Chapter 358 Part 120

That night.

After King Li took a bath, Ning Yi brought over the cooked tea, "His Royal Highness, drink tea!"

Xu Shi had just taken a bath, and there was a faint fragrance on his body, and the intoxicating breath diffused from the rolled sleeves, and the breath he exhaled was sweet.

"Hmm!" He took the cup and sniffed lightly, with a graceful posture, not paying attention to the afternoon's affairs at all.

Ning Bao was being punished to stand in the corner, his handsome face suffused with depression, he had been standing for more than two hours, and his dinner was also waived, the reason for the punishment was that this kid planned to beat the dog demon king in the middle of the night.

"Your Highness, will today's incident cause a gap between the dog demon king?"

Li Wang tasted the fragrant tea and said with a smile: "Women belong to women, and an alliance is an alliance. This king's fight with him is completely a private matter. If he has a gap with this king, how can he be a king with this kind of temperament and mind? How can this king be king?" How could you form an alliance with him?"

"But today, the dog demon king is so fierce and murderous that he really seems to want to get rid of His Highness." Thinking of what happened in the afternoon, she still has lingering fears.

"If you change places, this king will do the same. How can you swallow the anger that the woman you like is kissed by another man?"

"Your Highness, you are really reckless. Although Ning Yi doesn't have much contact with that young lady, she can be seen to be a very temperamental master. I'm afraid I will take a detour when I see Your Highness in the future."

"Yi'er, wasn't it the same when Xianyang was chasing you back then? He was unsmiling, and he was the most principled in his dealings. When he chased you, he didn't use his skin. After all, you women prefer to stalk you rather than be gentle and polite. hit."

Xianyang is the guard general of the royal family of the Fox Monster Clan, and also Ning Yi's husband. He is extremely serious and strict. He and Ning Yi can be regarded as happy friends. At first, they didn't like each other, and they would quarrel when they met. In the end, it didn't make a difference. Good marriage.

Ning Yi's charming face immediately blushed, she stomped her feet and said, "Your Highness, why are you talking about me for no reason?"

"Make a metaphor!"

"Xianyang is not like His Highness, who kisses people whenever he sees them!"

Li Wang teased, "Hey, is that so, why do I remember that he asked you out three times, but you didn't come to the appointment? He was so angry that he sneaked into your boudoir in the middle of the night and yelled in front of you that he wanted to marry you?"

Ning Bao who was standing in the corner heard it, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Your Highness, I also remember this incident. It was so loud that our chocobos stopped laying eggs."

Ning Yi picked up the tray on the table and threw it at him, "Who told you to talk, stand up."

"Sister, I've been standing for two hours, and I haven't eaten yet." He rubbed his stomach, "Hungry!"

"I have to stand when I'm hungry. It seems that the punishment is not enough. I need to stand for two more hours."

"Ah!?" Ning Bao's face fell, and he secretly looked at King Li.

Li Wang doted on him very much, treated him as his younger brother, and said: "Stop standing, go to the kitchen to eat, but remember, don't be reckless in the future."

"Thank you Your Highness, Your Highness is still good to me." He stuck out his tongue at Ning Yi, "Sister, it's not that I don't listen to you, it's Your Highness who ordered me to eat, this is an order!"

"You can be glib and mischievous, so you can rely on His Highness to pamper you."

"Hey!" He snorted and slipped with oil on the soles of his feet.

Ning Yi picked up the teapot, poured tea into King Li's empty cup, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness is so rough today, this young lady probably doesn't like His Highness at all, and her character has fallen to the bottom. How to establish a relationship with her."

King Li took a sip of tea, and said: "If you don't take some strong medicine, that girl will never understand my king's thoughts. She is smart, but she has a very dull temper. Now that she has made things clear, it will be a little bit worse. It is beneficial for the king to act."

When chasing someone, you must let them know what you are thinking, otherwise there is nothing else to chase.

Ning Yi teased: "If you run away when you see His Highness, what will His Highness do?"

If she meets such a Meng Lang, she will never want to see him again. This is different from her husband's behavior of Meng Lang who broke into the boudoir at night. At that time, she also had feelings for him. Unlike this His Highness, he didn't even say a word. It's a strong attack, if it were her, ten slaps would not be too much.

"Isn't this still you?"

"Me?" She was startled, not understanding what he meant at all.

"If she doesn't want to marry me, then I have to trouble Yi'er to use a thousand wires to restrain her, so that I can be a bully and cook the raw rice." After finishing speaking, he smiled. all open.

"Your Highness!" Ning Yi was startled, and reprimanded, "How can such shameless things be done? The love between men and women should be a matter of mutual affection. How can this be worthy of His Highness's wisdom? Submit, if Your Highness has this heart, Ning Yi will definitely persuade you with death!"

She is a woman, so she naturally looks at things from a woman's point of view. This kind of thing that disregards a woman's wishes and rapes her body is really abominable. Her face is full of righteous indignation, and her eyes are fiercely staring at Li king.

Li Wang couldn't help laughing, his shoulders trembled, "Yi'er, Yi'er, you really look more and more like Xianyang!"

"What's the matter, Mr. Guan!"

