The dog demon comes to tease a wife

Chapter 357 Part 118 Li Wang wants to recall the past

Chapter 357 Part 118 Li Wang wants to recall the old days

As soon as Li Wang wanted to reminisce about the old days, there were only two words in Yu Mo's mind - don't go!
How could it be possible to go! ?
She and him are inseparable, and there is nothing to say when they go there. When they first met, he bullied her so badly. If it wasn't because of Mei Luo's relationship, she couldn't fight against the fox demon clan, she would have let Taotie go. Go out and fight him.

"Sister Ning Yi, I still have some things to do, so I won't be reminiscing about the old days. Say hello to King Li for me, that's it!"

She wanted to leave as soon as she started, but there was no way ahead.

"Sister Ning Yi, look at this road..."

Ning Yi's expression froze, and he took out a dagger from his sleeve, and when the sun shone, it shone silver.

Yu Mo was startled, and shouted: "Sister, what are you doing?"

She didn't think that Ning Yi wanted to hold her hostage, King Li and Mei Luo were already allies, and this was the Dogland, so doing so was undoubtedly causing trouble.

"Ning Yi failed to complete the matter that His Highness explained, so he can only apologize with death."

After finishing speaking, she put the dagger on her fair neck. The dagger was extremely sharp, and as soon as she put it on, there was a bloodstain, which shocked Yu Mo's eyes.

"Sister, you can't do it!"

This trick is really ruthless, it is obviously a bitter trick that she is sure she will not set up, although she knows it is a bitter trick, but Ning Yi may not take it seriously.

The word loyalty, she has seen many examples in this group of monsters, it is even more stupid than stupid loyalty.

"Miss, don't persuade me, Ning Yi is incompetent!"

Incompetent bastard!Yumo sighed inwardly.She is not a dead person, how can she remain indifferent, even if it is a trap, she has to jump into it.

"I'll go, I'll go right away, my sister quickly put down the dagger, such a beautiful neck is injured, what a crime."

Ning Yi said happily, "Miss Xie is perfect!"

"Go back, but the ugly words are first, I really have nothing to say with your Li Wang, he asked you to invite me in such a way, I might give him two slaps first when I go, you can be mentally prepared Prepare."

Ning Yi frowned in astonishment, wondering if Her Royal Highness expected this consequence?

"Okay, let's go! Go and come back, I'm still in a hurry to feed the pets!"

"Miss, please!"

The palace where King Li lives is in the north of the palace. It has always been a place to greet distinguished guests. There have been some government affairs exchanges between the monster clans in ancient times, and most of the envoys' residences are here. In order to protect the distinguished guests and the family members Safety, here is also protected by an enchantment, and there is a restricted area. If envoys and VIPs need to enter the restricted area, they must communicate in advance. If they trespass without permission, they can be killed without mercy.

The restricted area leads to the main hall of the royal palace, forming a triangular area with the side hall where the distinguished guest lives. However, King Li is an ally. In order to show his sincerity, the restricted area is not guarded against his troops, and they can come and go freely.

His residence is the largest and most luxurious one in this side hall, and it matches his status well.

There is indeed a peach blossom tree in the temple, its branches and buds have been flourishing for thousands of years, and it is green, but it does not bloom, not even a flower bud. But last night, the peach blossoms suddenly bloomed, covering the branches, like a huge peach red umbrella.

The petals are blown down by the wind, flying all over the sky, and the pieces can be seen. The flowers are flying in the rain, and the fragrance is tangy. Coupled with the unique blue sky, it becomes a peerless beauty, which is unforgettable at first sight. The dog demon maids stayed up all night to see this unsightly scenery, and now all of them are working with dark circles under their eyes.

When Yumo came, he saw the scene of flowers and rain from afar.

It really is outrageously beautiful!
Li Wang stood under the rain of flowers, looking up at the beautiful scenery with his hands behind his back. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned around gently. His white clothes were smudged by the sun, glowing faintly, like a fairy descended from heaven, blown by the wind. At the time of promotion, how can a jade tree face the wind to describe it, and he is gorgeous, like a man and a woman, with long eyebrows like willows, and a body like a jade tree, standing like this in the rain of flowers, even if Yumo has seen a lot after coming to the mountain and sea world Beautiful man, I have to admit that this man is a goblin.

