Yu Mo's death.

Without the beasts and artifacts, Yumo was still not a candidate for queen in his eyes.

Bu Jie didn't deny it, because he really thought so.

Even though these days, in order to treat Le Xian, the two have been in constant contact to discuss the treatment plan, which made him have to admit that Yu Mo has something extraordinary that he can't match, but still can't change the deep-rooted royal power idea.

She is a human being, her biggest shortcoming is her short lifespan, even if she is strong, what is the use, how many years can she live, 100 years is the limit, and what contribution can she make to the group, but now she has artifacts and beasts , This is a rare wealth, so now she can be the queen, as long as she dies, the artifacts and beasts will be owned by the dog monster clan. In terms of benefits, it is completely worth it.

This kind of thinking may be very selfish, but he is a royal family, and the ethnic group is the first priority, and other emotions are secondary. He never thinks there is anything wrong with this kind of thinking, but Mei Luo, the dog monster The current king of the clan is actually a seed of infatuation, with such deep affection that she is resolutely not allowed to be used by anyone as a prop.

Bu Jie also couldn't figure out how the dog monster clan that had flourished for tens of thousands of years gave birth to such a seed of infatuation. He really loves beauties and doesn't love Jiangshan, and his head hurts just thinking about it.

"Okay, if you don't allow it, don't allow it, pretend I didn't say it!"

Bu Jie was so angry that he took a sip of herbal tea.

After saying this, the uncle and nephew were silent for a long time.

The housekeeper brought up the prepared wine and dishes, all of which were light dishes suitable for supper.

After drinking for three rounds, Bu Jie took advantage of the drunkenness and spoke again.

"Since you love her so much, let's make a ruthless move. Cang Wu has always been knowledgeable, maybe he will know how to turn that person into a demon..."

Mei Luo doesn't like to drink, she just had a few sips, but when she heard this, her eyes were red and frightening, and she was full of anger.

"I said, I will find a way myself!"

"What can you think of? This is the only way. Yes, this is indeed a very dangerous way, but how do you know if you don't try it? Maybe that girl is born with a big life and can survive it..."

Mei Luo smashed the wine glass on the table, glared fiercely at Bu Jie, "Fate? I think you can't look down on Mo Mo's luck..."

Is it not luck?

A mere human, with no demon power, actually subdued Taotie and Zhong Shanshen. Nine out of ten would think it was good luck, and the remaining one would only say that a blind cat ran into a dead mouse.

But is it really luck?
Only he knew that she almost died on Mount Sumeru.

Moreover, the side effects of Taotie's opening spirit are too great, if in the future, the dog monster clan encounters a big enemy, even if the clan will be wiped out, he doesn't want her to use this ability.

Bu Jie was choked by his words, and after drinking three sips of wine, he said again: "I am also thinking of you, you said you can find a way, okay, I am happy to be free, but have you ever thought about it? There have been no human beings since ancient times. The thing of being able to live beyond a hundred years, and the theory of immortality are all nonsense. What can you think of? In the end, it’s not that you suffer yourself. I know what you are thinking. You always hold it in your heart. It’s a big deal. , you go to Xuanyuan Realm and be a dog by her side."

"That's voluntary, too."

Bu Jie slammed the table, and said sharply, "Shut up, can you think of this, the majestic king of the dog monster clan, for a woman, abandoning his homeland, abandoning the clan, you will kill the ten thousand years of the dog monster clan!" Where is the foundation? Those soldiers who once fought to the death on the battlefield threw their heads and blood and sacrificed their lives for the clan. Have you ever thought about them? Don’t they have wives and children? How can you be worthy of your father and mother? How did they die, have you forgotten!? Your mother is also a seed of infatuation, but she has never really left the wolf monster clan behind for the sake of the king. Carrying a gun into battle, that is, you, you have a single muscle, you can't even turn a corner, I really don't know what tricks that girl has poured into you, so that you can be so determined to her."

Mei Luo didn't understand what he said, but her love was so deep that she couldn't extricate herself, so she retorted: "You are also a royal family, you can also be a king!"

Bu Jie was furious, and crushed the cup in his hand, "You know I can't do it!"

There are many things, many secrets, but he never wants to tell them, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know.

"The royal family was also established by others in ancient times, and there are many usurpers among other clans. Why insist on insisting on the royal bloodline, as long as whoever is wise can be the king!"

Bu Jie was in a hurry, "You're in high spirits, aren't you? Let me tell you, don't even think about going to Xuanyuan Realm to be her dog. Even if you don't think about yourself, you still think about us..." He looked at her with red eyes. Looking at Mei Luo, she pointed to her chest, "Me Luo, my heart is full of flesh and it hurts!"

Even if he is willing, but he is a big demon... Power, wealth, beauty, he can get it as long as he wants, but in order to love a woman, he went to a strange world to be an ordinary animal, how can these courtiers do it? can bear.

