The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 353 Part 114 The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 353 Part 114 The Storm Is Coming

"My lord, you really guessed it, Fengchen really fell into the hands of the dog demon king."

In the shabby room, Bai Yu's hands that carved the golden crown paused, a gloomy look appeared between his brows, and he asked for a while, "How is the situation?"

Hei Yi clenched his fists and said angrily: "Its wings were chopped off, its kneecap was smashed, and... its eyes were also blinded!"

In the twilight, Bai Yu, who had always been expressionless, tightened her brows, and a trace of black air appeared on her forehead, like the twilight outside the window pouring in layer by layer, painting the sky and the earth with gray colors, making the originally dark room even more gloomy. It is dark and unclear.

"It's hard for him..." He put down the crown in his hand, put it back in the box and locked it, "Is there any news from Beidou?"

Hei Yi shook his head, "I'm afraid he died in battle!"

Bai Yu closed his eyes, he had actually expected this result.

Beidou and Fengchen have always belonged to Meng Bulijiao, Jiaobulimeng, if he is still alive, and the dog monsters capture Fengchen, he must be the first person to rescue him, and he will never let Fengchen fall into the dog's hands. In the hands of Yaozu.

"My lord!" Hei Yi knelt down on both knees, kowtowed his head, and said, "I have a merciless request. I know that those who achieve great things cannot have the kindness of a woman, but Feng Chen and my subordinate are friends of eight obeisances. , as close as a brother, now imprisoned and tortured by the dog monster clan, I beg you, sir, can you..."

"You want me to save him!"

Hei Yi nodded, and kowtowed to him again, "I beg your lord to help you."

"You get up first!"

"grown ups!"

Hei Yi knows that this request is too unreasonable. Now that the enemy is present, if there is a slight mistake, the whole army will be wiped out. Besides, Fengchen is imprisoned in the dog monster clan, and it will be even more difficult to rescue. The dog monster clan must be heavily guarded. Impossible, but even so, he couldn't cool down and ignore his best friend and let him suffer torture in the dog monster clan.

Even if he was going to die, he also wanted Feng Chen to die on the land of his hometown.

"You and Feng Chen are friends of eight obeisances, and he and I are close friends. You don't need to ask me for this matter, I have already made arrangements."

Hei Yi's eyes lit up in surprise, and then he slammed his head firmly, "Thank you sir on behalf of Fengchen."

"Get up!"

"Yes!" Hei Yi quickly stood up, not caring that his forehead was already bleeding, and asked directly: "What do you plan to do, sir? If necessary, Hei Yi will die."

"To save Fengchen, you and I don't need to do it."

"My lord means..."

His slightly blue eyes were like a cold light about to be pulled out in the scabbard, "I have secretly informed that person that if I want to rescue Feng Chen from the dog environment, no amount of people can match." He ', don't act rashly for now, just wait for the news from that person."

"My subordinate understands!"

The climate of the Night Falcon tribe is very cold, and it snows heavily at night.

At first, it was just light snow, like catkins, fluttering and falling. Gradually, the snowflakes became bigger and thicker, dancing in the air like dandelions, and finally became densely packed, falling in clusters.

The vast fields are all white, the houses and mountains are covered with silver, and a thick layer of snow has accumulated on the ground.

The snow fluttered like falling pear petals, making it hard for people to see the road ahead.

He Ji wore a thick brocade robe and stepped into the dense forest from the palace through the snow. The secret cave hidden inside had already been occupied one step ahead of her, so she walked in quickly.

Inside the cave, Bai Yu was leaning against the wall and waiting for her. As soon as she entered, he quickly raised the fur cloak on his body and took her into his arms.

His body was extremely warm, and He Ji, who was leaning against him, sighed in satisfaction.

Bai Yu stretched out her hand, gently patted the snow velvet off her bun, and asked, "You're so anxious to find me, but what's wrong with Hong'er's body?"

Scarlet Ibis is her younger brother, which is equivalent to his younger brother.