But it doesn't matter if he's good-looking, she won't have a good impression of him, thinking of that bullying and the way Ning Yi invited her, she just wants to go up and slap him twice.

"I'm here. If you have anything to say, say it quickly. After you finish speaking, I can go back."

Her tone was full of impatience, but Li Wang was not only not angry, but also looked at her with a smile for a long time.

"What are you looking at, if you fart, let it go."

I can't blame her for uttering obscene language, it's just that this monster is too bad.

"I kindly invited you to enjoy the flowers, is that your temper?"

"This is still polite to you. Look at what you have done. If I come here with Ning Yi, do you really want her to die?"

"She is my subordinate, and it is my duty to complete my mission..."

"Bah!" Yu Mo wished he could spit at him, pointing at his nose and cursing, "You are obviously full of bad water!"

He chuckled, and suddenly grabbed her hand, "There is really some bad water."

In order to let her come, he had to go through a lot of twists and turns. The peach tree that hadn't bloomed for a thousand years was able to bloom once, because he ate his demon power, and he ate a lot.

"Don't move your hands and feet."

"That can't be done!" Still smiling, but Yan Jue Wushuang, "How can I let you understand my intentions if you don't use hands and feet."

"Ah!?" Yu Mo was stunned, seeing that he didn't look like he was joking, he panicked, "You...what do you mean?"

"Mo Mo is so smart, how could he not know?"

Her slender jade fingers are delicate and white, each one is like a jade carving, without a trace of blemish, there used to be, but after eating the fire magic fruit, her whole body is as if the skin has been rubbed off, and it is as tender and white as an egg that has been peeled off its shell .

Yu Mo felt the scorching heat of his eyes on her fingers, and shook him away vigorously.He didn't let go, bowed his head and dropped a kiss on the back of her hand.

The kiss was very light, with falling petals, and it was slightly cool, but Yu Mo seemed to be scalded by a branding iron, his whole body trembled, his face turned red, he couldn't tell whether it was anger or embarrassment, and he twitched his hand with all his might He came back and hid behind his back.

"Do you understand now!?" His voice was as cold as the kiss, but it was very pleasant, like a clear spring flowing through the mountains.

Yu Mo just wanted to escape at this moment, so he took a step back slowly, and then took another step. He was about to run away, but found a wall behind him, so he leaned against it.

King Li approached step by step, trapping her in front of him just like that.

She wasn't too short, but she was extremely petite in front of him. Yu Mo tensed her back and leaned straight against the wall.

"You...don't come here!"

"Momo, it's a bit late to say this, I've already come over!"

The two were so close that they couldn't fit within the distance of a palm.

Yumo reflexively pushed his hands towards him, trying to push him away, but he remained motionless, like a mountain with roots.

"Speak...speak as you speak, don't get so close."

"Speaking like this is in line with my state of mind at the moment!"

After Mount Sumeru, he had never been so close to her. Even if he had met, he would have seen her from a distance. She was so well protected by the dog demon king, and she had a reclusive personality. It would be difficult to see her in the palace. ascend to heaven.

If you want to say that she is as beautiful as a flower, she is also beautiful, but if you want to say that she is really beautiful, she is still a little bit worse, not to mention feminine, she is not as delicate as her daughter's family. She was possessed by a demon, and let her plant a bud in her heart. Although it had sprouted slightly, it could be pulled out at any time, but Xumishan and his party made this bud take root that was difficult to pull out.

He liked her, and he knew it from the first time they met.

At that time, she was still an ugly little dog demon, but those eyes were so radiant, like a treasure, that fascinated his mind.

Stubborn, unyielding, and...not afraid of death!

In fact, his liking was just to pet her at the beginning, like raising a cute little animal, which can be teased and passed the time in his spare time, but when they met for the second time, she surprised him and fought with people on the street The most eye-catching girl is her eyes, which are astonishingly bright and shining like pearls, never to be forgotten.