"Mei Luo, listen to me, sometimes you care too much about perfection, and it will only ruin everything!"

He really couldn't bear it, he humiliated himself like this.

Maybe it's because he has never tasted the taste of love, so he still doesn't understand why he is so extreme, but since he was a child, he has received the same education as him, and the ethnic group is the first lesson. At that time, he was Full of ambition, even though he is young, he already looks like a king.

Why is it like this now.

Xuanyuan Realm is really not a good place!

Mei Luo didn't speak. In fact, he knew that Bu Jie was thinking of him from the beginning to the end, but even so, she still didn't allow Yu Mo to suffer the slightest harm. After thinking about it, if she really wants to go to Xuanyuan Realm to be a dog, she will definitely not allow it, then he will find a way to make her forget everything, forget about him, and just treat him as a pet.

Sometimes, he was also shocked that he loved her so much. For her, he really didn't want anything, no matter how painful, no matter how hard it was, as long as he could be with her.


He smiled mockingly.

Yumo once said that there is a kind of dog in the world that only chooses one master in its life. If the master dies, it will die too, and it will not wag its tail at the second person again.

He is probably that 'dog'.

Loyalty and love are originally things on a balance.

Who made him fall in love with it?
Thinking of this, he rarely got drunk and drank three cups.Bu Jie yelled: "Stop drinking, what are you doing drinking so hard, be careful not to get drunk!"

It was too late, he was already drunk.

In the dormitory, Yu Mo waited for a long time but Mei Luo came back, thinking that he might really have something urgent, so he went to bed by himself.

After waking up the next day, she finished feeding the fur balls and went to see Le Xian for a follow-up visit as a routine.

As soon as she walked to the entrance of the hall, she felt that something was reflecting light on the stairs. Looking at it from another angle, it was even more obvious. Her eyesight was very good. She stood under the stairs, looked around for a while, and then determined what it was.

That's... oil!

How can there be oil on the good-end ladder?
Raising his eyes, he saw Aman poking his head out of a hidden palace wall in a ghostly way, looking at her.

When the two met their eyes, she immediately dodged and ran, holding a wooden barrel with the word 'oil' written on it.

Yu Mo's face turned dark immediately, she must have spilled the oil, and she knew what the purpose was, needless to say.

Ask her to wrestle!
She has lived for 19 years, from kindergarten to university, and she has never seen any pranks.Up to now, she has never used such tricks, and she has seen them, and there are too many tricks in the TV series to enumerate.

What the hell!

She couldn't help but swear.

I didn't expect this monster from the mountain and sea world to play this trick.

It's too mentally retarded.

I don't know it's summer now, the sun is so bright, the oil will definitely reflect light, unless she is blind.

She made up her mind and decided not to take the stairs. The oiled stairs are slippery or not. She can't guarantee that she won't fall, so she drives carefully and walks to the stone railing on the side—turns over , can also arrive.

She took advantage of the stone railing with a whoosh sound and turned over, landed on the ground, and walked towards the bedroom.

At the door of the sleeping hall, there are two heads looking out.

"What about people, why are you missing?"

"Princess, I saw her coming here just now, so she must be right."

"Did you see clearly?"

"See clearly!" Aman nodded with certainty.

The two were looking at the stairs, but Yu Mo came from the opposite direction, so they didn't see it, and Yu Mo heard all this.

She coughed.

Le Xian and A Man immediately turned their heads, seeing her as if they had seen a ghost, their faces turned blue.

"How did you do it, did you let her see it?" Le Xian kicked Aman.

"No, princess, I sprinkled it before she came."

"Idiot, you can't do anything well!"

Yu Mo also thought it was an eye-opener. She was all at the door, and the two of them were still talking about that oily prank. Did she think she was deaf?

She didn't bother to argue with this little princess about such a pediatric thing.

She straightened her clothes and walked over in a leisurely manner.

Le Xian was startled, and immediately told Aman to close the door.

Seeing that the palace door was closed, Yu Mo was not surprised and knocked calmly.

"Princess Le Xian, I'm Lan Yumo, please open the door!"

No one opened it, and it was still tightly closed, but there was a ping-pong sound inside, and she shrugged her eyebrows.

has a problem! doesn't matter, Shanren has his own tricks.

She took out a cup from the medicine box, put it on the door, and put her ear on it.

Le Xian inside was yelling at Aman, "Hurry up, add spicy powder to the tea, and that chair cushion, yes, that chair cushion, put a needle on it..."

Yu Mo, who was eavesdropping outside, had a face full of laughter.

Princess, princess, can you stop being so loud before you do something bad.

Confirmed again, there is no doubt that there is a Erha.

 The National Day is coming, everyone is squatting at home, or going out for a trip.

  What about Brother Two...It's a bad cold + 3 days on duty!
(End of this chapter)

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