The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 354 Part 115 White Feather's Strategy

Chapter 354 Part 115 White Feather's Strategy

"I asked you to find a way, but none of you said a word, what do you mean, are you all drunk?"

In the meeting hall of the Night Falcon clan's royal palace, Yao Jia was wearing a golden queen's robe, sitting dignifiedly on the first seat, and below them were the four elders of the Night Falcon clan, the Prime Minister and General Zuo.

The leader of the clan, the black bird, has dark and deep eyes, like a deep abyss. He is the elder of the three dynasties in the clan, and even the fourth elder should follow his lead. If he doesn't speak, others will not speak casually.

He glanced at General Zuo Wei Hu beside him, a strange spark flickered in the depths of his eyes.

Wei Hu understood what he meant, nodded secretly, took a step out, and bowed to Yaojia, "Your Majesty said just now that the dog monster clan bullied my clansman. There are many walks in the middle, I have never heard of this matter, the matter is very important, can I invite this tribe to come out to see, and explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly, otherwise I will rush to send troops and meet each other with swords, I am afraid that it is the treachery of other tribes, I want our clan to compete with the dog monster clan's snipe and clam, and seek the fisherman's profit from it."

Bailipeng, one of the four elders, echoed, "What General Zuo said is very reasonable, please invite the bullied clansman out for a meeting."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this matter concerns the safety of our clan, we must not act hastily, we must make things clear." The one who spoke was Bai Lihong, who was the last of the four elders.

The elders of the Night Falcon clan are all named after Baili, besides these two, there are also two Baili pigeons and Baili quail.

The four elders are headed by Bailipeng.

The family member blackbird stroked his white beard. He is the oldest. He is 2100 years old this year and has a very long life. Because of his detached status, although he lives a long life, he looks like he is only in his sixties. Even though he is young, he is still strong and capable of both literature and martial arts.

His city is very deep, and he has already seen that Yaojia's plan to deal with the dog monster clan is fueled by someone behind the scenes, and it can't be her own intention. This clan is full of his eyeliner, and nothing can escape his eyes. He must be the first to know about the bullying of the clansmen, and it is impossible to know from the mouth of this queen who never does anything.

He doubted that Bai Yu was behind the scenes.

Yaojia said angrily, "I said yes, so are you suspecting me of talking nonsense?"

Baili Ge said: "I don't dare to wait, it's just that our clan is far away from the dog monster clan. There was no enmity in the past, no grudges in recent days, and no intersection. Suddenly someone from the clan was bullied. It is really unreasonable. Your Majesty, if there is no one Even if you want to send troops, you will have no name."

There must be a reason to start the war. There is no reason to start the war casually. This is because the night falcon clan is also a big monster clan in the mountain and sea world, but it is located in a barren land, far inferior to Minkang Wufu of the dog monster clan. In the past few hundred years, in order to make up for the shortage of food in the clan, many small clans in the surrounding area were invaded. There were not a hundred battles, but there were seventy or eighty. It can't be long-term at all, and many enemies have been established for this reason.

The Night Falcon clan is indeed good at fighting, but they can't just fight casually. Fighting is not difficult, but military supplies are a big problem. Small clans are weak in combat power, so they can fight quickly. The war must be a protracted war. With the current conditions of the Night Falcon clan, the logistics will definitely not be able to keep up. If half of the soldiers on the front line are out of rations, how will they fight? If the matter of the clan is unfortunately caught by the surrounding small clans at this time, the clan will be wiped out in an instant.

Yao Jia didn't think about these problems at all, she only knew that Bai Yu was injured, her heart ached, and she couldn't swallow this breath, but she couldn't say it was because of Bai Yu, because none of the people sitting below thought highly of him, to tell the truth , I am afraid that even if there is no need to discuss it, it will be rejected directly.

She squeezed the armrest of the throne tightly, her extremely gorgeous face was already blue with anger.

She didn't feel it in the past, but today she saw clearly that no one listened to what she, the queen, said, and she glared at the blackbird.