At that time, she was no longer a little dog demon, but a woman who aroused his emotions and desires.

Then came Mount Sumeru and his party.

She got Taotie, got Candle Dragon, her worth is a hundred times higher, and she has reached the point where one enemy can defeat a thousand. She is a human being, and she will be the only owner of Pangu Axe in the future.

The treasure was the evaluation he gave her at that time.

His liking was mixed with selfishness, thinking that she could help him in the future, but he did not deny that she was an interesting woman, so he moved his mind to want her.

As soon as I was tempted, the bud in my heart grew bigger, and before I knew it, it became a small tree.

Yu Mo is not stupid. When he kissed the back of his hand, he knew what was on his mind. This kind of thing should not be said by herself, but her brain was emptied by shock, and she said it without any scruples. come out.

"You don't like me!?"

A vortex appeared in Li Wang's eyes, very pleasantly surprised.

"Momo, you are really smart!"

He admitted it, but Yu Mo couldn't believe it.

What does he like about her?When did he start liking her?
It doesn't make sense.

The first time we met, he was vicious and insidious, and bullied her almost to death. If Mei Luo hadn't caught up in time, she would definitely have died in that forest.

And then... there was Mount Xumi, she never gave her a good face from the beginning to the end, as soon as he approached, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and would blow up at him... Is he sick!


Her mind went blank again.

Could this guy have some hidden disease?

For example, like to abuse women?
Startled, she looked at him in horror.

She was so inexplicably terrified that King Li was a little confused.

What an expression! ?

Is it so scary to be liked by him?As if he were a scourge.

"Momo, how about it?" He asked if she would agree.

"Why are you a big-headed ghost, you pervert!"

Yu Mo burst into anger, and greeted him directly with a slap.

There was a crackling sound, which shook the peach tree to rain more flowers.

Li Wang didn't hide, but took the slap abruptly, and his delicate left face turned red immediately.

When Ning Bao, who was hiding behind the tree, saw it, he drew his sword angrily and wanted to cut Yu Mo, but Ning Yi stopped him.

"Sister, what are you stopping me for, this woman slaps His Highness..."

"Shut up, Your Highness is not angry, why are you angry!? Take back the sword!"

Li Wang didn't know if he was stunned by the beating, but he didn't respond.

Yumo struggled desperately, "Pervert, let me go! Did you hear me, let me go!"

She is like a trapped animal, not only using her hands, but also her feet. This kind of abnormality will never let him succeed.

"How dare you hit me..."

He breathed out a breath of cold air, which made Yumo's chest tight. When he saw him raise his hand, he thought he wanted to fight back, and he grabbed the demon refining pot around his neck tightly, but Li Wang didn't move her, he just stroked her. The place.

"Can this slap dispel my bullying towards Lin Haishi silently?"

He was not angry, and the swirl in his eyes was still warm.

"If you are not relieved, you can strike again."

Yumo rolled her eyes.

"If you don't fight, I will just silently let go of my anger, then... I will ask for a gift in return!"

Pay back! ?
what! ?

Yu Mo was stunned, and he lowered his head, wanting to kiss her.

She trembled, and greeted her again.

"It's late!" He grabbed her hand and cut it behind her back, the lust on his face was too obvious.

Now that he is here, he must have a taste of her. He didn't want to be so straightforward, but this girl's method of boiling frogs in warm water may never be understood in her life.

Suddenly, a rain of flowers fell violently, and a strong evil spirit approached.

Li Wang subconsciously released his demon power and turned around to resist.

When he turned his head, he saw Mei Luo.

After the two streams of monster energy collided, they exploded and uprooted the thousand-year-old peach tree, completely destroying it.

"Mei Luo!" Breaking free from the shackles of Li Wang, she ran to Mei Luo who came at no time.

Mei Luo's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the huge sword transformed from monster energy in his hand was just a hair away from splitting King Li. He protected Yu Mo and looked at King Li ferociously.

"Li Wang wants women, I can give ten of them tonight!"

Li Wang's demonic aura is also transformed into a sword, the two swords are evenly matched, burning with the demonic aura, the wind blows the dust.