He Ji raised her head, "It's not about the red ibis, it's about Feng Chen, I know he was captured by the dog monster clan."

The eyes that were warm only when facing her quickly turned cold, "Who told you that?"

"You don't have to ask..."

"You want me to save him!"

She nodded.

He snorted, his eyes were stained with pain, and he warmly touched her little face that was a little red from the cold wind, "He'er, when did I become so cruel and ruthless in your heart? Do you think I will ignore my best friend and let him fend for himself in the dog monster clan?"

He Ji trembled, "I... I'm just anxious, not suspicious of you, I came here to hear your plan."

"You don't have to ask about this matter, I have my own arrangements."

He Ji happily said, "So, you have already sent someone to rescue him?"

When she first heard the news, she was very anxious, Fengchen owed her life, and she will never forget this kindness in her life.

Bai Yu embraced her, leaned against the cave wall behind, and sighed: "If he hadn't saved you back then, you wouldn't have come back alive. You haven't forgotten this kindness, so I certainly won't. Don't worry. , I will definitely rescue him, but even if I do, he will not be unharmed, as his injuries are serious."

"You can cure it?"

"It's hard! The wings are gone, the knees are broken, and the eyes are blind. Unless there is a big Luo elixir, otherwise, if you live, you will be a useless person. You will be paralyzed on the bed for the rest of your life."

He Ji took a deep breath, her eyes turned hot, and there was a cloud of mist, "Then I have to save it, because I promised Yao'er, I can't break my promise to her."

Yao'er is her younger sister, her name is Yao Ji, and she and Feng Chen have already talked about marriage, but it was just a trick of fate, a disaster separated the two of them, and there was no time for harmony.

She raised her head, with extremely firm belief in her eyes, "Do you want my help in saving Fengchen?"

In order to save Fengchen, she can do anything. "

"You don't need to intervene, you just need to live a good life with Hong'er."

"The dog monster clan is extremely powerful, with many elite soldiers and generals, one more person can increase the chance of winning. You don't have to worry about my safety. No matter how bad I am, I will be the right general. When do you plan to leave, I..."

Although she wanted to save Feng Chen, she also didn't want him to die.

"He'er, believe me, you don't need to take the lead in this matter, I have already arranged everything!"

"But...but I'm worried about you!"

"Don't worry, I will stay in the Night Falcon family well, and there will be no danger!"

"So you're not going to do it yourself?"


He Ji looked at him incomprehensibly, "Then how can I help?"

In terms of strategy and ability, no one around him can match him, but he is right, he can't go, his identity is too special, if the dog monsters know that he is going to save people, they will never let him live Come back, "Who are you going to let go, Black Wing or Green Wing? Could it be Zi Yi, by the way, Zi Yi is Feng Chen's apprentice, I know her ability, she is a cautious girl, if she... "

"He'er, when did you become so talkative..."

While breathing heavily, he lowered his head and kissed her chattering red lips, grinding and grinding.

"At this time you still..."

"Shh... I don't want to waste the time I'm alone with you!" Under his attack, she quickly softened her body.

"You don't have to worry about Feng Chen, I promise you, I will definitely rescue him."

"Hmm..." Her hands were like enchanting vines, tightly encircling his neck, "You have to... be careful too!"

Outside the cave, it was snowing heavily and the wind was biting, but inside the cave, there was a warm spring, full of peach blossoms.


He Ji curled up on his fur cloak like a cat, he always asked for too much, and every time she couldn't bear it, she obviously hated such frequent cheating, but she couldn't refuse it.

Bai Yu opened the silver box she carried with her, and took out an orange pill.

"He'er, eat it."

Her body was sore and limp, and her eyelids were a little heavy. She opened her eyes tiredly, and when she saw the orange pill, her eyes froze, and she smiled coldly, like a flower blooming in the dark night. , faintly revealing desolation.

This is for contraception.

She stared at the pill, feeling that it was not only dazzling, but also chilling her heart.

"I forgot to congratulate Master Bai Yu on becoming a father."