"Look in the mirror and see that you are like a husband and wife with him. He used to train this king just like you."

The narrow look on his face made Ning Yi understand that he had been fooled, and stomped his feet in anger, "Your Highness!"

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in coercing women. Forcing women is not sweet. I understand this truth. I made a joke with you, but I actually took it seriously."

He is really not interested in forcing a woman, the joy of fish and water, the joy of the world, if it is not willing, what's the point of asking for it, but today he is not able to kiss Fangze, he also has some regrets, and at the same time he also knows one thing, The dog demon king treated her like a pearl like a treasure, and he was surrounded by eyeliner, so he had to be more careful in his actions in the future, if he deceived her like today, he might not have another chance.

Ning Yi said righteously: "Even if it's a joke, you can't say it out of His Highness's mouth. What is His Highness's identity, if people listen to it, who will care if it's true or not. Isn't His Highness a villain."

Li Wang heard this, shook his head and sighed, "I'm really poisoned by Xianyang, this king will almost never say anything about you..."

"Ningyi speaks from the heart!"

"Okay, okay, you are right, everything is right, my lord..."

He got up and was about to go back to the dormitory to rest, but unexpectedly there was a loud bang outside, as if something had exploded.

Both Li Wang and Ning Yi were shocked.

Ning Yi walked out and shouted: "What happened?"

There was a commotion outside, and the waiters were also frightened. No one could tell clearly. She looked in the direction of the sound source, and there was a wall collapsed under the dust.

Just as he was about to find out the reason, a black shadow suddenly fell from above his head.

"Smelly fox, come out!" Shudu erupted with demonic aura and roared like thunder. The battle ax in his hand was still stained with gravel from the palace wall. You could tell how the wall fell at a glance. up.

Li Wang came out, "Wolf Demon King, why are you so angry?"

"Ask you!" Shu Du pointed to his nose, his face was full of anger, and his two fangs were exposed from his mouth, "You dare to be so frivolous and silent, I will kill you."

It turned out that the rival in love came to fight.

Although I don't know how he knew, but since he came, Li Wang will not back down.

"My slender lady, the gentleman is so arrogant."

"Fuck you, Momo is something you can touch, she is my future queen, dead fox, I don't care how much bad water you have in your stomach in the past, but bullying Momo, I can't let you go, watch the trick! "

The huge battle ax came down on the head.

Li Wang released a demonic barrier to block it, and started fighting without talking nonsense.

The demonic whirlwind exploded within a radius of more than ten feet like an air wave, blowing away the surrounding dog demon maids like a tornado, and only Ning Yi could stand still.

Ning Bao rushed out from the kitchen, holding a bull leg in his hand, "Sister, is the dog demon king coming again?"

"No!" She pointed to the air, "Another enemy!"

Ning Bao raised his head, the moonlight was dim, and the sky was outlined with a shade of dark silver, one black and one white figures were fighting in this dark silver, the white one was His Highness, the black one was...

He froze for a moment, although he couldn't see the figure clearly, but he recognized the evil spirit.

"Why is it the wolf demon king!"

Ning Yi spat, "Even he is a troublesome one." She glared at Ning Bao and warned, "You are not allowed to make a move."

"I know!" He has learned to be good and knows not to be reckless, but it is difficult for him to just watch like this, "Sister, you can't just watch them fight like this."

"The wolf demon king can't hurt His Highness."

"I know, but His Highness can't hurt him either. If this fight continues, it won't be dawn."

"That's okay!"

In the air, Shudu and Li Wang were fighting fiercely. The two were of equal strength, and it was hard to tell the winner. The tree rolled into the air, and the petals left on the branches flew up again, spinning around the wind of evil spirit.

The demonic aura of Shudu's fierce killing was astonishingly fast, and he attacked it with anger, as if shocked by lightning, wishing to poke a blood hole in Li Wang's body.

Li Wang flicked his horizontal sword, and when the blade was turned over, purple light protruded, and the monster energy flowed around it strangely.

There was another bang, and both of them were bounced away by the opponent's evil spirit for several feet.

The moonlight was cool, and both of them had their long clothes flying in the night wind, their undressed and sleeves flying like clouds, like two ostriches soaring above the nine heavens.

"Wolf demon king, if you fight with me, you may not be able to tell the winner in three days and three nights."

Shu Du gritted his teeth and yelled angrily: "That will be beaten!"

"If you want to fight, this king will naturally accompany you, but this is the dog realm, not your or my territory."

"so what!?"

"You and I are both guests, is it unreasonable for the host?"

Shu Du sneered and said: "Don't use such words to prevaricate me. If you dropped something or smashed something, you just have to pay for it afterwards. If you don't have money, I have it!"

"Brother Shu, be generous!"

"Brother Shu?" Shu Du twitched his eyebrows, "Who told you to shout like that, I don't recognize your brother."

Regardless of age or status, Brother Shu's name is inappropriate.

Li Wang was actually being polite, but Shu Du obviously didn't accept this.

"Although you and I had no relationship in the past, we are both on the same boat now, and we deserve this title."

"Hmph, don't think I'll forgive you if you talk sweetly. If you bully Momo, you're bullying me."