Although the old man didn't speak, she was not blind. Everyone would look at him before speaking. He had more status than her, the queen.

"Blackbird!" she shouted.

"Chen is here!"

"Come on!" She wanted to hear what the old man had to say.

Just as the blackbird was about to open its mouth, it suddenly coughed, and it turned pale.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I have no shape...cough cough cough, the blizzard fell last night, minister... minister...cough cough cough..." He panted heavily, took a sip from the teacup in hand, and spouted again. When he came out, he coughed badly and looked embarrassed.

"Master Clan Master!" Bailihong hurriedly supported him, "Quickly, hurry up and pass on to the wizard, my lord, this is a relapse of an old illness."

"It must have been caught cold last night. The Prime Minister of the Clan takes care of everything and does everything by himself. This body should be well-growth. Recently, His Majesty convened and came early in the morning. I don't know if I have taken the medicine. The blame is on us useless people who can't do it for you." The family minister shares the worries." Baili Quail was heartbroken as if his own father was about to die, and tears overflowed.

Bailipeng hastily poured tea to moisten the blackbird's throat, with tears in his eyes.

Wei Hu sighed at the side, and looked at Yaojia from time to time, as if it was her fault that the blackbird got sick.

Bailihong stood at the front and bowed to him and said: "Your Majesty, the clan minister is old and seriously ill, please allow him to return to the mansion to recuperate, the matter of the dog and monster clan can be discussed at another day, and the clan minister's health will be discussed later. ..."

Yaojia squeezed her eyebrows, and her breath was so rigidly blocked in her chest that she couldn't even vomit, what else could she say at this moment, nothing at all.


"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yaojia shook her sleeves in resentment, and walked out of the meeting hall with the help of a maid. After walking a certain distance, the anger in her eyes continued to expand, drift, rotate, and rise, and then suddenly exploded, and she stopped. , A fist hit the palace wall.

The two maids were so frightened that their knees gave way and they hurriedly knelt down.

Seeing this, Huamei who came to greet her froze, and said with a slight bow, "Your Majesty, your body is important, don't get pregnant."

Yaojia's anger deeply buried in her heart subsided a little because of these words. She stroked her belly, which was not yet pregnant, took a deep breath, and asked, "Where is Ah Yu?"

"Lord Bai Yu is waiting for His Majesty in the bedroom."

Yaojia clenched her fists, the anger that had just subsided in her eyes turned into a prairie fire, "Go, go back to the palace!"**
In the outer hall of the dormitory, Bai Yu sat cross-legged in front of the table, quietly reading a book, on his severed finger he wore a gold finger cot, the workmanship was extremely delicate, it was impossible to tell that there was a severed finger inside, he just thought it was a Nice accessories.

Standing behind Chi Yi seemed to have something to say, but he didn't dare to say it, his rigid facial features twisted.

Bai Yu was still reading the book, with eyes on the back of his head, and said: "Just say what you want to say, don't suffocate your body."

As if the ban had been lifted, Red Wing breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said: "This subordinate is worried that this old man, Blackbird, will find out that it is the adults who intend to start a war with the dog monsters, and this will be detrimental to the adults."

"So what if he knows, and there is no evidence, at most it is suspicion."

"But Her Majesty's temperament, if you are in a hurry, you may tell your lord."

He heard what Bai Yu said to Yao Jia last night, but he really didn't understand what he wanted.

There was a smile without a smile on the corner of Bai Yu's mouth, "She won't!"

"How can you be sure, my lord? Your majesty is reckless. In order to overwhelm the blackbird, she will probably confess to her. The severed finger of your lord was not done by the dog monsters. If the blackbird finds out, she will definitely investigate thoroughly. If you check it, you will know that it is a non-existent thing. Then the adult will become the liar. Then the blackbird will definitely think that the adult has evil intentions. If he insists on this matter, the adult will become the target of public criticism. They will definitely join forces to deal with adults, it is too dangerous."

"Chiyi, do you think I would be unprepared after what I said last night?"