She had to dig her own palm with her fingers to say such words against her will.

Bai Yu held her hand that was desperately scratching her palm, "Do you have to talk to me like this?"

"The queen is pregnant, shouldn't you congratulate your lord?"

He smiled, his smile was empty, "Take the medicine, go back quickly after taking the medicine, and watch the weather, there may be a blizzard at night."

His attitude of avoiding talking about it provoked her, and when she raised her finger, a cold light suddenly appeared between her fingers, like a flash of lightning, trying to crush the pill.

Bai Yu found out and blocked her.

"Let go!" she yelled.

"He'er, I don't want to quarrel with you because of this matter."

"Arguing?" She put on her brocade robe and flicked her sleeves towards him, as if she was flicking off the dust on her sleeves together with him.

"Arguing is a matter between husband and wife. Are you and I husband and wife? At most, it is a pair of dogs and men who have an affair. What is there to quarrel with? Her majesty is noble and beautiful. The child in the womb is even more precious, and the future is limitless, unlike me, a woman like me who can do everything she can... What qualifications do you have..."

Suddenly, a silver light flashed in front of her eyes, and when the light disappeared, warm blood splashed on her face, the words she was about to say were stuck in her throat like this, she turned pale in shock, and then rushed over , holding down his bleeding hand.

When she said these words, Bai Yu raised the knife and cut off the little finger of her left hand.

"Why! Why!" She was flustered and confused, crying and shedding tears.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, soaked in blood, but he still remained expressionless, but a severed finger, there is no pain.

"You're hurting, so I'm hurting with you..."

"No, I'm angry... I'm just angry... Quick, where is your medicine box, take out your medicine box quickly."

"On my waist..."

She rushed over to get the medicine, but was hugged by him.

"Let go, you're hurt!"

"It's okay, it's just a finger." Compared with the suffering she suffered, it was nothing.

"You do this every time..." She covered her face and cried loudly.

"He'er, be patient, soon all the suffering will leave you, and then you can do whatever you want, I promised you, remember?"

She remembered every word he said, but she was so jealous, jealous of the woman who sat on the throne and owned him, but it was not his fault, she had no reason to vent her dissatisfaction on him.

"Don't talk, I'll help you heal."

"I'm a wizard, this is just a small injury..."

Regardless of these, she took the medicine box from his waist, opened it, took out the wound medicine and smeared it on him to stop the bleeding. When she saw the dazzling orange pill again, she swallowed it without any resistance.

When parting, she was worried about him, and explained carefully to Hei Yi who came to him.

Bai Yu ordered to Hei Yi: "Send the right general back."


He Ji was reluctant to let go, but there were too many eyeliners in the palace, and she couldn't tolerate any delay, so she could only harden her heart and leave as soon as possible.

Bai Yu glanced at his severed finger, although it was bandaged, the blood was still stained with gauze, which was shocking.

This can't be hidden...

"My lord..." Chi Yi, who was guarding the queen's bedroom, was shocked to see his injured hand, and said in shock, "Your hand, my lord..."

"It's okay, how is the queen now?" He re-bandaged.

"Still the same, loss of appetite, vomiting seven or eight times a day, resting in the bedroom."

Bai Yu straightened her clothes and entered the bedroom calmly.

Passing maids bowed to him respectfully, and he didn't look sideways. When he arrived at the main hall of the bedroom, he knelt down, "Bai Yu sees Your Majesty."

When Yaojia heard it was his voice, she sat up from the bed despite the discomfort in her body, and said happily, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"Hearing that His Majesty is in poor health, I was a little worried, so I rushed back as soon as possible."

Yaojia's heart warmed, and she hurriedly asked the maid to help her up, her belly was not yet pregnant, she was extremely sick, she vomited whatever she ate, she was haggard for a month, and before seeing him, she specially asked the maid to help her get up. Make up for her.

"Are you ready to eat?"

Bai Yu was stunned, "Oh, I have used it."

How could Yaojia fail to see his hesitation, she must have forgotten.