"How did I bully her?"

"You kid, how dare you not admit it!" Shu Du's eye circles were red with anger, and the anger in his eyes was filled with the word "jealousy", and he said in an urgent and unsteady tone: "How dare dare you want to kiss her."

Mei Luo put eyeliner around Yu Mo, and he put it on too, but this is a dog environment, and the eyeliner should not be too much, and it is easy to be discovered, so he received the news late, and when he found out, people would explode with anger .

Li Wang raised his eyebrows and asked back: "Don't you think Brother Shu doesn't want to?"

The question was so wonderful that Shu was speechless.

Want to?

Of course I do!
Think every day, every night!
However, even if he didn't dare to make a move, he was taken a step ahead by this kid. Fortunately, he didn't succeed, but even if he didn't succeed, he couldn't swallow this breath.

"Do you care if I want to or not? I just want to, so what? I know Momo before you."

This kind of thing doesn't talk about first come first served, but Shu always thinks so.

"Momo is so cute, brother Shu's love is hard to control and it should be, but Momo has you in his heart?"

Shu was stunned.

Li Wang hit the nail on the head and said: "No!"

The word 'no' made Shudu's fangs grow an inch longer, and he became even more angry, "You..."

"She doesn't even have this king in her heart!"

"Hey!?" He was stunned again.

"Since there is none, why did brother Shu bother me?"

Shu Du was stunned. It really made sense to say that, but he didn't come here for this, but was silently bullied, and he wanted to vent the anger on his behalf.

"What the hell are you trying to say, kid?"

"This king just wants to remind Brother Shu that the love in Momo's heart is not you and me, but the Dog Demon King. He is Brother Shu's rival in love and also this King's. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. What does Brother Shu think?"


A rival in love is also an enemy, Momo likes a stinky dog, as long as Momo likes a stinky dog ​​for a day, he won't be able to win her heart for a day, so the stinky fox is the same.

That smelly dog ​​is the enemy of both of them.

"You kid makes sense!"

"Brother Shu praised you absurdly. This king also sincerely wants to make friends with Brother Shu, so he expressed what he thought in his heart. Since this is the case, shouldn't this king and Brother Shu share the same hatred and work together to eradicate the dog demon king from Mo Mo's heart?"

"Yes, you are right!" Shu Du put away his demonic aura and said happily, "King Li, you really understand the truth."

"Brother Shu can understand."

Shu Du put his hips on his hips and laughed wildly, as if he had been deceived by King Li, but this did not mean that he was out of his mind. He turned his thoughts and asked a sharp question.

"Smelly Dog is our enemy, but if Mo Mo doesn't like Stinky Dog, this enemy will be gone, so what about you and me?"

Li Wang smiled, like a Utan-like smile blooming on the corner of his lips, "If this enemy is not eliminated, what about you and me? It is the best strategy to defeat the enemy first. After defeating the enemy, each will rely on his own ability What do you think, Brother Shu?"

Shu Du glanced at him, smiled and praised, "Good, good, well said!"

"Then, brother Shu, would you like to have a truce with this king and enter the palace for a cup of tea?"

The capital of Shu flew to the ground, and his face, which had been sinking in the anger and darkness before, finally looked good. He was probably happy. He smiled happily. When he bloomed, his face was like a bright moon rising slowly from the end of the blue sea. It would definitely make a group of women dizzy A dizzy.

"Come on, I'm also thirsty, let your maid cook tea, she cooks tea deliciously."


Li Wang also fell to the ground, his brows were also beaming with joy, compared to the pure masculine appearance of Shudu, he was a little more charming, and his flowing and transcendent temperament was the color of spring that was bright and fragrant.

"Yi'er, make tea!"


Only Ning Bao stood at the door stupidly, and the cow leg in his hand fell to the ground.


That's it!
This makes friends!

The wolf demon king is too easy to deceive!

The next day, Mei Luo summoned all the elders and Bu Jie to the meeting hall.

Just as Bu Jie was about to take his seat, Mei Luo announced forcefully on the throne that he would marry Yu Mo as his queen. Extremely firm, with an undeniable momentum.

"There is no need to be too extravagant in the matter of becoming a queen, but the etiquette must be in place, and nothing is allowed to be missed. You quickly draw up a charter. The king of Jiri has been selected, and it will be the eighteenth next month! There should be plenty of time, you guys How do you feel?"

how! ?
What else... His tone was completely non-negotiable, it was clearly a decision and he just let them know.

Bu Jie was so shocked that he didn't dare to sit down on his buttocks, so he vacated on the chair.

It happened so suddenly that he was not mentally prepared at all. Although he knew that this day would come sooner or later, but when it really came, he was a little stunned. He looked at Cang Wu.

He is the head of the elders and the one who most opposes Yu Mo being the queen, but at this moment he seems to have heard a very common thing, and his expression is indifferent.

This is not right!
Elder Hongsong said: "Does the king want to make that human woman his queen?"

Mei Luo snorted, "What does the elder think?"

Well, the elder thought that he was clearly telling her that he was going to fix Yu Mo, and they had no right to object.

As a result, the entire meeting hall was a little strangely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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