"Ten? The dog demon king thinks that Mo Mo in his arms is only worth ten other women?"

"King Li wants to declare war?"

"Why not!"

"it is good!"

In the blink of an eye, the two were already entangled with each other, their movements were extremely fast, and they had exchanged dozens of moves in the air.

Ning Yi and Ning Bao were blown away more than ten feet by the evil spirit that destroyed the peach tree just now. Ning Bao's protector was eager to help in the battle, so Ning Yi immediately shouted, "Don't do anything!"

"But Your Highness..."

"The demonic aura just now has blown you and me away by more than ten feet. Do you think you have the ability to fight the dog demon king? Don't make a move. Going there will only hinder His Highness!"

Yu Mo was right under Mei Luo and Li Wang, feeling the strong wind blowing against his face and suffocating his breath, the figures of the two fighting in his eyes were dazzling and changeable, like butterflies wearing flowers, you come and go, tumbling, in the clear sky A streak of golden and purple streamers swirled, and wherever it passed, the air burst, and tiny cracks continued to extend out of the smooth ground under her feet, intertwined vertically and horizontally.

Mei Luo in the air is worried that she will be hurt by her and Li Wang's evil spirit, and asks her to release the candle dragon to protect herself.

Just as Yumo was about to summon Zhulong, the demon refining pot made a movement of its own, and Taotie's head popped out.

"Oh, Mo Mo, why did your two men fight?"

"What is my man, only one!"

"Did I remember wrongly, the fox and the dog, that's right, two men, by the way, and a wolf?" Taotie came out, his body was shrunk, only the size of a Shiba Inu, when he spoke, The monster energy barrier was released, covering Yumo.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Taotie thought he was right, and said without hesitation: "Don't underestimate yourself, you are my master, not to mention three men, thirty men are enough, but I don't like that stinky dog ​​very much, boy wolf is very nice, This fox is not bad either, you have to learn how to spread the rain and dew evenly, you can’t hang yourself on a tree, it’s all fighting!”

When Yu Mo heard this, her face turned red like a persimmon.

The battle between Mei Luo and Li Wang in the air was still fierce, it was not a fight to the death, because neither of them had changed into their original forms.

"Mei Luo, stop hitting!"

Yumo was worried that something would happen, which would hurt King Li, how could they form an alliance if they turned against each other, but no one listened to her.

I don't know what Li Wang said above, so that the air around Mei Luo immediately became moist and heavy, the sword's light suddenly rose sharply, and a fan-shaped golden light curtain was pulled open with a sound, like lightning bursting above the sky.

King Li didn't show weakness either, he pointed at the blade of the sword, and grabbed and killed him with extremely close distance and strong strength.

The murderous aura of the two was so sharp that the air was rubbed against each other vigorously, making a sharp sound like a ghost howling.

Seeing that Mei Luo couldn't hear her, she begged Tao Tie, "Stop them!"

"Why do you want to stop it? It's obviously a fight for status, let them fight! Whoever wins will sleep with me tonight."

This... is really getting more and more outrageous.

"This is an order, do you want to do it? If you don't do it, you won't have dinner tonight!"

"Okay, okay, let me go, why are you angry!"

It flew up, sharp and fierce, and it couldn't do without the demon refining pot, but Yu Mo was its master, so he could use his avatar to wander around her at close range, and this distance was just right.

With a roar, Taotie turned over like an angry dragon and pushed the two of them apart.

If it comes forward, this fight will definitely not go on, and Mei Luo and Li Wang can only give up.

After landing, Yu Mo ran to Mei Luo's side, "Are you injured?"

His face was extremely ugly, he was silent, but there was no injury on his body.

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled him away, "Let's talk back if we have something to say!"

He didn't refuse, and let her drag him away.

 The love in Shudu is courageous, just like the love in college, not looking for results, only for love.

  Li Wang's love is mixed with interests, it is very realistic, just like a marriage between wealthy families, but it does not mean that there will be no happiness.

  Meiluo's love can be said to be the most selfless, but it is illusory in reality.

  It would be fine if it was female respected text.Ha ha ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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