"You must have underestimated me too much."

"This subordinate doesn't dare. This subordinate is only worried that your lord will be in danger. Speaking of it, this subordinate doesn't understand why your lord framed the matter of severed fingers on the dog monster clan. With your lord's intelligence, you should know that this battle cannot be fought at all. It will expose your lord's plans for many years."

After Bai Yu put down the book, he raised his head. As soon as he raised his head, the sun shone on his cold eyes, which didn't dispel the coldness at all, but intensified it instead.

"Of course I know that this battle cannot be fought, and that's not my original intention."

"What is it for, my lord?"

He smiled slowly, but his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, which couldn't melt away. Even if he smiled, he couldn't see any smile.

"In order for our Queen to clearly understand that she is a king without any real power, she is not even qualified to speak in front of the blackbird. Even if she is a king, she is not as good as an old courtier. The general is not on the same side with her. She wants to do anything and make any decisions through the old man blackbird. She is high above and wearing a royal robe. She can't give orders to anyone. Guess she knows, How would it feel."

"I'm afraid I'll be furious..."

A king without real power is just a bird living in a golden cage without worrying about food and drink. No matter how precious it is, it is just a bird in a cage without any freedom.

"What I want is her furious rage. No matter how stupid she is, she should understand that everything she has now is actually given by the blackbird. If one day the blackbird doesn't even give her food and drink, her situation will be worse than that of a wimp. "

"My lord wants the queen to make up her mind to deal with the blackbird!"

"The blackbird's roots are too deep, and there are many party members. All the nobles in the clan are his people. It is not easy to deal with him, but the queen is always the queen. No matter how powerful the blackbird is, she will not dare to go past her. As long as she Willing to fight, even if she can't bring him down overnight, it will hinder his future actions. She has no one at hand, only me..."

Red Wing understood that they didn't dare to make too much noise in the past because the Queen still had a trust in Blackbird, thinking that he would never betray her. Even though he had opposed many things about Bai Yu, it was because of her For the sake of royal power, not some ulterior selfishness, thinking that she is the elder of the three dynasties, she will always help her, and she is enthroned as queen, if it is not for the blackbird, she will not live so comfortably. She doesn't have to face government troubles all day long, she can do whatever she wants, and there will be a blackbird to handle it for her when she encounters major issues. She only needs to stamp a seal on it, but today this trust will be completely disintegrated, and the love that once cared about him will also follow. Nothing left.

Once this trust is broken, she will start to be wary of Blackbird and his group of people, and will also start to cultivate her own people, and Bai Yu will be No.1, and she will regard him as her confidant, not just lover.

After understanding the true meaning, Chi Yi was so excited that his face trembled. In this way, they can freely do things in the future, and they don't have to be timid anymore.

Sure enough, Yaojia smashed everything she could see as soon as she came back.

He just flew into a rage, wishing he could kill the old blackbird.

Bai Yu naturally wanted to comfort him, but during the comfort, Yao Jia was too excited and accidentally injured his severed finger again.

He endured the pain, and still said good things about the blackbird to him. This situation made her feel sad and heartbroken.

Standing behind was Chiyi with a tangled face, looking more heartbroken than her, because Bai Yu obviously let her hit the severed finger on purpose, otherwise with his ability, how could the severed finger still bleed .

This is a strong medicine, which can completely pull the blackbird out of Yaojia's heart, and become a traitor with great achievements.

"Are you stupid or not? You've been hurt like this, and you still speak good words for him." She looked at Chiyi bandaging his wound with distress, and when she saw the blood on the gauze, she became even angrier. "That old man is nothing."

"Your Majesty can't say that, the clan is also for the whole clan."

"For the whole family? Pooh, he clearly thinks the whole night falcon family belongs to his blackbird family."

"The Clan Prime Minister is the elder of the three dynasties, so he would not have such thoughts. Your Majesty must not anger the Clan Prime Minister for your ministers. Your Majesty even worshiped him as a teacher when he was young."

