The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 352 Part 112 is Clearly a Tease

Chapter 352 Part 112 It's Clearly a Tease

After Wisteria left Huansi Mansion, she returned to her own mansion.

The maid in the mansion fetched the water for her to wash up with her hands and feet nimbly.

"Ma'am, dinner is ready, do you want it?"

"Not busy!" Wisteria sat in front of the vanity mirror and took off the hairpin from her head.

Lightly picked up a comb made of jade to comb her hair, "Madame's hair is so beautiful, like satin."

"What's the use of looking good, and no one appreciates it."

She looked at the mirror, the beauty in the mirror was as beautiful as a fairy, but her expression was lonely, there was no joy between her brows, only a touch of unhappiness, she subconsciously stroked her face, did she look like this when she was young?She remembered that she had a lot of dreams at that time, traveling all over the mountains and seas, eating all over the mountains and seas, and helping her sister manage the family business. At that time, she was full of energy, like a happy bird all day long, and she felt very happy when she saw everything. joy.

But now, where is the happiness and where is the dream? It's just living day by day.

When did it start?
By the way, she met him at the concert.

After a glimpse, he couldn't look away anymore.

"Ma'am, your hair is done... madam?" He patted her on the shoulder lightly.

Wisteria sighed, and replied: "I'm fine here, you can go down."

"The dinner..."

"I'm not hungry now, I'll call you when I'm hungry."


Qing Qiao packed up her changed clothes and was about to go out when Wisteria called her again.

"Have you had dinner, sir?"


"Still in the study?"

"Yes, the elder still doesn't allow anyone to disturb him, and the dinner is just left at the door."

Ever since Cang Wu was 'stimulated' by Yu Mo's affairs, he has been nestled in the study for a long time.

"Understood, you go down, I'm tired, I want to sleep for a while."

Nodding lightly, he backed out.

The huge dormitory is a bit empty, and when people leave, it is terribly silent, but Wisteria is used to it, because she has always been alone, and loneliness always surrounds her. She doesn't know what to do when she wakes up every day, and sometimes You can sit like this and sit quietly for a day.

The only time this room was ever lively was the day when she, Feng Guanxiapei, got married.

The Huansi family is a first-class nobleman of the dog monster clan. The carriages that sent her to marry can be lined up from the street to the end of the street. The red makeup is ten miles away, and it is orderly. There are countless roses, and when the wind blows, there will be a shower of flowers. Even the trees along the street are tied with red ribbons. Everyone stuck their heads out to watch her wedding.

She was sitting in a bridal sedan chair, led by red lanterns, blowing and blowing all the way, and arrived at her new house after a long walk, which was this room.

The new house was full of fire, the dragon and phoenix candles were burning brightly, and the embroidered silk quilt was covered with red dates, peanuts, longan, and lotus seeds. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting shyly and happily for his arrival, full of longing for her future life.

She still remembered that the bridal chamber makers came one after another, shoulder to shoulder, and although she was covered with a red hijab and couldn't see them, she was amused several times.

That day, she was very happy, really happy, and she thought she would always be so happy.

But no, his people came that night, but his heart didn't come with him, and he didn't even want to give her a smile, but indifferently picked up her hijab with chopsticks wrapped in red paper as if completing a task, and met with her. She drank a cup of wine and sat on the edge of the bed with her, and there was no more movement.

When the guests left, when the bustle subsided, he... also left, leaving her sitting alone until dawn, facing the redness and joy in the room.

At that time, although she was suffering, she knew that he was suffering more than her. He hadn't let go of the person in his heart, and he was still thinking about 'her', but she was willing to wait, even if it was to wait forever, firmly believing that I always wait until the day when he changes his mind, but he doesn't know that it has always been synonymous with eternity.

She can't wait!

Waiting, waiting too much, my heart is cold, just like this room, when the red and joy are removed, there is only desolation left.

She took out the note hidden in her sleeve, took the brazier over, opened her hand to release the demon power, the coal in the basin instantly ignited fire, she threw the note in, and watched it slowly burn into ashes.

The flames were reflected in her eyes and burned fiercely. The paper swallowed by the fire was like her heart. In the fiery torment, it slowly became dark, and then slowly turned into ashes, and it scattered when the wind blows. All gone.

She clenched her fists tightly, and the red flames in her eyes became more and more bright, scorching her face and distorting her face. She didn't know what she saw through the fire, and her face became more ferocious. Like a monster in beauty skin, weird and frightening.

"Don't blame me, because it's not my fault, it's all your fault! You forced me!"

She kicked over the brazier, and with a bang, a cloud of smoke and dust was raised. The blackened color was accompanied by the fire, and it ignited, but it was quickly extinguished.

She just figured it out and understood how ridiculous and stupid things are in this world. She won't be stupid anymore, and she won't be stupid anymore. Why should she bear all the pain alone, and she wants others to bear it? Also taste such pain and pain.


She lay down on the bed, she didn't know what she was laughing at, she laughed for a long time like a madman.

Tears fell unknowingly, wet the side of the pillow, and became a cool water stain.