"Thrush!" she called.


"Pass the meal!"


Yaojia was supported by two maids to go down the stairs, and when she reached Bai Yu, she helped him up herself, "How many times have I told you that I am not allowed to salute, why do you always refuse to listen?"

"There are differences between monarchs and ministers, please don't embarrass your ministers."

"Tell me a word, and you can say ten words to me, that's all, it's cold, I'll drink some wine with you to warm your body."

Huamei and a group of maids quickly prepared the dishes. They were all hot food. In order to avoid the cold, each dish was roasted under the fire, which was steaming and filled the room with fragrance.

Yaojia graciously put food into his bowl, "Eat it while it's hot, this dish is appetizing, and this dish is newly developed by the cook, I ate it yesterday, it's delicious and crispy."

Bai Yu eats in a gentle manner, no matter how delicious it is, it's just a taste.

"Ayu, why is your left hand always behind your back?" She had just noticed that he was always holding his left hand behind his back.


His eyes wandered, clearly he was hiding something.

Yaojia put down her chopsticks, quickly reached out and grabbed his left hand.

His hands were extremely beautiful, with long and slender fingertips that looked like they were carved from jade, but now...the little finger was wrapped in gauze, and the blood on it pierced her eyes.

"How is this going!?"

Bai Yu put her hands back, "Small injury!"

"Small injury!?" Yaojia said in a sharp tone, and pulled out his left hand again. This is not a small injury, it is... just broken, her heart hurts, and she is hysterical, "Who hurt you?" !? Say it! I want to kill his nine clans!"

"Your Majesty calm down, you are not a member of the clan."

"It's not a member of the clan, who is that?" She said angrily, "I don't care who it is, if it hurts you, I won't allow it."

"This matter should not be a big deal, and His Majesty doesn't need to worry too much. I have already treated the wound, and there is no serious problem."

"No, I order you, you must say it!"

"Your Majesty..." Bai Yu frowned.

"Say, don't miss a single word."

Bai Yu had no choice but to say, "It's the dog monster clan."

"Dog monsters? We have never crossed paths with them. Why do they want to hurt you?"

"When Fengchen was working for the minister, he provoked people from the dog monster clan. It's not a big deal. It's okay to pay a gift, but the dog monster is so strong that he seems to look down on me and the Night Falcon clan, so he imprisoned Fengchen in a cage. , I and Feng Chen are close friends, so today the soldiers made a dangerous move in an attempt to save people, but I underestimated the dog monster clan, so this hand was injured like this."

"It's unreasonable!" Yaojia yelled angrily, "Look down on our clan... What a contempt, I want to see what their dog monster clan is capable of."

"Your Majesty, don't act rashly."

"You don't need to persuade me. As a queen, I see my people being bullied, how can I ignore them, the dog monsters, right? Well, I want them to know that our Night Falcon people are not so easy to bully."

During this day and night, the blizzard fell suddenly, one after another...

The storm is coming...

 Bai Yu: My waist is sore...

  Mei Luo: I will kill you sooner or later...

  Author: Why is it too urgent to meet...

  Friends Wenwen PK, please help to collect!
  "Older Rent Marriage Husband Is a Rascal"

  Belongs to Secret Service Marriage and Love Essay, author: Qingxue Ningyu:

  She was just doing a task, but she was disturbed by a cat meow...

  In a hurry, he grabbed a male publicist Bidong on the toilet door, and then the first kiss was gone.

  He was also doing a mission, but someone got ahead of him...

  Just as he was about to leave, he was dragged into the toilet, and then he kissed it like a treasure!

  Then the ambulance came and he went to the hospital.


  Three days later, she spent money to rent him and became her boyfriend who went home for the New Year.



  She buried herself in the hole she dug herself; the rented boyfriend became the legal husband in the red book.

  "Stinky duck, you dare to touch me!"

  "My wife, if you don't touch the flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, I will be laughed at for being incompetent."

  So, good things just happened in such a muddled way...

(End of this chapter)

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