"That's my father's old eyesight, he believed in the wrong person."

Bai Yu clutched his severed finger, the blood was no longer flowing, he took the finger cot and wanted to put it on.

Yao Jia stopped her and said, "Your injury has just stopped bleeding, so you can't wear it, it's airtight."

"Your Majesty has lost his appetite recently. Looking at this severed finger, wouldn't he lose his appetite even more? It's fine. The finger cot is a gift from His Majesty, and I like it very much."

Every word of his can't avoid her, and it's all for her sake, how could she remain calm, leaned down beside him, and rested her head on his knee, "It's still you who treat me the best, everywhere Thinking of me, in order not to let me and the blackbird have a gap, you are patient everywhere. You know, you are so cold-tempered, I always can't understand you, I thought you would be nice to me, because I am the queen, you can't Rejection, even if you have me in your heart, it is only a little bit. When I was young, every time my father asked you to be my company, you always looked reluctant, but He Ji got along better with you. Every time He Ji Here, you all..."

"Your Majesty!" Bai Yu raised her hand to caress her hair, "I don't remember what happened when I was a child. Your Majesty is the most beloved princess of the late king, and I am just a..."

"You are not allowed to belittle yourself..." Yaojia covered his lips with her hand, "You were gifted and intelligent since you were young, and you can learn everything quickly. None of my younger brothers can compare with you. If it weren't for the queen mother, you would die It won’t be that there is no suitable position until now, if you say that you are a great wizard, it’s just because of your ability, no one dares to question you, but I know that your ability is not only that, even if you want to be king, you are also qualified.”

"Your Majesty!" Bai Yu became anxious and hurriedly knelt down, "I have absolutely no intention of being king."

"Oh, look, I just said that, and you're annoyed again."

"It's His Majesty's words that have offended me."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, can't it be okay if I don't talk, get up quickly, and don't know how to take care of your body." She took his hand and put it on her belly, "Now I have a relationship with you Now that you have a child, it's time to plan well for our children, we must not let the old man Blackbird continue to control the Night Falcon family, the Night Falcon family belongs to me, yours, and our children's."

"His Majesty……"

"I know what you're going to say, but this time I won't listen. Instead, you want to listen to me. Do you want our children to follow the blackbird's face? You want to, but I don't."

"I belong to His Majesty, and I am only loyal to Your Majesty."

Yao Jiaxi said, "That's right, don't look reluctant, this is also for the sake of our future happiness, I will definitely give you an identity worthy of you."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your love." Bai Yu bowed his head respectfully.

"Don't be an old majesty, your majesty calls me, I want to hear you and my Yaoer."


The voice is clear and light, without any emotional ups and downs, but it is the sound of nature in Yaojia's ears.

She threw herself into his arms, "Ayu, do you know that I fell in love with you the first time I saw you."

He knew, and because he knew, he respected her back then, but fate is so weird, the more he doesn't want to be contaminated, the more he will stick to her, but this kind of fate has never been what he wanted, so he will cut it off with his own hands. it.

From this moment on...

 A blackbird...not a crow, everyone can see clearly.Hahaha.

  Friends Wenwen PK, please help to collect!
  "Older Rent Marriage Husband Is a Rascal"

  Belongs to Secret Service Marriage and Love Essay, author: Qingxue Ningyu:

  She was just doing a task, but she was disturbed by a cat meow...

  In a hurry, he grabbed a male publicist Bidong on the toilet door, and then the first kiss was gone.

  He was also doing a mission, but someone got ahead of him...

  Just as he was about to leave, he was dragged into the toilet, and then he kissed it like a treasure!

  Then the ambulance came and he went to the hospital.


  Three days later, she spent money to rent him and became her boyfriend who went home for the New Year.



  She buried herself in the hole she dug herself; the rented boyfriend became the legal husband in the red book.

  "Stinky duck, you dare to touch me!"

  "My wife, if you don't touch the flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, I will be laughed at for being incompetent."

  So, good things just happened in such a muddled way...

(End of this chapter)

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