After nightfall, there was a rain, and the hot weather was a bit refreshing. After Yumo had dinner, he saw that the evening wind was cool, so he opened the windows. The moon in the sky was washed by the rain, and it was very bright It was a beautiful night, but she didn't care to appreciate it, and the more she looked at it, the more anxious she became.

She hadn't seen Mei Luo for three days. She knew he was busy, but it was a bit too much to be so busy all day long. She had something to say, but now she had nothing to say, only fire.

This is probably the legendary feeling of complaining about women.

In fact, Lin Lang would report Mei Luo's movements to her every day. She knew exactly where he went and who he met, but what was the point of not going back to the bedroom to sleep at night and always going to Bu Jie's mansion?She couldn't figure it out.

If the misunderstanding hadn't been clarified, she would really have thought that he and Bu Jie were having an affair.

"Oh..." She closed her eyes and sighed.

After a while, she felt that it was not an option to wait like this, and she had to be self-reliant.

If he doesn't come to see her, she can look for him, but she can't think about it, he is busy with important affairs in the clan, what if she disturbs him and quarrels him?
"Oh..." She sighed again.

After a while, she started to worry again, she was so busy, she didn't know if she had a good meal.The weather is so hot, he must have a bad appetite, he must eat very little, so how can the body survive, too much pressure will be accumulated, but it will kill people.

No, she has to go and see him, she must see that he is well.

She quickly went back to the inner hall, changed her clothes, and combed her hair in front of the mirror.

"Miss is going out?" Lin Lang brought up the freshly brewed tea.


"Where to?"

"Find Meiluo!"

Yumo checked the small bag on his body to see if there was anything he had forgotten to bring. He suddenly remembered that he made a bottle of ointment yesterday, which was used for massage and relaxation. Last time he wanted to kill him, but he somehow I ran away, do you want to take it with me?
She hesitated for a while, and decided to take it with her. The best way to relieve stress is to kill chickens immediately. She stuffed the massage ointment into a small bag.

"The king is not in the palace."

"I know, I went to Bujiao's mansion, I just want to go to Bujiao to find him."

"The king will go back to the palace to deal with affairs during the day. Wouldn't it be more convenient for the young lady to find her tomorrow, so why bother looking far away."

Linlang was also very puzzled, why Meiluo didn't go back to the bedroom to rest at night, but went to Bujiao's mansion. She waited by Yumo's side every day, and she was sure that the two didn't quarrel, and it was definitely not caused by relationship problems. Da will come to her to inquire about Yumo's situation, and will also send some of her favorite fruits and pastries.Similarly, Yu Mo would often ask her about Mei Luo's situation. Even though they haven't met each other, they both miss each other. It's not like they are gluey, but there is still a deep affection. This is not the first time this kind of getting along , she didn't think there was anything wrong.

It's strange today, I actually took the initiative to find someone.

On weekdays, when Yu Mo was bored, she also asked if she wanted to accompany her to find Mei Luo, but she declined all of them. To put it bluntly, she didn't want to go out and cause trouble, and was worried that she would run into Jin Ji Yin Ji again, or Le Xian. The person who will be pinched on the shelf.

Sometimes Lin Lang thinks that this young lady is good at everything, but she has two shortcomings. One is that she doesn't like meat, and the other is that she is too strict with her duty. No one in the palace knows that the king dotes on her. The whole world was turned upside down, and no one dared to say that it wasn't her, but she was always nesting in the palace, and the sense of quiet existence was almost gone, so that those nobles who had never seen her thought that the king's liking for her was groundless and had nothing to do with her.

But there are also advantages in this way, at least those nobles who have sharpened their heads and tried every means to make their daughters concubines and queens will not bother her for the time being.

"No, he's too busy during the day, and he's busy with big things. How can I bother him? It's different at night. There must be fewer things. It's convenient to find him now."

"Then I'll go with Miss." She hadn't been to Bujie Mansion for a long time, and she didn't know what happened to the mansion after she left. She left in a hurry and didn't leave any arrangements. She can go there this time to make up for it.


The two left as soon as they said they would, but as soon as they reached the door, Mu Xiang and Zi Kai ran over quickly.

"Miss, miss, the king is back!"


This really means Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Ha ha, save trouble.

Lin Lang teased: "It seems that Wang knows that Miss misses him so much, so he just sent him to the door."

Yu Mo blushed from being teased, and stomped her feet, "Auntie!"

"Miss, don't be angry, I'll go to the gate of the palace to meet the king."

"What are you waiting for? It's not that he doesn't know the way. Let him come in by himself. Whoever makes him disappear for a few days, auntie don't care about him!"

Lin Lang knew that it was because she was angry and she was playing a temper tantrum, so don't take it seriously.

Yu Mo was really angry, turned around and walked towards the bedroom, halfway there, stopped, "Auntie, help me go to the small kitchen to wake up the cook, and let her make some side dishes."

"Huh?" Shouldn't I be going to sleep at this point?

"He doesn't like to eat when the weather is hot. If it's cooler tonight, maybe his appetite will improve and he can eat more."

Lin Lang smiled, she was still angry just now, but her heart ached in the blink of an eye, this is the only thing that happens between lovers in this world.

"Understood, I'll go right now."

Yu Mo sat upright on the edge of the bed, waiting for Mei Luo to come in with a stern face, full of resentful woman aura.

Mei Luo felt the pressure when he came in, and since he escaped last time, he didn't dare to come back, not because he was afraid of her being hungry, but because he was afraid that he would not be able to restrain himself, so he has been sleeping in Bujie's mansion for the past few days, Busy affairs during the day distracted him from thinking about her, and it was hard at night, his mind was full of her. After three days of enduring, the limit was reached, and he came back.

Lin Lang and Mu Xiang arranged the dishes around the table, Zi Kai and Fungus helped light the oil lamps, and replaced the burnt candles. After finishing the work, the four quietly retreated and closed the palace gate.

After a long silence, Yu Mo, the little grudge, finally spoke, "Are you willing to come back?"

The tone was sour and astringent, and it sounded like the two hadn't seen each other for three days, but three months.

Mei Luo stood upright and nodded.

"have you eaten yet?"

He wanted to say that he had already eaten before coming, but when he saw the table full of dishes, he changed his words, "Not yet!"

"I know you haven't eaten, and you're not afraid of starving your stomach." Yumo softened her tone, walked over, stood in front of him, stood on tiptoe, held his face and said, "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. I read."


"Tell you to vomit, don't talk nonsense, vomit!"

He stuck out his tongue.

Yu Mo looked at his tongue coating, "It's white and thick, you can tell that you haven't slept well, and the humidity is still heavy, has your appetite worsened recently?"

Her major is veterinary medicine, but her grandparents are both national experts in Chinese medicine, and the skill of seeing, hearing and asking questions is a basic skill in the Lan family, so she can't be troubled.

"A little bit!" The dog is afraid of heat, so naturally he won't have any appetite.

"What about sleeping?" She took a closer look at his eyes again, there were bloodshot eyes, which proved that he didn't sleep well.

He smiled and held her hand, "The bed in Bu Jie's house is too hard."

In fact, he was thinking about her all night, how could he sleep well.

"I know it's hard, but I haven't come back early, I can't sleep on a high bed with soft pillows, and I insist on squeezing the kennel, do you think there is something wrong with you?"

The kennel means broken, but if it is placed on Bu Jie, a Shar-Pei monster, whether it is broken or not, it is a kennel.

He bowed his head sincerely, "I was wrong!"

"Well, it's good that you can correct your mistakes." Yumo decided to let go of the past, and pulled him to sit down, "Let's eat first, even if you are not hungry, you still have to eat. You work so hard, how can you not eat?"

She diligently picked up vegetables and ladle soup for him, and in the blink of an eye, the bowls in front of him were piled up like a hill.

"Eat it while it's hot, it's even more unbearable if it's cold," she urged.

The dishes on the table are all his usual favorites. Although the weather is hot, he has no appetite to eat, but with her by his side, he will be in a good mood. When he is in a good mood, his appetite will increase.

Yumo was afraid that he would not be full, so if he ate some, she would make up for it. The things in that bowl were always piled high.

When he finished eating, he was also full.

"Come, have a cup of tea."

This kindness is so sweet that Mei Luo grins the corners of her mouth.

"Why are you smirking, finish your drink and eat dessert."

"Still eating!" He couldn't laugh because his stomach was already full.

"Of course, when the weather is hot, you should eat enough and drink enough, and you must eat nutritiously."

"Silence, I can't eat anymore."

"Oh, let's eat later, it's cool today, let's go for a walk in the garden."

"Now?" It's not appropriate to take a walk in the middle of the night.

"You just ate, you can't sleep right away, be obedient, walk around twice, just twice."

She took his hand and left, regardless of whether he wanted to or not.

Of course, he had to.

The two walked and chatted hand in hand in the garden. The garden is huge, and it takes some effort to walk around, let alone two laps. The cook puts very little sugar, and he doesn't like it very much.

Since he didn't eat it, Yumo ate it. After walking around for two times, she was also hungry.

While she was eating dessert, he called the fungus in to fetch water to take a bath. After the bath, just after coming out, Yumo pounced on him like a little tiger.

"Don't try to run away again this time, hurry up and lie on the bed."

This appearance was the same as last time, and it frightened him again.

"Silence, we have something to talk about."

"You can talk when you're doing it!" She was taking off his clothes, and then pinned him down on the bed with all her heart.

"I don't think I can still speak rationally when doing that kind of thing." He blushed and was desperately protecting his skirt from her hand.

Yu Mo said in a daze, "What does it have to do with reason, you just lie down and don't even need to use your strength."

"Huh?" Mei Luo was stunned, how to do that kind of thing without any effort.

"You're so stupid, I want to give you a massage, what's there to be afraid of, you are so busy every day, you must relax your body, I specially made a box of massage cream, you are not allowed to waste my mind, lie down! "

Mei Luo opened her eyes wide in a daze: "Are you sure?"


He breathed a sigh of relief, but quickly decided that massage was not a good thing.

The physical contact is too intimate, pressing back and forth, rubbing back and forth.

This is not a massage, it is clearly a tease.

(End of this chapter)

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